Middle English Dictionary Entry

squār(e adj.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Having a square surface or covering a square area; in the shape of a square; of a formation of troops: square in outline; of a cloister: four-sided, rectangular; also, of walls: enclosing a square area; even ~, exactly square; (b) having a square cross section; (c) of timber: cut to a square cross section; also, cut to a rectangular cross section; even ~, exactly squared; (d) in the shape of a cube, cubical; of a mace: having a cubical head; (e) of a stone: hewn to a square or cubical shape; also, roughly cubical in dimensions, massive [quot.: ?c1421; quot. may belong to 3.(b)]; ~ angler, a cornerstone cut to a right angle; ~ assheler, a squared stone used for pavement or other masonry; (f) in measurements of square area or cross section: on each equilateral side; cubite ~, fot ~, mile ~, etc.; also, in designation of square footage [quot.: a1450]; (g) in measurement of volume: fot ~, a cubic foot; (h) ?at a right angle to the perpendicular, on a line parallel (to sth.); also, as adv.: at a right angle [1st quot.].
(a) Of weapons, needles, the heads of spears or arrows: ground or whet at a cutting angle or to a point; ~ grounden, ~ whet; also fig. of the tongue; (b) of diamonds: having square sides, faceted.
(a) Of a human body or parts thereof: thick-set, sturdy, squarely or strongly built; (b) of window bars: strong; of the cross: massive.