Middle English Dictionary Entry
berling n.(1)
Entry Info
Forms | berling n.(1) Also barling, birling. |
Etymology | ON; cp. OI berlings-āss. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
A pole (?for propelling a boat); ~ tre.
Associated quotations
- 1295 *Acc.Exch.K.R.5/8.m.13 [OD col.] : In quadam Naue conducta pro Remis et Birlinges.
- 1296 *Acc.Exch.K.R.5/20.m.5 [OD col.] : In xliij Byrlynges Inuentis in domo Ade Jargone.
- 1307-8 *Acc.Exch.K.R.Bundle 14 No.14 [OD col.] : In..berlyngges emptis..pro dicta Bargia.
- (1417) *For.Acc.(PRO) 8 Hen.IV Cx/1 [OD col.] : De iij Couples Scaltrowes xxj Barlinges.
- (1417) *For.Acc.(PRO) 8 Hen.IV C/ij [OD col.] : Berlingez.
- (1420) *For.Acc.(PRO) 3 Hen.VI F/2 dorso [OD col.] : 1 magnus Remus vocatus Skulle, iiij berlyngtrees, viij tribulis.
- (1420) *For.Acc.(PRO) 3 Hen.VI H dorso [OD col.] : Cum..iij Berlynges.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- (1358-9) in Sandahl ME Sea Terms 215 : Idem computat in ..peciis merenij, C poles pro birling.
- (1399-1401) in Sandahl ME Sea Terms 215 : De Scaltrowes vj; de byrlynges xxiiij.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- (1424-5) in Sandahl ME Sea Terms 216 : In..viij Remis vocatis Ores, j magno Remo vocato Skull', berlyngtrees iiij tribul', j tricepully, ij scoupes.
Note: This appears to be the same (?) passage and locus cited previously from the OD slip collection, as For.Acc.(PRO) 3 Hen.VI F/2 dorso. If so, the discrepancies have not been resolved.