Middle English Dictionary Entry
sǒulās n.
Entry Info
Forms | sǒulās n. Pl. sǒulāces, sǒuthelāses, sǒut-, sūthlāces, (?error) sur-. |
Etymology | From lās n.; the form surlāces may show substitution of sur- pref. forsǒu- pref., but cp. OF sor-, var. of sos-. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Arch. A strut or brace used to support a collar-beam tying together a set of rafters.
Associated quotations
- (1374) in Salzman Building in Engl.211 : Videlicet copulas sive sparres, wyndbems, suthlaces, aschelers, [etc.].
- (1405) in Salzman Building in Engl.480 : Tectum dicte aule fiet competenter et honeste cum soulaces, Assheler, et Jowpeces cum uno Archecouple in medio eiusdem aule dictum tectum supportante.
- (1438) in Salzman Building in Engl.511 : Fulfyllynge the spandres of the braas with mountantes, lyernys, braces, raftheris with assheleris, footlaces or jowe pecis, and surlaces.
- (1448) in Salzman Building in Engl.211 : All the sowthelases and the asshelers shall accord in brede with the sparres and on the other part thes shall be iiij inches squar.
- (1449) in Willis & C.Cambridge 210 : And all the sowtlases, asshalers, walplatz, and jopees that shull nede to the seides howses shull accord with the other syde the wich is now redy framed.