Middle English Dictionary Entry

shrīven v.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. ishriven v.
(a) Refl. To make confession, make confession (to sb., to God); also iron., with implication of impending decease [quot.: Chaucer TC]; (b) refl. ~ o (of), to confess (sins), make confession of; confess (sins to sb.); also fig.; (c) refl. to confess (one's life, that one has done sth.); (d) to confess (sth.); confess (one's life, sins, etc. to sb., to God); ~ herte, lay bare one's heart (to sb.); (e) to go to confession, confess; ~ of, confess (one's sins); also, make one's confession concerning (love).
(a) To administer the sacrament of penance to (sb.); hear the confession of (sb.); also, absolve (sb.); also fig.; ~ of, hear the confession of (sb.) of (his life, sins, etc.); ~ to, administer the sacrament of penance to (sb.); (b) ben shriven, to make one's confession, be confessed; receive the sacrament of penance; also, be absolved; of sins: be confessed; ppl. shriven, having confessed or received confession; also, absolved; (c) ben shriven of, to be confessed of (one's sins, deeds, life, etc.), confess (a sin or vice); (d) to hear confessions, administer the sacrament of penance; (e) ben shriven, ?to be solemnly sworn or pledged.
Used to translate Vulgate confitēri or in theol. contexts based on this use: (a) to give praise (to God); (b) to praise (sth.).
In phrases: nought ~, to be unaware; nought ~ of, care nothing about (sth.); ?also, be unaware of (sb.).