Middle English Dictionary Entry
saumple n.
Entry Info
Forms | saumple n. Also saumpel, -pul, sample, -pel, -pul, saunpil. |
Etymology | AF sa(u)mple (vars. of OF essemple) or shortened form of ME ensaumple n. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. essample n., exaumple n.
(a) A typical representative of a class; writen saumples of, to give examples of (sth.); (b) an instance serving as illustration of a method; (c) a small quantity of a substance by which the quality of the whole may be judged, a sample; ~ weth, a sample of cloth used to match a color.
Associated quotations
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)142/11 : He wrote many samples of laxatyf medicynes, þat scarsete of hem ben noght hadde.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)586/11 : It semeþ Avicen to putte drawynge Medecynes..And Iohan de Sancto Amando haþ heped togidre many oþer samples [*Ch.(1): exemplez; L exempla]..as calamynt, puliol..piper, pomys.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)5235 : To ȝyue a sample, a tale here lys, A tale Þat vs telleþ seynt Dyonys.
- c1400 Chaucer Astr.(Cmb Dd.3.53)2.40.4 : By this samples [vr. ensaumples] folwynge in special maistow wyrke..in euery signe of the zodiak.
- (1428) Doc.in Sur.Soc.856 : Of ye whilk plaster and lyme a sample ys redy in ye chambre to shew.
- (c1430) Let.Christ Ch.in Camd.n.s.199 : I can gete no cloth of cullour aftyr the sample wethe that ye sente to me be Thomas Doly.
(a) An incident or a story expounded to teach a lesson, an exemplum, a parable; seien (setten, sheuen, tellen) ~, to tell a story by way of example; yeven bi saumples, make (sth.) known by parables; (b) a saying, proverb; derk ~.
Associated quotations
- a1425(c1300) NHom.(1) Martin AM (Cmb Gg.5.31)67 : Crist him seide a saumple þon.
- a1400(?c1300) LFMass Bk.(Roy 17.B.17)23 : Grett saumpel [vrr. sampul; ensaumple] he settis þer-to whi hit is ful ille to do.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)22887 : A sample sal i sceu yow þar-bi þat i fand of sant gregori.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)67/8 : For to ȝeue autorite, I sette a saumple þat come sumtyme to myn hondis.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)1326 : He..gef hit hym bi samples.
- c1400(?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)499 : As Mathew melez in your messe, In sothfol gospel of God Almyȝt; In sample he can ful grayþely gesse, And lyknez hit to heuen lyȝte.
- a1425 Wycl.Serm.(Bod 788)1.142 : Crist telliþ a kyndely saumple to prynte þis word more in þer herte.
- a1500 Tundale (Adv 19.3.1)6 : Of suche a sampull y wyll ȝou telle, That he þat wyll hit well unþerstande, In herte..may be full dredande.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))John 16.25 : I haue spokun to ȝou thes thingis in prouerbis, or derke saumplis [vr. ensaumplis].
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)8462 : Salamon..þan made dughti bokes tre, And dughtili he þam vndid Wit samples.
- c1450(?a1400) Parl.3 Ages (Add 31042)263 : I seghe..samples bene sothe that sayde..'Fole es that with foles delys.'
- c1450(?a1400) Parl.3 Ages (Add 31042)602 : His Bookes in the Bible bothe bene to-gedirs: That one of wisdome..wondirfully teches; His sampills and his sawes bene sett in the toþer.
A copy or the text of an edict.
Associated quotations
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)1 Esd.4.23 : Þe saumple [L exemplum] of þe maundement of artaxerses king is rad befor reum, beeltheem, & samsay, scribe, & þe counseileeres of hem.
(a) A model (as a person, life, actions, God's word, etc.) to be imitated, a pattern; ~ of chastite (vertu); for ~ of, as an example to (sb.); taken ~ bi, to follow the example of (sb.); (b) an example to be avoided, a warning; a warning sign [1st quot.]; in ~ that, for a warning that; taken ~ bi (of), to be warned by the example of (sb.); (c) a precedent (good or bad) which may be followed; yeven ~, to set a precedent; (d) ?an analogy.
Associated quotations
- (a1382) WBible(1) Prol.Josh.(Bod 959)42 : After þe deeþ of seynt paule, whos life is saumple of vertu..we han demed..to sittyn to þe explanacion of þe prophetys.
- (a1382) WBible(1) Prols.Judith (Bod 959)12 : Takeþ Judith, widewe, saumple of chastyte.
- a1425 Ben.Rule(1) (Lnsd 378)22/21 : O þis maner sal þabbesse folize þe saumpyl of Iesu.
- a1425 Ben.Rule(1) (Lnsd 378)41/4 : Þe toþir mai be amendid þurȝ þe..sampil of hir.
- a1425 PPl.C (Cmb Ff 5.35)12.288 : Saumple [Hnt HM 137: He saide thus in hus sarmon for ensample of grete clerkes].
- a1425 Wycl.Serm.(Bod 788)1.50 : Men forsoken to come, notwiþstondinge sample of þes seintis.
- (c1426) Audelay Poems (Dc 302)40/850 : A sad saumpil foresoþ her may ȝe se; Hit is Godys word and His werke and His worchyng.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)106 : Bi þe saumple of þe apostle, clerkis may lefuly labor honestly wiþ þer handis.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)390/122 : Let me be youre boke; youre sampill take by me.
- c1390 Þe man þt luste (Vrn)80 : I drede hit draweþ to domes-day, Such saumples we han, & oþer two.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)47 : A saumpul her be þaem I say þat rages in þare riot ay.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)20889 : For suike he dampaid tam o life, þat all suld tak þaim sample [Phys-E: saunpil]; bi For to naman do tricheri.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)21928 : Vnnes will ani sample [Göt: sampel] take; If ani warnist be vm-quil, It sal him last ful littel quil.
- c1400 Brut-1333 (Rwl B.171)196/25 : He was honget and drawe and his heuede smyten of..and..sette oppon a spere and sette oppon London Brugge, in sample þat þe Scottes shulde haue in mynde forto bere ham amys aȝeynz her lorde.
- a1450 LDirige(1) (Dgb 102)69 : Of me men sample take mowen; Be ware lest þay folwe my tras.
- a1475 Against Lollards (Vsp B.16)15 : Hit is no perfit profecie Sauf seker sample to þe & me to be war of lollardie.
- c1450 Bi a wode (Clg A.2)p.230 : A sample we mow se al day That God sent amonges us alle: To day thawȝ thou be stowt..A-morow thou lyyst by the walle.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)409 : Þe sex dais he wroght..his will; þe seuend o werk he hild him still; Hymself þan gaf us sample þare þat we suld hald it euer mare.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)28085 : For likyng gode of werldes wyn..Gaf i man sample for to syn.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) (Roy 1.C.8)Esth.1.18 : Bi this saumple [WB(1): exsaumple; L exemplo] alle the wyues of prynces..schulen dispise the comaundementis of hosebondis.
- c1400 PPl.C (Vsp B.16)19.229 : Saumple [Hnt HM 137: In god, fader of heuene, Was þe sone in hym-selue in a simile, as eue Was, wanne god wolde out of þe weye y-drawe].
A proof.
Associated quotations
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)5306 : Þar in perchement depayntid his person scho schewid; Said 'se þi-selfe a sampill þat I þe sothe neuyn!'
Pl. ?Young trees left standing when a woods is cut down.
Associated quotations
- a1525(?1448) Cov.Leet Bk.233 : Nullus deinceps faciat dampnum..in scindendo ramos vel samples, sub pena cuiuslibet delinquentis xij s.