Middle English Dictionary Entry

saumple n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. essample n., exaumple n.
(a) A typical representative of a class; writen saumples of, to give examples of (sth.); (b) an instance serving as illustration of a method; (c) a small quantity of a substance by which the quality of the whole may be judged, a sample; ~ weth, a sample of cloth used to match a color.
(a) An incident or a story expounded to teach a lesson, an exemplum, a parable; seien (setten, sheuen, tellen) ~, to tell a story by way of example; yeven bi saumples, make (sth.) known by parables; (b) a saying, proverb; derk ~.
A copy or the text of an edict.
(a) A model (as a person, life, actions, God's word, etc.) to be imitated, a pattern; ~ of chastite (vertu); for ~ of, as an example to (sb.); taken ~ bi, to follow the example of (sb.); (b) an example to be avoided, a warning; a warning sign [1st quot.]; in ~ that, for a warning that; taken ~ bi (of), to be warned by the example of (sb.); (c) a precedent (good or bad) which may be followed; yeven ~, to set a precedent; (d) ?an analogy.
Pl. ?Young trees left standing when a woods is cut down.