Middle English Dictionary Entry
bannen v.
Entry Info
Forms | bannen v. Also bonnen & (Lay.) beonnen, bonien, banni. |
Etymology | OE bannan, bonnan, ge- summon; OF banir summon, banish; ON, cp. OI banna curse, etc. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) To summon (troops) by proclamation; assemble (a fighting force); ~ out; (b) to assemble (a fleet) for an attack; (c) to gather (arms), make ready; to man or make ready (a castle).
Associated quotations
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)7952 : Julius Cezar..lette blawen his bemen & bannen [Otho: banni] his ferden.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)20206 : Baldolf hæfde ibonned [Otho: ibanned] seouen þusend monnen.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)28401 : He lette bemen blawen and beonnen men to fihten.
- c1275(?c1250) Owl & N.(Clg A.9)1668 : Hauestu..ibanned ferde? An wultu, wreche, wið me fiȝte?
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)3213 : Pharaon bannede vt his here, Israel he ðhogte to don dere.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)5424 : Aȝen ys broþer wende he faste, With oþre þat he gan banne.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)9732 : Scipen he þer funde þat to-ȝenes him weoren ibonned [Otho: ibannede].
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)24203 : Arður..lette bonien [Otho: banni] his scipen.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)22288 : Heo ruokeden burnen, bonneden helmes.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)22298 : Sum makede þwonges..summe..beonneden sceldes.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)23097 : Lauerd Arður, faren we to Francene riche, and iwinnen al þat lond..alle þa castles bonien and setten heom to mid Brutten.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)30666 : Brien bonnede [Otho: bannede] his fare.
To curse or condemn; -- (a) with obj. or obj. clause; (b) without obj.
Associated quotations
- a1250(?c1150) Prov.Alf.(Mdst A.13)97/237 : If þu letest him welden al wille his oȝen..me scal banne þe wit þat him furst tahte.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)476 : Him wol i blame & banne.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)2100 : He..banned bitterli þe time þat he was on liue.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1644 : I may banne þat i was born to a-bide þis time.
- ?a1425(?c1350) NHom.(3) Pass.(RwlPoet 175)3389 : Ban we may þat we war born.
- c1390 PPl.A(1) (Vrn)1.60 : Hose comeþ þer-Inne Mai Banne þat he born was to Bodi or to soule.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)4.2834 : I curse and banne That evere slep was mad for yhe.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)468 : Bot þe burne bynne borde, þat bod to hys [the raven's] come, Banned hym ful bytterly wyth bestes alle samen.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)12.192 : Byterliche shalt þow banne þenne..that euere þow hure knewe.
- a1425(a1400) PConsc.(Glb E.9 & Hrl 4196)3484-5 : When þou bannes any man In wham þou fyndes na gilt to ban.
- a1425(a1400) PConsc.(Glb E.9 & Hrl 4196)7395 : Ilk ane salle other wery and ban.
- a1425 Ben.Rule(1) (Lnsd 378)8/29 : Ye sal..ne banne þam [enemies] noht, bot blisce þam.
- a1425 NHom.(3) Cec.(Hrl 4196)160/88 : If þou luf ane oþer man, Ful sare þou sall þe bargan ban.
- c1440 HBk.GDei (Thrn:Horstmann)311 : With pore mene malysouns that bytterly þame bannes.
- a1450 Yk.Pl.(Add 35290)83/257 : Sir kyng, we banne þat we wer borne.
- c1450(c1350) Alex.& D.(Bod 264)808 : To bale were ȝe..bore for bannede werkus.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)1388 : Bannet worthe the bale tyme þat ho borne was.
- c1475 Awntyrs Arth.(Tay 9)p.22 : Thenne byernes bannes the tyme the bargan was bruen.
- c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch)843 : Y pray..Wheþer þou blis or ban.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)12050 : To teche him þan Blissing to haunt and not to bann.
- c1400 St.Anne(1) (Min-U Z.822.N.81)2316 : Þan gunne he curse and band [rime: began].
- a1425(?a1400) Cloud (Hrl 674)84/18 : He wepiþ & weiliþ, striuiþ, cursiþ & banneþ.
- c1475(c1450) Idley Instr.(Cmb Ee.4.37)2.A.717 : Thow can not leeve to swere, curse, ne ban.
(a) To blame, reproach, or chide (sb.); (b) to blaspheme (God).
Associated quotations
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)13631 : Þai began Ful felunli þis man to ban.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)10.7 : She..blamed hym and banned hym and badde hym be stylle.
- a1425(c1333-52) Minot Poems (Glb E.9)30/94 : To Calais cum þai all to late..Þaire leders may þai barely ban.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)406/25 : Suffre hym, brethur, to ban me, for..I have oftsithis blasfemyd..God.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)19458 : Þe fals wittnes..said, þai herd him drightin bann.
(a) To anathematize, excommunicate; (b) to prohibit or ban (sth.).
Associated quotations
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)9175 : Þe same oure þat þe prest hem banned, Þe same oure, atwynne þey woned.
- c1425(?c1400) Wycl.Apol.(Dub 245)26 : A þing is seid cursid wan men cursun man..or bannun him, or puttun him out of comyn.
- 1543(1464) Hardyng Chron.B (Grafton)155 : The churche..may banne full sore those striues By thy supporte.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)7.88 : Þe boke [Bible] banneth beggarie and blameth hem in þis manere: Iunior fui, [etc.].
(a) To outlaw (sb.); (b) to banish (care, fear).
Associated quotations
- (1433) *Anc.Pet.(PRO)26.1284 : Aliens of diuers nacions..ben banned in her owen londe for falshede.
- (1435) RParl.4.493a : Yat ye saide Esterlinges be now deprived..of hir Libertes and Privileges in yese parties, and hens to be fully banned and exiled.
- (1330) Close R.Edw.III153 : Geoffrey Bannecare.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)620 : I schal rachche after And brynge a morsel of bred to banne [?read: baume] yor hertte [cp. Gen.18.5: et confortate cor vestrum].
- a1500 Now god þat syttyst (Cmb Ff.1.6)p.238 : Feer bannyd ys from felycyte.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- a1500 Consideryng effectually (Cmb Hh.4.12)53 : Thus mouyd vnwarly I gan both banne and wary.
Note: postdates sense 2.(b),