Middle English Dictionary Entry
prēparāciǒun n.
Entry Info
Forms | prēparāciǒun n. Also preperacioun. |
Etymology | OF preparacïon & L praeparātio, -iōnis. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) A preliminary act or operation, a previous setting in order; also, a precautionary measure; (b) med. & surg. the action or process of preparing a wound, an injury, etc., for treatment; the action or process of preparing something for use in treatment; a state of readiness [2nd quot.]; ?also, a medicinal compound especially prepared for a particular application; (c) pathol. a predisposition to a morbid condition.
Associated quotations
- c1390 I wolde witen (Vrn)28 : Kunredes come, & kunredes gon..But alle hee passeþ euerichon, For al heor preparacions.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)7.1429 : The laste sterre of alle..to Mercurie and to Satorne Be weie of kinde mot retorne After the preparacion of due constellacion.
- a1500(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Add 10302)1445 : When youre materials bi preparacione Be made wel apte for generacione, Then thei most be departed..In-to iiij elementis.
- a1550(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Sln 1873)2872 : An other fornace for this operacion By me was fownde..It servith full well for preparacion.
- a1550(c1477) Norton OAlch.(Sln 1873)3054 : An othir is hete of calcinacion, For fowle metallis for theire preparacion.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)6b/b : In which it shal be said..Of lauacioun & preperacion [Ch.(2): arrayeng; L preparatione] of tuthie & of alle metallez.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)161a/b : Þan humorez bene in more mouyng and preperacioun or redynez, þat is nedeful in farmacying.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)90a/a : As touchinge þe preparacioun oþer diȝtinge of þe wounde, ffirste anone as þe wounde is clensed as it owe to ben, þe lippes schal ben ioyned to tider.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)125a/b : Þu schalt knowe þat, alle ȝif þe fyngers be litil, a man nedeþ for to be warre & wyse in þe preparacioun of hem.
- ?a1425 *MS Htrn.95 (Htrn 95)127b/a : Take melle rosate..mirre, fraunk encense..barlie floure and floure of ffenugrek þat sufficeþ to þicken it in maner of ane emplaister & leie it on þe wounde, and continue þis wesschynge & þis preparacioun to þe quiture be clensed & dryed.
- c1425 Arderne Fistula (Sln 6)75/13 : Þis preparacion..kepeþ þe bledder fro corrupcion.
- a1475 Bk.Quint.(Sln 73)11/12 : It is certeyn þat nature þat 5 essence maad so perfiȝt þat, wiþoute ony oþir greet preparacioun wiþoute þe veynes, it beriþ forþ þat blood anoon aftir into fleisch.
- c1475 *Mondeville (Wel 564)148a/a : The twelue rule is þat we schulen as wel in staunchinge of þe blood as in preparacioun of þe wounde & in all oþere preparaciouns, as in byndynge & in liggynge & al oþir maner of worchinge, kepe þe pacient from akþe ouþir þoruȝ handlyng.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)110b/a : Disposicioun or preperacion [Ch.(2): þe arrayenge; L preparatio] of þe lepre is appropriete in þe body, bi which som man is riȝt mych disposed to þe lepre.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)110b/b : Preperacioun or disposicioun signifieþ þe foule colour, the morphee, scabbez, & stynkyng superfluiteez & dispositif causez ysaid.