Middle English Dictionary Entry
plaunche n.
Entry Info
Forms | plaunche n. Also planche, plaunthe, plonche & plang. |
Etymology | Prob. AF; cp. AL plauncha, planga, vars. of planca & OF planche. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. plank(e n.
(a) A large board, a plank; also, as surname; (b) plaunche(s bord, planking, planks; plaunche(s nail, nails for fastening planks.
Associated quotations
- [ (1209) Pipe R.Winch60/46 : In planchis sicandis, xxj s. ]
- [ (1209) Pipe R.Winch68/55 : In ij secatoribus per v ebdomadas j diem dimidium, qui secaverunt plancas ad pontem, xiiij s. x d. ob. ]
- [ (1296) Newcastle Galley in Archaeol.Ael.4.2187 : In duobus plaunchis emptis de Adam Jargone, iiij s. ]
- (1327) in Ewen Surnames Brit.178 : Atte plaunche.
- (1327) in Kristensson ME Local Surnames16 : Will. del Plaunch.
- (1346) Feudal Aids 4177 : Jacobus de la Plang.
- (1358-9) in Sandahl ME Sea Terms 181 : dlxxiiij plaunches.
- (1391) Acc.Exped.Der.in Camd.n.s.5243/16 : Cuidam naute pro factura des plaunches in naui.
- c1400 Femina (Trin-C B.14.40)p.71 : And on þs gystez, þe plaunthys [F plantye] Of bord or plaster wel y pauyd.
- (?c1450) R.St.Edmund in Archaeol.42403 : For gystes, plaunch, stoghes, and nayles.
- (?c1450) R.St.Edmund in Archaeol.42404 : One new plaunch to the chaumber above the parlor, iiij s.
- a1475(a1456) Shirley Death Jas.(Add 5467)15 : Abowt mydnyght he laid certayne plaunches and hurdelles over the diches of the diche that environd the gardyne of the chambure.
- a1475(a1456) Shirley Death Jas.(Add 5467)16 : Undir his fete he myghtily brest up a plaunch of the chambur flore.
- (1459-60) Acc.Yatton in Som.RS 4100 : xxx zeme of bordys..and iij zeme of plangys.
- (c1344) in Salzman Building in Engl.306 : Plonchisnaill.
- (1350) Doc.in Riley Mem.Lond.262 : [12,000 of] plaunchenail..[Also, 3000 great] plaunchesnail [and 7200] dornail.
- (1358-9) in Sandahl ME Sea Terms 181 : cxl de plaunchbord.
- (1369) Doc.in HMC Rep.9 App.150a : Planchisbord [of heart of oak].
- (a1395) Acc.Savoy in Archaeol.24307 : Pro walplates et bemes et plaunchborde et plegges.
- (1433) Grocer Lond.in EGSt.(1948)96 : Planche bord.
- (1472-74) Acc.St.Andrew Hubbard in BMag.31532-533 : Payed..for C.xvi fote planch borde, iij s.; item, for C.di.xxix fote of quarter borde, v s. v d.