Middle English Dictionary Entry

ǒuten v.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. outren v.(1).
(a) To drive (sth.) out, force out; (b) to utter (words, speech), speak; (c) to disclose (sb. or sth.), reveal, expose, make known; ppl. outing as adj., in phr. outing to sight, ?self-revealing, distinctive to sight, recognizable; (d) to put forth or show (sth.); ~ chaffare, display or offer wares; also fig.; ~ with, launch (a boat), set out in (a boat); (e) to remove (sth.), take out [perhaps better parsed as oute adv. with elided verb (don, etc.)].
(a) To come out, go out; of air or gas: come out (of sth.), escape from; netle in dokke ~, a charm [see also dokke 4.]; (b) ~ soure, to come out sourly, act or speak harshly; (c) in proverbs.
To dispose of (property) wastefully, squander (goods).