Middle English Dictionary Entry

operāciǒun n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Work, deed(s, action(s; a military operation; also fig.; don operacioun(es, to perform (one's) deed(s, conduct (oneself), behave; (b) spiritual labor(s; (c) a scientific, alchemical, or magical process or experiment; (d) surg. an operation; a surgical treatment; manual ~, ~ of honde(s, an operation or treatment in which the hands are used.
(a) Something made or created; (b) structure, construction; workmanship, skill.
(a) The function of an element, one of the senses, reason, will, nature, etc.; that which it does or is designed to do; (b) astron. & astrol. the influence of a planet, constellation, or sign; (c) physiol. the function of a bodily organ or member; (d) med. the power or effect of a medicine, a medicinal plant, a poisonous tree, a magical plant; don ~, of a laxative: to exercise (its) function.