Middle English Dictionary Entry

mūl(e n.(1)
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A mule; (b) barain (hep) of mules, a herd or group of mules; ~ of spaine, one of the best mules, a Spanish mule; ~ flesh, mule meat; ~ grom (herde, man, ward), a mulekeeper, servant who takes care of mules; ~ mongere, one who trades in mules [see surnames]; (c) a hinny; (d) a stupid person; (e) in surnames and (?) place names [see Smith PNElem. 2.45]. [Some of the surnames may be AF. Some, perh. all, of the place names may be from the very rare OE personal name Mūl, or Mūla, or from ON personal names, cp. OI Mūla, Mūli.]