Middle English Dictionary Entry

mẹ̄vāble adj.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Capable of movement; of living creatures: capable of independent motion; (b) in motion, moving, moving about; ready to move or travel, mobile, transient; (c) active, energetic; agile, dexterous; of a pace: ?brisk, swift [probably an error for menable, q.v.].
(a) Capable of being moved, movable; of earth: yielding, tillable; (b) of persons: tractable, responsive; ~ to, disposed to (sth.); (c) of persons: easily angered, irascible.
(a) Of wind: causing motion, propelling; (b) med. of nerves, powers: motor, motive.
(a) Subject to change or alteration, changeable; med. of scabs or skin blemishes: subject to change in size or position; (b) impermanent, transitory, short-lived; of time: passing, fleeting; (c) of air, wind, etc.: shifting, variable; volatile; (d) of people: changeable, inconstant, easily swayed.
Of possessions: (a) ~ god (thing), catel ~, movable goods, personal (as opposed to real) property; ~ godes (thinges), thing mevables, godes ~, etc.; god and catel ~, movable goods and chattels; godes (and cateles) ~ and unmevable; etc.; [see also god 12. (b), catel 3. (b)]; (b) as noun: movable goods, personal property.
Eccl. ~ feste, a movable feast, church festival occurring a given number of days or weeks from Easter, rather than on a fixed date.
As noun (transl. L primum mobile): the first ~, the outermost of the concentric spheres of the heavens, primum mobile.