Middle English Dictionary Entry

mā̆sǒun n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A mason, worker or builder in stone; one who dresses, lays, or carves stone; (b) chef (maister) ~, a chief mason, mason charged with supervising and overseeing other masons; fre (maister) ~, master mason, mason who has served his time as an apprentice [see also fre-masoun]; rough ~, ?mason who rough-hews stone; ?mason who sets stone or lays brick; (c) masoun(es axe, a mason's ax [see also ax(e 1. (a)]; ~ chippe, stone chipping, fragment of stone; ~ craft, stonework, masonry work; work of masons; practice of the craft of masonry; masoun(es devis, ornamental stonework; ~ hak, cutting tool used in masonry or quarrying; ~ hous, masounes logge, the lodge or workshop used by masons at a building site or quarry; ~ line, mason's line, for keeping walls straight, etc.; ~ reule, mason's rule; ~ werk, masonry, stonework.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • (c1390) Doc.Beverley in Seld.Soc.1433 : Ordinatum est…quod quilibet artifices…viz. mercers et drapers, tannatores, masons, skynners…and workmen habeant suos ludos et pagentes paratos…qualibet die in festo Corporis Christi.
  • Note: Additional quote(s)