Middle English Dictionary Entry

mark(e n.(2)
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A measure of weight equivalent to 8 ounces; (b) ~ pound, a measure of weight equivalent to 1/16 of a lispound.
(a) A monetary unit equivalent to 160 pennies or 2/3 of a pound sterling; ~ of silver (sterlinges), ~ sterling; ~ in (of) gold, a mark of gold equivalent to 6 lbs. in silver [see W. Cunningham The Growth of English Industry and Commerce p.652 fn. 5]; (b) of ~ (pris, worth the value of ( a given amount in) marks; of ~ worth, of persons: having an income of (a given amount in) marks; ~ worth, (a given sum of) marks' worth (of things); (c) markes and penies, marks as well as pennies, money; markes and (or) poundes, large sums of money, wealth; everi pound and ~, all the money; for ~ ne for pound, for neither mark nor pound, for no amount of money; etc.; (d) half ~ [see also half adj. 2d.]; (e) ?any of various coins or moneys of account of indeterminable but high value employed in tales, romances, etc.; (f) ~ silver, some kind of rent paid in money.