Middle English Dictionary Entry

ilīch adj.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Like, similar, alike; also, with dat.: similar (to sb. or sth.); ~ to (toward), like (sb. or sth.); (b) resembling (sb. or sth.) [could also be construed as prep.; cp. lik(e prep. 1.(a)]; (c) no man (knight, etc.) is (was) ~, there is (was) none to compare with (sb. or sth.); he was no man ~, he was almost unrecognizable.
Equal in status, power, virtue, etc.; also, with prep. or dat.: equal in power or status (to God, Jesus, an angel); also, identical in size or duration, equivalent.
The same, unvarying, unchanging, constant; ever ~.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1415 Chaucer CT.Pars.(Lnsd 851)I.423 : Somme of hem shewen þe schappe & þe boce of þe orrible swollen membres þat semeþ ylyke to þe maladye of hyrnya.
  • Note: ~ to