Middle English Dictionary Entry
hūmectāciǒun n.
Entry Info
Forms | hūmectāciǒun n. Also (errors) humeccacion, -ioun. |
Etymology | L & OF |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Med. & surg. (a) Watering of the eyes; (b) the moistening of bodily tissues, production of moisture in tissues.
Associated quotations
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)37b/a : Som [obtalmiez] is litel, not passyng bounde or terme, bot þer is only rednez with humectacioun [L humectatione].
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)26a/a : Be war of ouermykil humectacioun, for it is dredful in þe bigynnyng.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)169b/b : It is to be war of superflwe resolucioun, þat þe subtile be nouȝt drawen & þe grosse petrified..& of superflwe humeccacioun, i. moistyng, þat þe perticule be noȝt corrupte & putrefie.
- c1425 Arderne Fistula (Sln 6)82/29 : For siþe wax and oile moisteþ riȝt mich and gendreþ putrefaccion, þai dulle þe scharpnez of vertgrese; And vertgrese represseþ þeir putrefaccion and humeccacion.
Alch. Wetting of materials.
Associated quotations
- a1550 *Norton OAlch.(BodeMus 63)2785 : Haue..vesselles broade for humectacion.
- a1550 *Norton OAlch.(BodeMus 63)3026 : An other fier is fire of desiccacion, for maters which be imbibed for humectacion.