Middle English Dictionary Entry
helpen v.
Entry Info
Forms | helpen v. Also help, elp, helpi, healpe, heolpe, halpen, hælpan. Forms: sg. 3 helpeth, helpiȝt, etc. & holpes & helpþ; p. sg. 1 & 3 halp, healp, hē̆lp & holpe, hulpe, huelp & helped; sg. 2 holpe, hulpe & helpedest, holpedest; pl. hulpe(n, holp(e(n, heolpen, helpen, halp(e, hilpe & helped(en, holpeden; ppl. hō̆lp(e(n, hulpen, help & helped. |
Etymology | OE (helpan, p. sg. 1 & 3 WS healp, Nhb. gehalp, pl. hulpon, ppl. geholpen) & ON (cp. OI hjālpa). |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) To give aid or assistance to (sb. or sth.), be an assistant to (sb.); help (sb. to do sth.), help (sth. be done); ~ aloft (up), help (sb.) up; ~ doun with, help (sb.) get (sth.) down; ~ hom, help (sb.) reach home; ~ out, help (sb.) out of trouble; ~ to (toward), help (sb.) toward (a place, person, condition); (b) to be of aid or assistance; help (that sth. be done); ~ after, help along; ~ to (for, forto), help to (do or bring about sth.), help in (doing sth.); ~ that, help that (sth. be done or happen); (c) refl. to act on one's own behalf, exert oneself; (d) ppl. as adj. helpinge, helpful, favorable; helping bon, the humerus; helpinge grace (hond).
Associated quotations
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)6201 : Eȝȝþerr birrþ þurrh oþerr beon Hollpenn to wurrþenn borrȝhenn.
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)103 : Fac me exurgere. Aris louerd and elp me up.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)164/11 : Cause is hwi þu hit dudest, oðer hulpe oþre þerto.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)197/9 : Ȝe na þing..ne luuien bute Godd ane, & te ilke þinges..þe helpeð ow toward him.
- a1300 Bestiary (Arun 292)277 : All ðe oðre..helpen him for to her[t]ien.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)901 : Þan men haueden holpen him doun With þe birþene of his croun.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)3674 : Prophetis he weren and holpen him.
- ?1316 SMChron.(Roy 12.C.12)558 : He huelp hire brother Edward kyng..His lond wel for to lede.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)147/15 : Þe on leme helpþ and serueþ þe oþren wyþoute grochinge.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1709 : Manly sche melled hire þo men forto help.
- c1390 PPl.A(1) (Vrn)8.6 : Al þat euere hulpen [vrr. holpen, helpen, holp; B: halpe, holpe; C: hulpe] him to..sowen..Part in þat pardoun þe Pope haþ I-graunted.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Rv.(Manly-Rickert)A.4246 : Thou shalt a cake..fynde..Which that I heelp my sire for to stele.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)28363 : And i, prest..haue i-sungen in cursing Or help oþer men to sing.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)11.31 : Ȝif harlotrie ne halp [vrr. holpe, helpe] hem betere..Wolde neuere king ne kniȝt..Ȝiue hem..þe value of a grote.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)3.2005 : Ȝif Fortune..smyle on hym..Only of fauour for to help hym oute, Whan he in meschef is be-set aboute.
- a1425 Cursor (Glb E.9)25390 : Now haue I sayd þir askinges seuyn þat helpes vs to þe blis of heuyn.
- (1429) J.Boys in Nrf.Archaeol.15154 : Ye thursday at Cossey and helpyn hem home wt tyȝe.
- c1430(c1386) Chaucer LGW (Benson-Robinson)1773 : Hap helpeth hardy man alday.
- (c1438) MKempe B (Add 61823)229/5 : Sche wolde now halpyn hir dowtyr hom a-geyn.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)1280 : Pollux..his brother toke, Horsit hym in haste, halpe hym olofte.
- c1450 Capgr.Rome (Bod 423)138 : Ciriac of grete charite halp þe eld man and bare þe birdenes of þat man.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)462/6 : He cuthe not fynd it, nor all þe oþer peple þat helpid hym to seke itt.
- (1453) LRed Bk.Bristol2.202 : The saide preest..may be redi to helpe all other diuine seruice to be doon.
- a1475(a1456) Shirley Death Jas.(Add 5467)17 : They were abowteward to helpe upe the Kyng.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)70/27 : Comaunding..þat þe childe helpe hem in bodili laboring wiþ hem.
- c1475 Earth(3) (Brog 2.1)25/52 : Þo byne þe werkis þat helpyne vs to heyuyne.
- a1500(?a1400) Firumb.(2) (Fil)479 : The knyȝthes..holpen here vp fayre and setten here soft.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)37 : To seke gan, and þa deden helpen to buriene.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)4600 : Æuer ælc æhte mon help [Otho: helpi] þat we libben.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)97/28 : Ac help nu all ðat ðu miht ðat ðin saule hadde a litel reste.
- a1250 Ancr.(Nero A.14)144/24 : Cause is hwi ðu hit dudest, oðer hulpe ðer to.
- c1300(c1250) Floris (Cmb Gg.4.27)108/761 : He het him telle..Hu he to blauncheflur com in And to him radde, and help þarto.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Dc 369(1))Judith 13.25 : Thou sparedest not to thi lif..but holpedist [WB(2): helpidist] to the falling befor the siȝte of oure God.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.1651 : Euerich of hem heelp for to armen other.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)6.465 : Þey beeþ cause and mayntenours of here evel dedes, seþþe þey helpeþ nouȝt to amende hit while it is in hir power.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)1.820 : He drowh hem unto his covine, To helpe and schape how he Pauline After his lust deceive myhte.
- a1400(?a1325) Bonav.Medit.(1) (Hrl 1701)922 : Anone runne to alle þat were þere, And hylpe þat precyus body to bere.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)8.6 : And [alle] þat holpen [vrr. helpen, hulpen] to erien or to sowen.
- c1410 Chaucer CT.Mch.(Hrl 7334)E.1408 : I pray ȝow helpith [Heng: shapeth] for my mariage.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)1.1077 : We schal euerychon Þat he hath chosen help to fulfille.
- a1425(?c1384) Wycl.Church (Bod 788)351 : No man is excusid here of consenting to þis synne but ȝif he helpe on sum maner; for ech man mai helpe sumwhat.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)5.49 : Whi wol I this endure? Whi nyl I helpen to myn owen cure?
- (1446) Acc.Yatton in Som.RS 483 : For to mennys labour to helpe brewe, x d.
- (1463) Will Bury in Camd.4928 : I wil the seid chymes smyth forthwith Requiem eternam..for me and for my freends that holpe therto.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)718/25 : Sir Palomydes..gate the horse of sir Helyus by the brydyll, and therewithall the horse arered, and sir Palomydes halpe aftir, and so they felle to the erthe.
- a1475(?a1430) Lydg.Pilgr.(Vit C.13)17181 : That poket..She felde yt ful..Off Coper..Hyr owne tonge halp wel ther-to, Wych heng out at hyr mouth ful long.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)362/203 : They ordeyne..to brenne my body..And therfore I beseke you..Helpe I be beryed.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)59/36 : Forto knowe..whanne..resoun schal deeme oon good to ouerpeise..þe oþir good..helpiþ moche what y haue write.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)381/463 : To harbowre the when helpid we?
- a1500 When Sonday (Dub 516)10 : Yet schal the [6] ber the pryce, and [1] schal helpe ther-to.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Kath.(1) (Einenkel)2072 : Ha ne mahen nowðer helpen ham seoluen, ne heom þet ham seruið.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)60/24 : He ne healp [Nero: help] him seolf in his muchele pine.
- c1300 Lay.Brut (Otho C.13)30390 : Niþing worþe þe mon þat nele him seolue heolpe.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.1768 : Euery man Wol helpe hymself in loue if that he kan.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)16255 : If þou wil noght help þi-self, men haldes þe for quede.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)4.590 : Devyne not in resoun ay so depe..but help thiself anon.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)718/17 : He saw his brothir lye on the erthe, and saw he myght nat helpe hymselff.
- c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916)11/33 : Alle parfit beestis whiche mowe hem silf parfitly helpe and move from oon place into anoþir.
- c1475 *Mondeville (Wel 564)164a/b : And þe pacient is heuy & may not helpe him silf.
- c1475 Rwl.Prov.(Rwl D.328)p.122 : Helpe thy sylfe & god wol helpe.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)137/7 : To alle ðo nedes ðe mann hafð to donne þanne is þes hali mihte swiðe helpinde.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)30/33 : Þe lhord and alle þo þet byeþ to ham helpinde.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)14395 : Þair aun lauerd..þat sua helpand [Trin-C: helpful] was til his.
- ?c1425 *Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)11b/a : It makith brawnes aboue þe myddes of þe helpynge bone [L adiutorii].
- (c1443) Pecock Rule (Mrg M 519)135 : Of whiche gracis oon kynde of grace is helpyng grace forto make vs stronge to do þo seid vertuose dedis.
- a1450(1408) *Vegetius(1) (Dc 291)75b : Ȝif þe winde is in his face..þat is helpinge to [L adiuuat] his enemyes schot & lettinge of his schott.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)2038 : Saue al Mankynde be se & sonde!..& we schul puttyn to hym helpynge honde.
- c1475 Guy(1) (Cai 107/176)2652 : To vs he hath bee full kynde, And to you herafter may bee well helping.
- a1500(1413) *Pilgr.Soul (Eg 615)4.34.79b : The armes of a man be the most helpyng membris..þat longe to the body.
- a1500 Imit.Chr.(Dub 678)115/32 : It is sone amendid, whan it pleasiþ þe to put to an helping honde.
(a) To give military assistance; give military aid to (sb.), ally with (sb.), assist (sb.) in a fight; also fig.; (b) to save; save (sb. or sth.), rescue, preserve; ~ lif; ~ soule; God help, alas!; (c) to give spiritual aid; give grace to (sb.); (d) in asseverations: so me Crist help, etc.
Associated quotations
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)8931 : Þu me hulpe [Otho: holpe] þa me wes neod.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)28394 : He bi-hehte þere burȝe were auer mare freo laȝe, wið þan þa heo him heolpen at heȝere neoden.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)114/3 : Mine fan..strengden up o me & nes hwa me hulpe [L adiuuaret].
- c1300 Lay.Brut (Otho C.13)28651 : Arthur solde ȝite come Bruttes..for to healpe.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)49 : Engliss and saxons..hider were ibroȝt Þorȝ brutons for to helpe hem.
- c1350 MPPsalter (Add 17376)85.16 : For þou Lord halp me, and conforted me.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)2378 : Helpes hastily, hende men, i hote, vp ȝour liues!
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)4.93 : Hanibal halp Prusia by a newe sleiþe of bataile.
- c1390 KTars (Vrn)38/185 : Þritti þousent..holpe him wel in þat nede.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)1.421 : Perseus..Whom Pallas..Halp, and tok him a Schield therto.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)17b/b : And he helpiþ vs aȝenst enemyes þat we be noȝt ouercome.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)180a/b : The kyng of Bitinia clepede þe Galles to helpe him and hadde þe victorie.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)3.1742 : Þis duke..Amyd his foon hath holp Kyng Thoas.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)5734 : The grekes..ffell fuersly to fight, & hor felowes halpe.
- c1450(c1400) Sultan Bab.(Gar 140)898 : Oure goddis holpe vs not to daye..This bataile was so sharpe.
- (a1464) Capgr.Chron.(Cmb Gg.4.12)30 : He halp his brothir, and killid him of Egipte.
- a1475 Siege Troy(1) (Hrl 525)105 : Therefor helpith with socour, And meynten manly our anour.
- a1500(?a1325) Otuel & R (Fil)28 : Otuell..was cristenyd..and helpe Charlys in many a batayle.
- a1500(a1450) Gener.(2) (Trin-C O.5.2)5862 : Syr amelok was holpyn att his nede, his knyghtes came and fechid hym anon.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)170 : Merlin..hath..holpen..agein alle tho that vpon yow do werre.
- c1225 Body & S.(2) (Wor F.174)8/11 : Þurh soþne scrift siþieþ to Criste, Seggeþ hore sunnen ond hor[e soule] helpeþ.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)9324 : Þa muȝhe ȝe wiþþ clene lif Wel hellpenn ȝure sawless.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)12033 : He munnde þær Tobrisenn all himm sellfenn, Butt iff þatt Godd himm hullpe þær & helde himm þær to life.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)695 : Þou ært al dead buten þou do mine read..ah..þu miht wel helpen inc seluen.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)9991 : Þeos..buȝen vt of londe to helpen heore liue.
- ?a1300 Jacob & J.(Bod 652)97 : Iosep for to helpe Ruben spac þis tale.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)2595 : Helpes me and yu-self baþe, And slos up-o þe dogges swiþe.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)26 : God..unspered al ðe fendes sped, And halp ðor he sag mikel ned.
- c1330(?c1300) Amis (Auch)1681 : 'A, god help,' seyd þat gentil kniȝt, 'Whilom y was man of miȝt..& now icham so foule a wiȝt.'
- c1330(?c1300) Guy(1) (Auch)2217 : His tvifold armes halp him nouȝt.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)3611 : Þe segges of spayne souȝt him to ȝerne to haue holpen here lord.
- (c1375) Chaucer CT.Mk.(Manly-Rickert)B.3236 : Out of a wang tooth sprang anon a welle Of which he drank..Thus heelp hym god as Iudicum kan telle.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.4970 : Ha, help hier Adrian, And I wol yiven half mi good.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)285a/b : [The elephant] seiþ he may noȝt helpe himself in fallynge [L casum suum videns irrecuperabiliter].
- a1400 Cursor (Frf 14)1439 : Ne muȝt ham help na halihede, attyn to hel þai most nede.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)762 : Now, aþel lorde..onez a speche, And I schal schape no more þo schalkkez to helpe.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)3.2609 : His myȝti stronge armure..it halp hym in no maner þinge.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)4.287 : Thus am I lost, ther helpeth no diffence.
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)7/5 : This helpith [L defendit] whete ffrom auntys & fro mys.
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)13564 : Þat wel couþe feighte he fond his mecche, Cowardie halp þer no wrecche.
- c1450(1410) Walton Boeth.(Lin-C 103)p.236 : Mercurie..halp hym fro þis perilouse hostesse. And þogh þat he were holpen of þis hap, Hys meyne of þat drynk had take tast.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)283/18 : Thou gettyste none other grace..and therefore helpe thyself and thou can.
- a1500(?a1400) Firumb.(2) (Fil)61 : 'But I haue ȝour helpys, y schall lese my lyfe!'..h[e] tokyn hym by the hond & holpedyn him blyue.
- c1175(OE) Bod.Hom.Dom.Quadr.(Bod 343)44/4 : Ða ðe..reowsunge doþ, þam symle Godes mildheortnesse hælpæð.
- a1200(?OE) Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)149 : Lauerd drah me after þe, for ich ne mai cumen to þe bute þu me helpe.
- a1225 Seinte marie clane (Roy 5.F.7)3 : Moder ihesu cristes..onfo schild help þin godric.
- c1225 St.Juliana (Roy 17.A.27)48/418 : Þe mihti godd..he sende me mihte & mein from þe heouene me forto helpen ant him forto herien.
- ?c1250 I-blessed beo þu (Eg 613)16 : Help þu me! ful wel þu mist, þu helpest mani a man!
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2528 : He ðat ðise lettres wrot, God him helpe weli mot.
- c1330(?c1300) Spec.Guy (Auch)478 : Put al þin hope in god almiht..Þat he þe wole helpe and saue.
- (c1380) Chaucer CT.SN.(Manly-Rickert)G.53 : Thow..Nat oonly helpest hem that prayen thee, But ofte tyme..Thow goost biforn.
- c1390 Mayden Modur (Vrn)285 : In vche a gederyng þou art gayne To helpen vs at nede.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)13649 : Þis es aman þat drighten heres, And helpes oþer for his praieres.
- a1425(?a1400) Cloud (Hrl 674)81/19 : Now good God help þee, for now hast þou need.
- c1425 *Wycl.Concord.(Roy 17.B.1)67b : Ȝe helpen in preyer secounde pistle to cor. firste cap.
- (?a1430) Hoccl.MG (Hnt HM 111)136-7 : Helpith me þat I may my lyf amende! Helpith now þat the habitacioun Of the holy goost..Be in myn herte!
- c1450(c1370) Chaucer ABC (Benson-Robinson)104 : Yee..helpen for an Ave-Marie or tweye.
- ?a1475(a1396) *Hilton SP (Hrl 6579)1.46.31b : Þou felist þis disir to God, to Ihesu..holpen and conforted bi a goostli miȝte.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)11/10 : Þe byschoppe made all men forto pray to God forto send hom wyttyng, what þys pylgrym was þat soo godly halpe hym yn his nede.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)33 : Swa me helpe drihten, þe ilke mon..ne kimeð he nefre inne heoueneriche.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)2973 : Leofe fæder dure..swa helpe me Apollin..þat leuere þeo ært me æne þane þis world al clane.
- c1330 Otuel (Auch)308 : Quaþ roulond þar he stod on grounde, 'Selpe me gode.'
- c1330 Otuel (Auch)879 : Selp me god & þis day, He sschal abugge, ȝef ich may.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)287 : Telle me tiȝtly truly þe soþe..so þe crist help.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)2231 : Þov schalt lerny þat ilke play, as Ma[houn] me helpe & spede.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Mil.(Manly-Rickert)A.3709 : As help me god, it wol nat be com pa me, I loue another.
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)9.102 : Ȝet sauouriþ me nouȝt þi segging, so me god helpe.
- (1416) Doc.in Flasdieck Origurk.55 : That thes poyntes be trewe..so helpe vs gode and halydome.
- c1425 Doc.Lynn in Nrf.Archaeol.6223 : And honestli have ȝou wiþ ȝoure felaws in riȝt tretyng deemyng & verdijt ȝelding. So god ȝou helpe atte hooli doom.
- a1450(c1400) Wor.Serm.(Wor F.10)37/517 : Selp me God..i can no noþer.
- c1450(c1380) Chaucer HF (Benson-Robinson)700 : 'Noo, helpe me God so wys!' Quod I.
- (1463) GRed Bk.Bristolpt.2.p.64 : So God yow helpe and hooly doome and by that booke.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)186/4 : Sir..so Cryste me helpe, I was so aferde..that myne herte wolde nat serve for to sey my message.
- a1500(1422) Yonge SSecr.(Rwl B.490)187/39 : So god me helpe, In al this land nys none thy Pere.
(a) To be of avail, be of use, be effective; be of use to (sb.), effect (sth.); (b) to care for (sb.), cure (sb. of wounds or sickness); cure (disease), set (bones); (c) to relieve (distress, anxiety, love); relieve (sb. of distress, hunger, anxiety), give alms to (sb.); improve (land), ameliorate (conditions), amend (a bad situation); (d) ppl. as adj. helpinge, useful, efficacious, beneficial.
Associated quotations
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)1342 : Hemm itt hallp biforenn Godd To clennsenn hemm off sinne.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)4997 : Þatt fulle lufe..Þatt birrþ ben..Twifald, ȝiff itt shall hellpenn.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)16181 : Swa muchel swa heo rohten þat heo inoh hafden, þeh hit lutel hulpe [Otho: holpe].
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)53/19 : Ȝif hit ne helpð one, hit helpð an oðer.
- a1275 Doomsday (Trin-C B.14.39)11 : Ne helpeð [vr. helpit] hit noht þenne to wepen ne to remen.
- a1300 Worldes blis ne last (Rwl G.18)59 : Ne helput nout þer non to ligen.
- ?a1300 Jacob & J.(Bod 652)90 : Nime we & quellen þis ilke hinderling, & lokeþ wat him ssal helpe þerafter his meting.
- (a1333) Herebert Soethþe mon (Add 46919)17 : What helpth katel and rychesse?
- c1350 St.Greg.(Cleo D.9)12/62 : Whan he was ded, þat gode kniȝt, Þo halpe hit nouȝt forto wepe.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)1.25 : Noman..can Of love tempre the mesure..For wit ne strengthe may noght helpe.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)232b/b : Alle þe herbe y powned wiþ axungea grece helpiþ [L valet] aȝeins þe bocche in þe brest.
- a1400 Cursor (Frf 14)2786 : To do ham harme hit helpet noȝt.
- a1425(c1300) Assump.Virg.(1) (Add 10036)721 : Ȝoure speres, ȝour schildes helpeþ ȝow nouȝt.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)4506 : For here availeth no Swete-Thought, And Sweete-Speche helpith right nought.
- a1450 Ben.Rule(2) (Vsp A.25)169 : Al gude bose in þe bygin, Namly þat helpes to hele of saule.
- c1450 Dc.Prov.(Dc 52)p.52 : Lytyll may helpe þere myche be-houeth.
- ?a1475(a1396) *Hilton SP (Hrl 6579)1.2.2b : Þys werkes þouȝh þey ben actif, þey helpin mikel and ordeinen a man..to come to contemplatif lif.
- a1500(?a1400) Firumb.(2) (Fil)939 : Well was hym..that swyftyst hadde a stede, Ac hit halpe hem lyte.
- a1500(?a1450) GRom.(Hrl 7333)1 : Myn husbond..is biȝende þe see; I woll wite if þou cowde helpe þat he were ded by ony Crafte.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)93/267 : Thay sayde ther helpyd none excusyng, And wed vs thus togeder.
- ?a1200(?OE) PDidax.(Hrl 6258b)29/24 : Ȝif hyt cumeþ of þan cyle, þanne scealt þu hym helpan mid baþe.
- c1175(?OE) HRood (Bod 343)14/31 : Þu hæfst mid þe sylfum þat ðu him mid hælpen miht.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)15031 : Ne mihte na lechecraft helpen [Otho: heolpe] him næ wiht.
- c1300 SLeg.Judas (Hrl 2277)108 : Iudas ihurde of oure louerd telle..Þat he halp menie man in siknesse and in neode.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)959 : How miȝt i þe help? what haue i to þe bote?
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.632 : Ther nas..Ne oynement..That hym myghte helpen of his whelkes white.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)31a/b : He gendreþ in bodyes ful euel sikenes..þe whiche may vnneþe ben holpe [L subueniri] by socour of medicynes.
- a1400 Lanfranc (Ashm 1396)311/23 : It is a feble leche þat can not helpe [L succurrere] þat is able to be holpen.
- c1465(?1373) *Lelamour Macer (Sln 5)47a : Put in hir priuete and that helpiþþe þe modir of swellynge.
- ?c1425 *Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)104b/b : It byhoueþ in the restorynge þerof..to helpe [*Ch.(1): geder togider; L adunare] þe broken peces with þi fyngres and to even ham after his owne schappe.
- (a1438) MKempe A (Add 61823)181/14 : Sche was glad..& seruyd hym & helpyd hym..as sche wolde a don Crist hym-self.
- c1440(?a1400) Morte Arth.(1) (Thrn)2661 : Bot my hurtes be son holpen, hole be I neuer.
- a1450 St.Editha (Fst B.3)3184 : Bot ȝyff seynt Woltrude hurre þe rather holpe, he nysbot dedde.
- ?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh 10.90)128/25 : Also it helpyȝt hym þat haȝt woundys or cancres.
- ?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh 10.90)142/28 : Þis herbe leyd on a sor or in place quere lackyth heer, it restoryth þe heer and helpyt þe sor.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)1193/17 : Neyther sir Gawayne nother sir Bors dyed nat of their woundis, for they were well holpyn.
- a1475 Hrl.Bk.Hawking in Studia Neoph.16 (Hrl 2340)14 : For sekeness of suellynge..that the hawke schal not dye thus a man may help him and somwhat his lyf length.
- a1450 Diseases Women(2) (Sln 2463:Singer)38 : I wyl wright..that oon woman may helpe another in her sykenesse.
- c1225 Body & S.(2) (Wor F.174)4/25 : Noldest þu nefre helpen þam orlease wrec[che]n.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)79 : Þer com a prost bi þe weie and him nawiht ne help.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)17991 : Nu þu hauest of me ihærde þe wule halpen [Otho: helpe].
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)183 : Þe man is uncuð þe oðer þe nele naht him cnowen ne helpen him gief he neod haueð.
- ?c1250 Ar ne kuthe (Gldh)5 : Geltles ihc sholye [read: tholye] muchele schame, help, god, for thin swete name.
- a1300 Bestiary (Arun 292)144 : Help ðe poure men ðe gangen abuten.
- a1325(c1280) SLeg.Pass.(Pep 2344)144 : Þou ne berest now in my neode no ffrut to helpe me.
- (a1333) Herebert What ys he (Add 46919)16 : Ich loked al aboute som helpynge mon.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)956 : I gif me al in þi grace my greues to help, For þou miȝt lengþe mi liif.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.1248 : Ther nys erthe water..Ne creature that of hem maked is That may me helpe or doon confort in this.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)5.311 : He loved þe clergie and halpe [Higd.(2): noryschede; L fovit] pore men.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.ML.(Manly-Rickert)B.112 : Thow..seist thow hast to lite and he hath al..he noght helpeth nedefulle in hir nede.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)7.3645 : He which alle thing mai helpe..To Gedeon his Angel sente.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Fkl.(Manly-Rickert)F.1042 : Lord Phebus, if yow lest Ye may me helpen, saue my lady, best.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)225b/b : Whan it [whete] is gadered som of þe straw is brende to helpe and amende þe londe [L propter culturam agri].
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)295a/b : Þough he be a wel cruel beste ȝit he is nought vnkynde to hem þat helpen [L subueniunt] him and socoureþ him in eny wise.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)6831 : If þou find o þin ilwilland Vndir birthin his beist ligand, Help him ar þou forþer wend.
- ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.35 : He went aboute kirkes vp to raise, Abbayes forto help [F redrescer], were fallen in miseyse.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)18.396 : I were an vnkynde Kynge, but I my kynde holpe, And namelich at such a nede.
- (1413-19) Doc.in Bk.Lond.E.227/74 : In vexacion by diuerses tymes to þe Marchalsie..In gret destruccion and anientisyng of hem, but it be holpyn and remedy don þer-to þe sonner by your graciouse help.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)1.2758 : But al hir sorowe was holp and remedyed Only by Fortune.
- a1450(?c1421) Lydg.ST (Arun 119)399 : With his swerd his fader shal be slawe; Ther may no man helpe it nor excuse.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)1230 : For were a man for his bistad, She wolde ben right sore adrad That she dide over-gret outrage, But she hym holpe his harm to aswage.
- a1450(1408) *Vegetius(1) (Dc 291)74b : But þis fere and drede may ben remedied and holpoun ȝif þou þat art duke sette þy puple or þou bygynne to fiȝte in sure place and siker.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)183/21 : Þay dryven away the dragon, and soo werne holpyn of hor deses.
- a1500(?c1440) Lydg.HGS (Lnsd 699)88 : Poraile oppressid to helpe them in ther right.
- a1500 Rule Minoresses (Bod 585)99/6 : Allegatis sche in here necessitees be holpyn & releuyd.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)7.83 : Unneþe is eny seynt more esy or prayere or more helpynge [Higd.(2): schewynge mercy and grace; L efficacior] þan seynt Ive is.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)1.3996 : But firste I rede þat we taken hede, To þinges þre, most helping in þis nede.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)90b/b : If þe vlcerez be virulent vnguentum album with plumb vste beþ helping or merciful [L propitia] to hem.
- a1500(?a1425) Lambeth SSecr.(Lamb 501)98/18 : Vertu pensyfe..knowith what þing in hem er helpynge, and what þinge noyand.
- ?a1500 Henslow Recipes (Henslow)34/10 : A goud playstre for þe canker and helpyng.
(a) To support (sb. or sth.), encourage, advise, agree with; conspire with (sb.); ~ to sweren, support (sb.) on oath, act as compurgator for (sb.); (b) to make provision; provide for (sb.); enrich (sb.), promote; help (sb. to do sth.), provide (sb.) the wherewithal (to do sth.); (c) to further (some natural process); enable (sb. to perform a natural process); (d) to be present, take part; ~ at (to), be present at, take part in (sth.); (e) ppl. as adj. helpinge, supporting, encouraging, stimulating; chapitre helping, supplementary chapter.
Associated quotations
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)9/9 : Sume of mine friende ðe ic halp to sweriȝen..and brohte unc baðe in to muchele harme.
- c1275(?c1250) Owl & N.(Clg A.9)484 : Þane riche & poure..Singeþ condut niȝt & dai, Ich hom helpe what ich mai.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Mark 9.23 : Lord I bileue; help thou myn vnbileuefulnesse.
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.584 : Able for to helpen al a shire In any caas that myghte falle or happe.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.3488 : Jason swor and seide ther..That if Medea dede him helpe..Thei scholde nevere parte atwinne.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)17a/b : Þe office of þese Aungelis is to teche goodmen & helpe hem of þinges þat helpiþ þe feiþ [L ad promotionem fidei].
- (a1400) MSS PRO in App.Bk.Lond.E.274 : Thomas Austyn Is..on of the principall meyntenors of tretorie..that is for to seyne helpynge and meyntenynge with Johan Norhamptone..In the struxsion of the Cete of London.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)4.169 : Ofte haue I..holpe ȝow atte barre.
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)3 Kings 1.7 : The word of hym with Joab..and with Abiathar, preest, that helpiden the parties of Adonye.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)4.pr.2.267 : To proeve this conclusioun ther helpeth me this, that I have schewed herebyforn.
- c1430(c1395) Chaucer LGW Prol.(2) (Benson-Robinson)451 : Yeve me grace..That I may knowe sothly what ye be That han me holpen [Prol.(1): holpe] and put in swich degre.
- ?c1430(c1400) Wycl.Prelates (Corp-C 296)78 : Goddis lawe helpeþ hem not her-to but dampneþ here pride, symonye, coueytise & oþere synnes.
- (1440) *Capgr.St.Norb.(Hnt HM 55)2143 : No man halpe him with hand ne witȝ tonge.
- (c1449) Pecock Repr.(Cmb Kk.4.26)284 : The seid answere mai not be holpe bi the firste colour.
- c1450(c1370) Chaucer Pity (Benson-Robinson)74 : And verrayly ye oughte do youre myght To helpe Trouthe in his adversyte.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1904 : Preid þei..saue þe best fro sorwe þat so wel hem helped.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)449 : Charlis kyng..ȝaf me lond & oþer þyng & halp me in þis wyse.
- (c1384) WBible(1) (Dc 369(2))Rom.16.2 : She stood nyȝ, or helpide [L astitit], to manye, and to me silf.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)20184 : Freindes þat me fedd & ladd, And helped [Frf: helped me; Trin-C: holpen me] als mi son þam badde.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)15.130 : Harlotes and hores ar hulpen with such goodis.
- c1425 Found.St.Barth.34/6 : With..helpynge of the nygh parties of the populous Cyte, they were holpyn.
- c1440(?a1400) Morte Arth.(1) (Thrn)2631 : Gife I happe..that hende for to serue, I be holpen in haste..Giffe his knafes be syche, his knyghttez are noble.
- (1444) Will Daubeney in Som.RS 19340 : I wol ther be departed to iiij pore clerkes viij marcs for to helpe them to scolay.
- a1450 St.Editha (Fst B.3)4754 : He preyth to god..To ȝelde godenesse to alle hem þat doth hem helpy.
- c1450(?c1400) Wycl.Elucid.(StJ-C G.25)12 : A myry place..in which trees of dyuerse kynde growen ynne for to helpe wiþ man.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)232/7 : And yf I have happe [to] my hele to serve my lyege lorde I shall be well holpyn in haste.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)176 : He made on werlde al erue tame..to fode and srud, to helpen ðe lif.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)25b/b : To make perfit þe vertu of þe spirit þat hatte animalis, & to helpe & strengþe þe vertu of lif þat is in þe herte.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)111b/a : All oþir sterres helpiþ [L cooperantur] þe planetis in her worchinge & kynde.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)210b/a : Humour of a wilde figge tre..yleyde to þe roote of a figge tree of gardyns conforteþ & helpeþ [L nutrit] þe figge tree of gardyn.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)67a/b : To helpe nature with som medicyne attractyue, as it was said aboue of drawyng out of arowez.
- ?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh 10.90)129/1 : It helpyȝt a man to make water.
- ?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh 10.90)151/5 : Ȝef þis herbe be drounke it wyle helpyn to delyuere a woman of a deed chyld.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)11059 : Þar duelld vr lauedi..Til ion was born..At hir childing hir was helpand [Ld: helpond; Trin-C: helponde].
- a1425(c1300) Assump.Virg.(1) (Add 10036)811 : Whare hast þou so longe bene?..Thou helpest noȝt at no good dede, Thou failest euer at most nede.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)63/2 : Asemoche as he þet lyeȝþ..deþ guod to oþre, alneway he deþ his oȝene harm, þanne þe leazinges helpinde byeþ zenne.
- (1389) Lond.Gild Ret.in Bk.Lond.E.(PRO C 47/var.)46/68 : Þe forsaide bretherhede shul be helpyng aȝeins þe rebell & vnboxhum.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)29303 : Þaa men þat renis, Þat helpand es to sarazines.
- c1425(a1420) Lydg.TB (Aug A.4)5.1625 : Alle fals..Þat wer assentid, willy, or helpynge To þe mordre of þe worþi kyng.
- a1425 Templ.Dom.(Add 32578)574-6 : And unto pride þat we use here Þe sonne is helpand sothe to say, And with envye þi hert to stere Þe mone is helpand nyght & day.
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)26a/b : A capitule adminiculatif i. helpyng [L adminiculatiuum] to þe forsaid of carbuncle & antrax.
- ?c1425 *Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)31b/b : A chapitle helpyng [*Ch.(1): adminicula; L adminiculatiuum] to the forsaide of euel formykes and of herpestikes of colre.
- (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Bod 263)4.3799 : He wolde bee Fauourable & helpyng of entente To the parti of them of Tharente.
- (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Bod 263)6.1186 : Damasippus..Freendli to Marius & helpyng.
- a1450(?1420) Lydg.TG (Tan 346)856 : My sone Cupide..He shal ben helping, fulli to perfourme Ȝour hole desire.
- (1456) Diary Corp.Reading1.44 : To all maner materis þat may sownd to þe comen wele..ye shall be truly helpyng wyth yowre persone and godes.
In surnames.
Associated quotations
- (1296) Sub.R.Lewes in Sus.AC 2305 : Symone Helpusgod.
- (1334) *in Pilkington Surn. : Thomas Helpthatichemay.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- ?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh 10.90)168/4 : It confortyȝt and helpeth too synwes þat are sore.
Note: Sense 3.(a) Is only ex. of ~ to in this sense. Might be useful to call attention in gloss. [There is also a ~ ayenes (a1398)--per MJW
Supplemental Materials (draft)
Note: Med., etc. (sense 1.(d)), see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. helping bone.