Middle English Dictionary Entry
hẹ̄ pron.(2)
Entry Info
Forms | hẹ̄ pron.(2) Also heo, hi(e & ho(e, hu(e, hw & ȝo(e, ȝho, yo, ȝe, ȝeo, ȝhe, yhe, yio, ge, ghe & ha, a; contraction: get (= ge hit). |
Etymology | OE nom. & acc. sg.fem. hēo, hīe, hī, hīo, hīu, hȳ, hīa, hēa. Some of the forms are from the orig. falling diphthongs of OE; others are from LOE rising diphthongs. Forms in ȝ(h-, g(h-, y(h- prob. had a palatal fricative; this could have arisen from the comb. of h with the first element of a rising diphthong (e.g. ȝọ̄) and then spread to forms in which the falling diphthong was preserved (e.g. ȝẹ̄). Some of the hā̆ & a forms are prob. due to development in unstressed position; others may have acquired the vowel of the OE acc. sg. fem. þā. In ME, the fem. hẹ̄ is chiefly M & S, rarely (if ever) N. The use as obj. is chiefly early. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. she pron., hire pron.(1) & (2).
As anaphoric or pers. pron., subject: (a) the female person referred to, she; (b) used pleonastically, or for emphasis; (c) with appositional adjunct; (d) ~ that, ~ the, ~..that, she who.
Associated quotations
- a1121 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1100 : Se cyng genam Mahalde him to wife..heo wearð him..forgifen.
- a1150(c1125) Vsp.D.Hom.Fest.Virg.(Vsp D.14)20/52 : Þeh heo Josepe gehandfæst wære..heo næfre weres gemænnysse nolde cunnen.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)452 : Forr ȝho wass swa bifundenn wif Þatt naffde ȝho nohht tæmedd.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)1147 : Diana wes ihaten..Heo [Otho: Ȝeo] dude wnder craftes.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)28219 : Þa quene ich wulle..al mid horsen to-draȝe, For ne beo ich nauere bliðe þei wile a beoð aliue.
- a1200 Trin.Hom.(Trin-C B.14.52)141 : Hie is ihaten alse þat holie maiden..marie.
- a1225 Lamb.Hom.Creed (Lamb 487)77 : Swa ho ifeng ure drihten þa þe engel hire brohte þe blisfulle tidinge.
- a1225 Wint.Ben.Rule (Cld D.3)71/1 : Behate erest bote & ȝeswicnesse ealra þæra unþeowa, þe hu fore utadræfod was.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)57/10 : Ȝet is wurse ȝef me seið þet ha [Nero: heo; Tit: ho; Cleo: ha] is grucchilt.
- a1275 On leome (Trin-C B.14.39)88,90 : Hire þucte a miste aweden..Teres hoe wep of blod.
- c1275(?c1250) Owl & N.(Clg A.9)19 : Ho [Jes-O: He] was þe gladur uor þe rise.
- a1275(?c1150) Prov.Alf.(Trin-C B.14.39)102/285,289 : Hif hue [þi wif] seȝe þe biforen þine fomen alle..he [Mdst: hoe; Jes-O: heo] ne sold it leten..þat he ne solde þe up-breidin.
- c1275 Ken.Serm.(LdMisc 471)217/87 : Hye spac to þo Serganz þat seruede of þo wyne.
- c1300 SLeg.Pass.(Hrl 2277:C.Brown)p.16 : Hire deol passede alle deoles, heo [Pep: ȝeo] nolde confort non.
- a1300 Floris (Vit D.3)p.100 : Sire, he [Cmb: heo; Auch: ȝhe; Suth: she] haueþ i-waked al niȝht..Þat heo [Auch: hii] ne may nouȝt come ȝete.
- c1300(c1250) Floris (Cmb Gg.4.27)129 : In Babilloine, oþer wher a beo, Þat he miȝte hire iseo.
- c1300 Lay.Brut (Otho C.13)1270 : Hire [Diana] wolde he louie..wane he come to þe londe þat ȝe [Diana] him bi-heþte.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)1024 : Bi ðan sal sarra selðe timen ðat ge sal of a sune trimen.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2625 : Sche forð-ran, And brogt hire a fostre wimman..Ghe kepte it wel in fostre wune.
- a1325(?a1300) Interl.CG (Add 23986)48 : Yo hat mayden malkyn.
- a1325(?c1300) NPass.(Cmb Gg.1.1)102-4 : Yio [Rwl C.655: he] had don a sinfol dede. Of Iesu ha wolde merci haue, Ho cneled doun hir bote to craue.
- a1325(?c1300) NPass.(Cmb Gg.1.1)1642-1644 : Owre leuedi herde..Terres of blod he gon adoun lete..þar a biheld Iesu on þe rode.
- a1325 SLeg.Theoph.(Corp-C 145)62 : Þei a mon hure forsake, Ȝif he wole turne is herte..ȝo wol him take.
- ?c1335 Þe grace of god (Hrl 913)58 : Womman mai turne man is wille Whare ȝho wol pilt hir to.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)635 : Ȝo wolde þat ire name were euermo in munde.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)8977 : Heo [c1425 Hrl: Ȝoe] was wurþe to be icluped Mold þe gode quene.
- c1325 Byrd one brere (KC Muniments 2.W.32)8 : Yhe is fayr and flur of alle.
- c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch)103 : To hir maistresse sche gan say Þat hye was boun to go.
- c1330 Otuel (Auch)1001 : Þat was kinges douȝter garsie, & ȝo was glad of þat present.
- a1350 SLeg.Blase (LdMisc 108)39 : His moder nadde no child bot þat, greth doel ȝe [Corp-C: he] made wiþ-alle.
- a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)1985 : Boldli wiþ milde mod ȝhe buskes of hire chaumber.
- (1376) Doc.in Morsbach Origurk.2 : Margerie..witnysseth..þat he wol do..þat a triwe womman auste for to do.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)1.11 : Ȝif ȝe [Ruth] wole wiþ ȝow rype, forbedeþ hir nouȝt.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)70a/b : Þat is a token þat womman goþ childe ȝif a desiriþ diuers þinges.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)2.44 : 'Go to þe gospel,' quaþ hue [Cmb Dd: heo; Ld: ȝo].
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)1870-2 : Thenne lachchez ho hir leue..When he watz gon, sir G[awayn] gerez hym sone.
- c1400 Bible SNT(1) (Selw 108 L.1)Rom.7.2 : Heo [Corp-C: ȝe] is y-bounde to þe lawe, but ȝif hure housbonde be deed.
- c1425(?a1400) Arthur (Lngl 55)581-2 : Heo of Mercy hadde noon hoope, Ther-for he dude on a Russet cote..And made heore self þo a Nonne.
- a1450 St.Editha (Fst B.3)142 : Erle Wolstones wyff..hee was.
- a1450 St.Editha (Fst B.3)1505 : Euer hoe vsed..To blesse..here-self.
- a1400 Siege Jerus.(1) (LdMisc 656)104 : A kyng & a knaue child ȝo conceyued at ere.
- c1450(c1350) Alex.& D.(Bod 264)562 : Hure was lecherie luf þe while hue livede alse.
- c1450 PPl.B (RwlPoet 38)11.241 : A was a puir..mayden.
- c1450(?a1400) Chestre Launfal (Clg A.2)352 : Sche badde hym aryse anoon; Hy seyde to hym, 'Syr gantyl Knyȝt..To a derne stede þou gon.'
- a1500 Degrev.(Cmb Ff.1.6)702 : Naþeles hoo [Thrn: scho] was wel paid.
- a1500 Degrev.(Cmb Ff.1.6)1758 : Gode schylde, syr, þat he be slon; We hade neuer chyl but hyr on.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)5.632 : Largenesse þe lady heo [Rwl: he] let in ful manye.
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)1001 : Þe olde auncian wyf heȝest ho syttez.
- a1500 Degrev.(Cmb Ff.1.6)779 : Þe mayde hur hood of hoe hent.
- a1275 Louerd asse þu ard (Trin-C B.14.39)298 : Ha was suiþe bliþe marie maudelain.
- c1275 Ken.Serm.(LdMisc 471)217/87 : Nu ne dorste hi namore sigge ure lauedi.
- c1475(a1400) Amadace (Tay 9)p.53 : Still ho stode..That lady myld and dere.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)95/22 : Hie is of heiȝe kenne al swo hie ðe is godes aȝen anlicnesse.
- a1350 Wiþ longyng (Hrl 2253)31 : Lylie-whyt hue is..þat reueþ me mi rest.
- c1350(a1333) Shoreham Poems (Add 17376)64/1800 : Hye þat þe man for-leyen heþe Vnder hys ryȝt wyf, Oþer ȝyf hy hosebonde..Ȝet hi myȝte be wedded eft.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)1586 : Ho herde hym chyde to þe chambre þat watz þe chef quene.
(a) Referring to nouns orig. grammatically feminine: it; (b) referring to animals of the female sex: she, it.
Associated quotations
- ?a1200(OE) Hrl.MQuad.(Hrl 6258B)4/1 : Smure ða hors þe sinde on fefore oþþ on æniȝe adle; heo fram ahyldeþ.
- c1175(?OE) Bod.Hom.(Bod 343)4/25 : Ðas word he cwæð..be þare acennednysse..þat heo eft ne mæȝ beon iedlæht to life.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)33 : Forðon nis nawiht þeos weorld; al heo aȝeð on ane alpi þraȝe, þerihtes he ne bið.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)2028 : Þa þe burh wes i-maked, þa wes he [Otho: heo] swiðe mare.
- a1225(c1200) Vices & V.(1) (Stw 34)99/25,26 : Ȝif ðu mihtest biȝeten prudentiam..hie ðe ware swiðe beheue..Heo is wis and ȝeap aȝean alle ðohtes.
- a1225 Lamb.Hom.Creed (Lamb 487)77 : For þan he him alse þe sunne streonþ þe lome þet ho spret in to al þis wide worlde.
- a1225 PMor.(Eg 613(2))334 : Ute we us biwerien wið ðises wrecches woreldes luue, þet he [Trin-C: hit; Dgb: hi; Jes-O: heo; McC: hie] maȝe us derien.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Kath.(1) (Einenkel)781 : Of mine bileaue, beo ha duhti oðer dusi, naue þu nawt to donne.
- c1225(?c1200) SWard (Bod 34)8/71 : Fearlac ich hatte, ant am deaðes sonde..warschipe..freineð hweonene he [Tit: ha] cume, & hwuch hird ha leade.
- a1250 Wooing Lord (Tit D.18)281 : Hwat herte ne mai to breke hwen ha herof þenches.
- c1230(?a1200) Ancr.(Corp-C 402)188/2 : Þe wombe..is se neh nehbur to þet fultohe lim þet ha dealeð þerwið þe brune of hire heate.
- a1275 Serm.St.Nich.(Trin-C B.14.39)65/83 : So þe herte of þis riche mon awei farom [read: from] god is al idon, y-turnd a is to his catel.
- c1300(c1250) Floris (Cmb Gg.4.27)305 : Þe wal is of so muchel eie..Ha bulmeþ vp so he were wod.
- c1300 SLeg.Becket (LdMisc 108)1377 : Þe sonne þat was erore so cler, deork heo is bi-come.
- a1350(c1307) Death Edw.I (Hrl 2253)27 : Ich bi-queþe myn herte aryht..ouer þe see þat hue be diht.
- a1325 SLeg.Mich.(Corp-C 145)597 : Þe sonne..Boþe se and verss water he draweþ up þe breþ.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)7/18 : Vor zuich inwyt ne may by ine reste þer huyle þet hi is in zuich stat.
- c1400(?c1380) Patience (Nero A.10)4 : Suffraunce may..þe swelme leþe For ho quelles vche a qued.
- c1400 Bible SNT(1) (Selw 108 L.1)Rom.13.1 : Euerich soule be soget to poweres þat beþ hyȝere þan heo.
- a1450(a1425) Mirk IPP (Cld A.2:Peacock)1766-7 : Loke þat þy candel of wax hyt be..And loke algate ho brenne clere, Wayte þat ho brenne in alle wyse.
- a1500(c1386) St.Erk.(Hrl 2250)274 : Ȝea, bot sayes þou of þi saule..Quere is ho stablid and stadde?
- a1275(?c1150) Prov.Alf.(Trin-C B.14.39)132/617 : Þe bicche bitit ille þau he berke stille.
- a1300 Bestiary (Arun 292)175 : Ðe mire is magti, mikel ge swinkeð.
- a1300 Bestiary (Arun 292)196 : Ðe mire..ðe corn ðat ge to caue bereð, al get bit otwinne.
- c1300 SLeg.MPChr.(LdMisc 108)808 : Barefot opon þe Asse he rod; ihaltred heo was also.
As object: (a) referring to women or female animals: her; (b) referring to nouns grammatically feminine: it; (c) reflexive: herself.
Associated quotations
- a1121 Peterb.Chron.(LdMisc 636)an.1100 : Se cyng genam Mahalde him to wife..& se arcebiscop Ansealm hi him be-wæddade.
- a1225(OE) Vsp.A.Hom.Init.Creat.(Vsp A.22)223 : Adam hi nemnede eua.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)3 : Ȝe finded..þar ane asse..unbinded heo and leaded heo to me.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)3185-6 : Ich heo [Otho: hire] wulle þe biwiten, & senden ha [Otho: hire] in ane scipe.
- c1225(?c1200) St.Marg.(1) (Bod 34)4/22 : Ha warð þeo þe ha [altered to: hire] hefde iwist & iwenet swa lengre swa leuere.
- c1275(?c1250) Owl & N.(Clg A.9)29,30 : Þe niȝtingale hi iseȝ, & hi bihold & ouerseȝ.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)191/28 : He þoȝte þet þet wes þet word of þe godspelle þet he hedde yyolde [F que li auoit rendu]; and him hi weren yloked.
- c1225 Body & S.(2) (Wor F.174)6/5 : Clene biþ þeo eor[þe]..Ac þu heo afulest mid þine fule holde.
- a1225(?OE) Lamb.Hom.(Lamb 487)21 : Þis worlð winð onȝein us, and we on-ȝein heo.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)42 : Wace wes ihoten..& he hoe [Boc] ȝef þare æðelen Ælienor.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)2819 : He makede ane riche burh, & hehte heo Winchestre.
- c1275(?c1250) Owl & N.(Clg A.9)1230-32 : An fleo schal toward mis-ȝenge Ȝef þu isihst hu [Jes-O: hw] fleo of strenge. For þu miȝt blenche wel & fleo, Ȝif þu isihst heo to þe teo.
- a1300(?c1150) Prov.Alf.(Jes-O 29)296 : Wymmon..haueþ tunge to swift..ne may heo hi [Trin-C: it] no-wiht welde.
- a1300 I-hereþ nv one (Jes-O 29)385 : He wryþen..one crune..Hi setten heo on his heued.
- a1300 I-hereþ nv one (Jes-O 29)435 : Þe knyhtes..bitauhten him þe rode..He ber heo on his schuldre.
- c1350(a1333) Shoreham Poems (Add 17376)98/14 : Senne hys swete and lykeþ, Wanne a man hi deþ.
- c1350(a1333) Shoreham Poems (Add 17376)132/50 : Þe erthe hys heuy..Ho halt ys op?..To healde hy op hyt nys no ned.
- a1225(OE) Lamb.Hom.VA (Lamb 487)111 : Þet clene wif scunað ȝitsunge and..heo hi wernað wið drunkenesse.
- a1225(?c1175) PMor.(Lamb 487)215 : Þa þe godes milce secheð, he iwis mei ha [Dgb: hi; Trin-C: heo; Eg(1): is; Eg(2): his; McC: hit] ifinden.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)30821 : Ymong þan wrecche uolke þat maiden heo hudde.
- c1275(?c1250) Owl & N.(Clg A.9)939 : Þe niȝtingale..sat sum del & heo [Jes-O: ho] bi-þohte.
As noun: a woman; also a female animal or bird; ~ beste, ~ got, ~ lomb, ~ sparwe, ~ wolf.
Associated quotations
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Lev.5.6 : Offre he of þe flookis an heolomb or an heogoot [Corp-O: an shee lombe or a shee geyt; WB(2): a femal lomb ethir a goet; L agnam sive capram].
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)337 : Ay þou meng wyth þe malez þe mete ho-bestez.
- a1450(a1425) Mirk IPP (Cld A.2:Peacock)1407 : Fyrst þow moste þys mynne..Wheþer hyt be heo or he.
- c1450 Battlefield Gram.(Trin-C O.5.4)104 : Hic passer for the he-sparwe, and hic passer for the heo-sparowe.
- c1475(c1399) Mum & S.(1) (Cmb Ll.4.14)3.50 : Anoþer proud partriche..houeth þe eyren þat þe hue laide.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)210/18 : A qwene þat was callytte Lupa, þat ys yn Englysch, an hoo-wolfe.