Middle English Dictionary Entry
gāle n.(2)
Entry Info
Forms | gāle n.(2) |
Etymology | OE *gal or *gāl (cp. OE singal, wīdgal) & ON (cp. OI geil a narrow glen, a passage). |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. gale n.(1) and gol n.
(a) A way, course; fig. gon ilke (haven same) ~, to go the same way, meet the same fate; (b) course of action, way, means, expedient.
Associated quotations
- a1500 NPass.(Cmb Ff.5.48)56/570 : Go þat ilke gale [Ashm: haue þe same gale; Cmb Dd: Whoso wile wiþ swerd slon, wiþ swerd he schal his lyf for gon].
- ?a1425(?a1350) Castleford Chron.(Göt Hist 740)26383,26405 : He sagh wele he might haf na gale þar to mainten coron riale..And qwen þai suo nankins gale fande On him þoru strenȝ to win þe lande, Ouer humbre, lo, baȝ þai pas.