Middle English Dictionary Entry
galactīles n.
Entry Info
Forms | galactīles n. Also galatite, galactida, galactides & ? caladista. |
Etymology | Cp. ML galactīles & CL galactītis & galaxias & ML calastida; ult. Gr. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
A precious stone, ?nitrate of lime.
Associated quotations
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)201a/b : De Galactile. Galactiles is a stone wiþ colour as aisshen and swete taste and savor; if it is y smyte a maner of white melk y-comeþ out þerof..if it is y-bore aboute þe nekke, it makeþ brestes fulle of melk.
- a1450 Dc.291 Lapid.(Dc 291)p.35 : Caladista hath colour of sendrine. þat woman þat drynketh hit..hit shal multiplie her mylke.
- a1500 BodAdd.A.106 Lapid.(BodAdd A.106)p.55 : Galatite is a precyous ston..when he is wel rubbyd he lythes ye Ius & ye sauour of mylke.
- a1500 Peterb.Lapid.(Peterb 33)p.79 : Caladista is a ston þat haþe þe colour lyk sendres..it schall multepley her mylke.
- a1500 Peterb.Lapid.(Peterb 33)p.91 : Galactida is a ston, & is myche lyke to asshen; & yf he be dronke in mylke he restoreþ mylke..Ðis stone galactides haþe many dyuers names. Some clepen him gracitem & egipcis smaragene, & his ryȝt name is galactida. Also men clepen him ganancten & fenichom & letorgone & we clepen him oblianus.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- a1500 Bod.EMisc.Lapid.(BodEMisc e.558)35/338 : The Allectide is the colour of asshes.
Note: New spelling