Middle English Dictionary Entry
fēnix n.
Entry Info
Forms | fēnix n. Also fenys, phenes. |
Etymology | OE & ML fenix; OF fenix, fenis (ult.Gr.). |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) The Phoenix [see the Barth. quots.]; also a representation of it; (b) said of a woman of unique beauty; applied to the Virgin Mary; (c) said to be the name of a long-lived palm tree.
Associated quotations
- a1150(OE) Vsp.D.Hom.(Vsp D.14)147/19 : Þu glitenest swa read gold, ealra fugela king, Fenix ȝehaten.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)147a/b : Fenyx is a bridde and þere is but oon of þat kynde in all þe worlde wyde..among þe aribyes, þere þis bridde fenix is Ibredde, he is Iclepid singularis, al one..fenix is a bridde wiþoute make and lyueþ þre hundred or fyue hundred ȝere. Whanne þe whiche ȝeres bene apassid sche..makeþ a nest of swete smellinge stickes..þe nest beþ Isette on fyre wiþ brennynge hete of þe sonne..Thanne þis brid ffenix comeþ wilfulliche in to þe brennynge nest and is þere Ibrent to askes..wiþ inne þre dayes a litil worme is Igendred and comeþ of þilke asken..and fongiþ feþeres and is I schape and I turned to a bridde..he is most faire bridde and most liche to þe pekok in fetheres and loueþ wildirnesse.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)239a/b : In þe south londe is a maner palme þat is alone in þat kynde..whanne þis palme is so olde þat he faileþ al for elde, þanne ofte he lyueþ and springeþ of it self. Þerfor me troweþ þat ffenix, is a bridde of arabia, hath þe name of þis palme in arabia ffor he deyeth and quyketh..as plinius seiþ.
- a1425 Roy.17.C.17 Nominale (Roy 17.C.17)641 : Hic fenix: ae. fenys.
- ?a1425(c1400) Mandev.(1) (Tit C.16)30/23 : In Egipt is the citee of Elyople..the cytee of the sonne. In þat cytee þere is a temple..the foul þat is clept Fenix..cometh to brenne himself vpon the awtere of þat temple at the ende of v hundred ȝeer.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)4993 : Þar bade a bird on a boghe..Was of a port of a paa ..A Fenix.
- a1500 Mayer Nominale (Mayer)702 : Hic phenix: phenes.
- c1500(?a1475) Ass.Gods (Trin-C R.3.19)810 : A fenyx on hys helme stood.
- c1400(?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)430 : We leuen on Marye þat grace of grewe..for synglerty o hyr dousour, We calle hyr Fenyx of Arraby, Þat freles fleȝe of hyr fasor, Lyk to þe Quen of cortaysye.
- c1450(1369) Chaucer BD (Benson-Robinson)982 : Trewly she was to myn ye The soleyn fenix of Arabye; For ther livyth never but oon, Ne swich as she ne knowe I noon.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)239a/a : Palma is a tree..by liknesse of þe bridde ffenix þat lyueþ longe tyme sche hatte ffenix among þe grees.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- 1652(?1471) Ripley Epis.Edw.IV in Ashmole TC (AshmTC)p.115 : The third daye againe to Life he shall uprise, And devour..Pekocks and Mavies, The Phenix, the Egle whyte..and the Red Dragon.
Note: New sense: alch.