Middle English Dictionary Entry
extente n.
Entry Info
Forms | extente n. |
Etymology | AF estente, extente, AL extenta; cp. ME extent , ppl. of extenden. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: Cp. stent.
Law Survey, appraisal, or valuation of land or other property for purposes of taxation; (b) assessed value; (c) tax levied on such valuation; also, income from taxes.
Associated quotations
- [ (c1290) Britton 2 (Lamb 403)67 : La estente soit fete en ceste manere. En primes soit enquis par serment des jurours, cum bien les edifices el chief maner..vaillent par an de cleer. ]
- a1425-a1500(?c1350) Libeaus (Kaluza)1249 : Þe lord him ȝeld..be certaine extente Tresour, lond and rente.
- (1427) RParl.4.318b : Alle inhabitantz..paie to oure saide soverain Lord..in to ye hiest extent afore yis tyme made, aftre ye rate.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)372/6 : Yf..ony eschaunge behoved to be made in the forsaid tilthe, hit shold be fulfilled all by the extente of feithfull men.
- a1500 Henley Husb.(Sln 686)44 : Loke your extente & se howe many acres off lande ye haue.
- ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.83 : Alle þei did extend to witte þe verrey valowe; & William wiste of alle..Of lordyng & of thralle, þe extente þorgh acounte.
- (1431) Proc.Privy C.4.99 : Alle þe maners, londes, and tenementes..whiche exceden nought xxx li. in yerly value afte[r] þe extentes of hem retourned in þe chancerie.
- a1500 Henley Husb.(Sln 686)43 : Let your landis be extendide by wyse men sworne and se what euery parcell þer off may be worthe in a yere more þen thextente.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)6074 : Persones, prestes, þat han here rente, And ouþer þat han grete extente, Þat mow weyl..lyue as lordes.
- (1472) RParl.6.63b : The olde extent of the said Counte, by cause of grete..ruynes and decayes, might not in grete parte of long tyme be reysed by the Sherefs therof.
- a1525(?1469) Cov.Leet Bk.339 : Also they woll that xx li. that hathe be payd by dyuers chaumburlens on her extent of most oldyst dette, that hyt be payd thys yer.
Size or amount (of income).
Associated quotations
- a1500 Henley Husb.(Sln 686)42 : I cownsell you to ordeyne youre lyuinge aftur the extente of your lyvelode.