Middle English Dictionary Entry

ē̆lecciǒun n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

The action of choosing; choice, free choice; selection.
The power or privilege of choosing; discretion, option; fre eleccioun, free choice, free will.
(a) The action or act of choosing a person to occupy some office or position;--said both of choice by a body of electors and of choice by a single person; (b) the privilege of so choosing; (c) the moral right to make such a choice; (d) eleccioun dai.
The particular choice made (of a person to occupy the office or position in question).
The holding of a vote, in accordance with established procedures, by which a body of electors chooses a person for some office; also a meeting at a scheduled time and place to hold such a vote.
Theol. (a) God's choice (of a person for some blessing, esp. for eternal salvation); (b) those chosen for salvation.
Astrol. The action or act of choosing on astrological grounds the proper time for some undertaking.