Middle English Dictionary Entry

-āble adj. suf.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

In words taken from OF (& L): (a) derived from verbs, with 'passive' meaning: accept-able, agre-able, am-able, blam-able, chaunge-able, forfet-able, fortun-able, honor-able, etc.; (b) derived from verbs, with 'active' meaning: comfort-able, deceiv-able, enherit-able, etc.; (c) derived from nouns: charit-able, favor-able, merci-able, resoun-able, service-able.
In ME coinages (chiefly, it seems, on specific L or OF models): (a) bilev-able, er-able (cp. OF arable, L arabilis), et-able (cp. L ed-ibilis), find-able, sing-able (cp. L cant-abilis), unspek-able, unber-able (cp. L intolerabilis); (b) fill-able, forber-able; (c) pes-able (cp. OF pais-ible).