Middle English Dictionary Entry
allǒuen v.
Entry Info
Forms | allǒuen v. Also alouen, alu. |
Etymology | AF al(l)ouer, corresp. to CF aloer (from L adlaudāre praise) & aloiier, aloer (from L adlocāre allocate, etc.). |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) To commend or praise (sth.); worship (God); recommend (a virtue); (b) approve of, be pleased with (sth.); be pleasing (to sb.); favor (sb.); (c) appreciate or value (sth.); esteem.
Associated quotations
- c1350(a1333) Shoreham Poems (Add 17376)143/396 : He [Lucifer] wolde..be god ylyche To be a-lowed [rime: proud].
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)227 : Þis stat is moche to alowe uor his dingnete.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Sq.(Manly-Rickert)F.676 : I preise wel thy wit..So feelyngly thow spekest; sire, I allow [vr. a-lowgh] the!
- ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.281 : His dedes ere to alowe [F a louer].
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)15.4 : Somme lakked my lyf; allowed it fewe.
- a1425 NHom.(3) Leg.Suppl.Hrl.(Hrl 4196)84/263 : None oþer lord es to a-low, Ne oþer trowth es none to trow.
- (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Bod 263)1.4634 : Afftir men been, men mut the pris vpreise, Lich ther meritis allowe hem or dispreise.
- (?a1439) Lydg.FP (Bod 263)7.48 : Cassius..Gretli allowed..for his cheualrie.
- a1450 SLeg.Fran.(2) (Bod 779)464 : To winne heuene..sen franceys þorwȝ-out alle þing aloued chastete.
- c1450 Ponthus (Dgb 185)30/33 : He was gretly alowed of all men.
- (a1460) DSPhilos.(Helm)87/10 : Two thingis ben gretly to be allowed [Scrope DSP: be fulle lowable]..that is to seye, lawe & wysdame.
- (1471) Rec.Throne Edw.IV (Roy 17.D.15)p.281 : The duke of Claranse..Can alowe the cite notabully.
- c1425 Wycl.Antichr.(2) (Dub 245)142 : If hise clerkis cunne speke fayre latyne, lyȝen þei neuer so yuel..he aloweþ hem wele.
- a1500(?c1450) Merlin (Cmb Ff.3.11)355 : Gretly were thei to a-lowe and to preise.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Dc 369(1))Prov.14.35 : Alowid [WB(2): acceptable; L acceptus] is to the king an vnderstondende seruaunt.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Dc 369(1))Prov.16.5 : To do riȝtwyssnesse is alouwid [WB(2): is more acceptable; L accepta est] anent God more than to offre ostis.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)7.33 : Þat is nouȝt plesynge to God..noþer a good man aloweþ it [L acceptum].
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)4.2282 : Sielde it is that love alloweth The gentil man withoute good.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)73a/b : A servaunt þat is vertuous & wel I tauȝt..is ofte..wel alowid [L acceptus] of lordis.
- (a1402) Trev.DCur.(Hrl 1900)42/30 : Hit is..more alowed of God þan eny chirche of freres.
- (1435) Misyn FL (Corp-O 236)74/34 : I call alowd [L approbatos] qwhome endles lufe pythily has enflawmyd.
- (1435) Misyn FL (Corp-O 236)75/3 : Qwhen þai þat men allowd [L acceptabunt] & chas..ar caste downe.
- a1450(1419) Loke how Flaundres (Dgb 102)26 : Swere moche and not be trowed, Boste moche and not allowed.
- c1450(c1350) Alex.& D.(Bod 264)212 : Ȝif y..finde..Þat God aloweþ ȝour lif and likeþ ȝour dedes.
- c1540(?a1400) Destr.Troy (Htrn 388)8865 : When his speche was spokyn..All the lordes hit alowet & lowten þerto.
- c1450 Spec.Chr.(2) (Hrl 6580)178/30 : God alowez [L probat] not gret besynes of seruycez bot deuocion of myndes.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)33/143 : God almyghty..Alowyht ryht nowth þi dede.
- c1475(c1399) Mum & S.(1) (Cmb Ll.4.14)2.69 : Quod Reson, 'þat reule I alowe: Displese not þi demer.'
- a1500(1413) *Pilgr.Soul (Eg 615)1.14.7a : Euery wight loueth and mayntenyth the thing that he allowith.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)4.91 : Þey his counseille were ofte good..hit was nouȝt allowed [L appreciabatur], for þe kyng hadde hym suspecte.
- a1425(?a1400) RRose (Htrn 409)5186 : A fool art thou, Whan that thou nothyng wolt allow That I for thi profit say.
- c1450(c1405) Mum & S.(2) (Add 41666)989 : The bee in his bisynes beste is allowed.
- c1450 Capgr.Rome (Bod 423)25 : This same proposicioun was so alowid of þe emperour þat he ded make a lawe.
- (a1460) DSPhilos.(Helm)61/11 : I allowe nat the ricchesses that bene lightly and freely loste.
- c1475(?c1451) Worcester Bk.Noblesse (Roy 18.B.22)27 : There is none erthely thing more forto be allowed than a countre..stored withe good men of armes.
- a1500 BodAdd.A.106 Lapid.(BodAdd A.106)56 : Yis ston was so gretly alowyd of old men.
(a) Law To recognize or admit (a privilege, an excuse, etc.) as valid or binding; validate, confirm; (b) phil. to admit the validity of (a statement, etc.), grant.
Associated quotations
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)1.1590 : This covenant I wol allowe.
- ?a1400(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.2 (Petyt 511)p.77 : In alle maner wise as it [church] ore feffed was & on the same asise serued & alowed.
- (1432) RParl.4.403b : With oute any..protection or esson to ben allowed in sich action.
- ?1435 Lond.Chron.Jul.(Jul B.2)51 : The Erle off Arundel alleggid his chartre off pardon, And hit was nouht allowed.
- c1436 Ipswich Domesday(2) (Add 25011)27 : After the kynde of his pleynt owyn the essoynes be iuged and allowed and the plee determined.
- (1440) *Bench Bk.3 Hull15a : In plees of the faire none essoigne shall be had ne allowed.
- (1444) RParl.5.115b : In all such actions..the Kynges protection shall not be alowed nor availlable for the Defendaunt.
- (1447-8) Shillingford127 : Diverse libertees..whiche were yn the sayde Eyres to them allowed.
- a1450 I wole be mendid (Dgb 102)103 : Oure newe lawe we don allow.
- (1461) RParl.5.489b : That..Libertees..and all maner Grauntes..be..of lyke force and auctorite..as though [they]..had be..graunted by..Kynges rightwisely reignyng..and to be allowed in all Courtes and Places after the tenures of the same.
- (1472-3) RParl.6.40a : That noo Lettres Patentes..nor eny..Writtes..be in eny wise allowable or allowed.
- c1350(a1333) Shoreham Poems (Add 17376)132/74 : Ich afowe Þat euerech man hyt moȝt alowe Þat reson hent.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)287b/b : Bysynesse of emptes þat auctours preysen hertofore, aristotil alloweþ [L approbat] it.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)5.pr.3.30 : Ne I ne proeve nat thilke same resoun, as who seith 'I ne allowe nat,' or 'I ne preyse nat thilke same resoun.'
- (c1454) Pecock Fol.(Roy 17.D.9)34/30 : Þouȝ no man þerof make mensioun in writyng, ȝit it is supportable and algatis to be alowid.
- (c1456) Pecock Faith (Trin-C B.14.45)247 : Even peer hath not power into his eeve peer, aftir the comoun wel allowid proverbe.
To sanction or permit (a certain practice); be tolerant (of offenders), condone.
Associated quotations
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)2.539 : I am al redy..to forbere What thing that ye wol noght allowe.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)4.74 : God in þe gospel such grauynge noȝt aloweþ.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)19.82 : Sitthen þer aren bote to lyues Þat oure lorde aloweþ..That is actiua-uita and uita contemplatiua.
- (a1402) Trev.DCur.(Hrl 1900)75/18 : Ȝif a man eteþ of robberie..þat is y-gete for his vse..he aloweþ þe robberie.
- a1450 Spaldyng Katereyn þe curteys (BodR 22)p.541 : No mete he wil a-low þus To turne þi wjtte.
- (c1456) Pecock Faith (Trin-C B.14.45)302 : The chirche admyttith and allowith hem to be holde..for seintis.
- ?a1475 Ludus C.(Vsp D.8)56/142 : Forfet neuer be no woman lesse þan þe lawe a-lowe þi play.
- c1425 Wycl.Antichr.(2) (Dub 245)127 : Þei suffren in þe temple many comun chapmen þat mynystren þe sacramentis..& þei ben wele alowed of hem for parte of her wynnyng.
Of business matters: (a) to take into account or allow for (expenses incurred, services rendered, payments made, proper fees, etc.); give credit, grant a rebate, reimburse, etc.; (b) to compensate, pay, reward (sb.); repay (a service); ~ for shot, pay one's share; (c) to certify (an account).
Associated quotations
- (1423) Pet.Sutton in Fenland NQ 7308 : To graunte and relesse unto youre seid povere tenaunts the sume of c marc or as myche as it pleases to youre discrecion to allowe hem of ther rent of the last yere.
- (1423-4) Acc.St.Michael Oxf.in OAST 7816 : Lefft behynde, al thyngs yrekenyd and alle thyngs alowyd, due to the procuratours forsayd xi d.
- (1425) RParl.4.304b : Yan the said..Merchantz yat have lost..any Woll..may be restitued and allowed of ye Subsidee of yat so perisshed, taken or lost.
- (1432) Let.Christ Ch.in RS 85.3161 : Alleyyng and seavyng for hem sufficient dyscharge of eny payment wych oghte to be alowyd of us.
- (1433) RParl.4.445a : That the seide Collectours..be allowed in ther accompt..of alle the paiementz that they shall make to the seide Seneschall.
- (1433) RParl.4.477a : Ellys they never to be allowed therof.
- (a1440) Let.Coventry in EHR 55644 : That ye wole alowe him in his rent tho costes that he hath made therynne.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)10 : Alowede: Allocatus.
- (1447) RParl.5.129b : The costes of his Exequies and alle othur almusdedus done for his soule..alloued ther remayneth due to the saide Executours for theire saide Testatour..the summe of vii or viii m. marcs in money.
- (1447) RParl.130a : Theire [the Executours'] laboure, costes and despencez..of the godes of the saide Testatour duely allowed.
- c1450 Jacob's W.(Sal 103)123/14 : Ȝif þou allowe it noȝt in þe paying.
- ?c1450(?a1400) Wycl.Clergy HP (Lamb 551)387 : Criste assignyd þe seculer lordeschipis to temporalle lordes..and alowid þe comonte her liflode goten bi true merchandise & hosbondrie.
- (1455) Acc.St.Ewen in BGAS 15159 : So accompted to be accompted and allowed to be allowed, the procurators for the ȝer owen to the church..vli vs vjd ob.
- (1458) Will York in Sur.Soc.30222 : To allowe the said Richard and John thair resonable coostez yat thei spenden in..executyng the commandment.
- (1472-3) RParl.6.59a : That they..be allowed and discharged of all..sommes of money..that in their said..accomptes..shal be..shewed to be by theym expended.
- (1475) Acc.St.Edm.Sarum19 : The said accountants axen to be allowed for xxi galons goud ale there yspende.
- (1477) Paston (Gairdner)5.300 : Aske rente..and distrayne and allowe noe dewty of Dokkynges in abatyng my rente.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)9.250 : He þat best laborede best was alowede.
- c1410(c1350) Gamelyn (Hrl 7334)578 : I wil allowe þe þy wordes [of warning] whan i my tyme se.
- c1440(?a1400) Morte Arth.(1) (Thrn)1036 : Walde þow lere me whare þat lede lengez, I sall alowe þe and I liffe.
- c1450 Jacob's W.(Sal 103)124/7 : Whan þou..alowyst hym noȝt for his trauayle.
- (1463) Acc.Howard in RC 57152 : My mastyre alowyd hys fermour..ffor otys that he toke to my lordys stable..vs.xd.
- a1500(a1400) Ipom.(1) (Chet 8009)3149 : The thryd day he shuld be knyghte, His good dedys to alowee.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)178/405 : For all oure avayll..he wyll vs alow.
- a1500 I shall you tell a full (BodPoet e.1)94 : What dyd she paye? Not but a peny..Such gestes..That will not fore ther shott alow.
- (a1440) Let.Coventry in EHR 55644 : They wol that the Maystur se hit & allowe hit, as reson wol.
- (1457-8) Grocer Lond.(Kingdon)376/18 : This forseyd acount Is examenyd and alowed the xxje daye of Aprill..Be vs.
(a) To take into account or give credit for (good intentions, etc.); ~ wil; (b) to repay in kind, requite; allouing grace, retributive mercy; reward (good deeds, etc.); pay (sb.) back.
Associated quotations
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)20034 : Sua kind..ar þou [Mary] þat þou nu will mi wil a-lou [Frf: allow; Göt: alu], For oft þou menskes man wit mede For will allan wit-vten dede.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)16.233 : He wiste my wille by hym, he wil me it allowe.
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)Gen.15.6 : Abram leuede to God, and it was alowid [L reputatum est] to hym to ryȝtwisnes.
- a1425(a1400) PConsc.(Glb E.9 & Hrl 4196)2467 : Yhit we er unsyker..Wether þai [our good deeds] sal be alowed or noght.
- a1425 Siege Troy(1) (LinI 150)450 : Y alowe, sone, þy gode wille.
- (1465) Paston (Gairdner)4.128 : I vele but littille that my gode wille ys allowed.
- a1500(?c1400) EToulouse (Cmb Ff.2.38)972 : Be Seynt Iohn, Thy wylle y alowe.
- a1500(?a1390) Mirk Fest.(GoughETop 4)68/16 : God, for hys heȝ grace, aloweþe a good whyll þeras myght fayleth.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)10.433 : Wher, for loue, a man worth allowed þere [in heaven] and his lele werkes, Or elles for his yuel wille & enuye of herte, And be allowed as he lyued so.
- c1400(?c1380) Pearl (Nero A.10)634 : Why schulde he not her [the innocents'] labour alow..and pay hym at þe fyrst fyne?
- (c1443) Pecock Rule (Mrg M 519)1 : Þe allowaunce and þe acceptacioun of oure werkis into a perpetual reward in heuene, whiche is cleepid graace allowing or accepting.
- a1450 Yk.Pl.(Add 35290)252/271 : Here with a lusshe, lordayne, I schalle þe allowe [Cuts off his ear].
- (c1454) Pecock Fol.(Roy 17.D.9)2/2 : He and his werk schulen be acceptid of god bi an acceptyng or alowyng grace into a certeyn meede..in heuen.
- (c1454) Pecock Fol.(Roy 17.D.9)77/30 : Þat..he [God] accepte vs and alowe vs and take vs to him.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)300/7 : What wenyste thou..that I woll alow the for yondir knyght that thou kylde?
- c1475(c1450) Idley Instr.(Cmb Ee.4.37)2.A.555 : After that deth hath cast his mortall darte, Eche man shal be alowed after his travaille.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)17/296 : If thou tend right, thou gettis thi mede..if thou teynd fals, thou bese alowed ther after als.
Miscell.: (a) to have (sth.) as an attribute; (b) to set aside or allow (space).
Associated quotations
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)7.1415 : The Ston which that this sterre alloweth Is Sardis, which unto him boweth.
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)2.84 : If vynys shal be plowed, ffeet..sixe of leye is hem alowed.