Standard atlas of Barry County, Michigan : including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the directory, reference business directory and departments devoted to general information / compiled and published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co.

1.I I I -991% 0210 OMM&M-m.-O. NE. E.424 I 360 r 12 3 43 ( C LOVE JIDALE, H OPF E Twr. do1zz Asliby B1Tto 7o3-o 16232 A slby 4 0 1. G. I YIIHLAI) OINT RES SO K-T Barton and B-randstetter P~r PRAIRIEVILLE Twp &sdsl 300O feeL to hi ~e 6 ( 6 1 I 0 9 I I '791., eg 62.1 -iF"OYUWi l/ It AS S N-Pu 112A AssyRfA Twp. Ow Sca,7-e-,Y OD — ff. t-a 7 -Z'?7 r& b -b e-y Q Al j" _T7 0 s c cf —r C,-ro w-,, -17o & t LL-D e-c, ---zt O 0 W. T0'7-rt -P A Z 7-z- -s.MILO FPRAIRIEVILLE TWP. Scl 300 hI 17zoc-.0 6 REE 366 6366 ( l 1120 0 6 3 3 390 4 1 iENI4ARG1ED 7PLA-T OF THE NY1I NW. SEC.2 BARRY TWP. 03 7 3 6 1 3 6 8 C.W 7.S t O 3P." 7s3so N4 M IN - I - L'W Title: Cloverdale, Hope Twp.; Morgan, Platted as Sheridan, Castleton Twp.; Assyria, Assyria Twp.; Highland Point Resort, Barton and Brandstetter Props., Prairieville Twp.; Milo, Prairieville Twp.; Enlarged Plat of Barry Twp. Keywords: Long Lake; Zeeland Brick Co.; A. Kingsbury; Res; Mill; Church; Center St.; Blacksmith Shop; L Dayton; Hotel; Hotel; P.O.; Market; Music Store; A. Kingsbury; Tank; Depot; Jas Ryan; Mud Lake; H. Mosier; G.C. Conyer; Hannah Givens; Chicago Kalamazoo and Saginaw R. R.; C. Kingsbury; John Ashby; Fred. Monica; H. Wilkinson; John Ashby; E. Hale; Mrs Alice L Munton; Lake St; Main St.; P.O; Michigan Central R R.; Railroad St.; Mill; Depot; Jefferson St; East St.; Mill St.; D Brollinger; John Morgan; Queen St; Mrs Alice Munton; G J Long; C Smith; A W Wilcox; Gen Store; GS Harton; P Abbey; Hotel; CW Ciowfoot; H.A. Powers; James R. Hoy; W. Seger Est; School; Town Hall; Church; Oscar Crowfoot; L Dean; A. Wilcox; L Parks; CW Hopkins; Geo W. Tompkins; AT Shepard; The Promenade; Park; Park Alley; The Promenade; Crooked Lake; Grove St.; F.A. Backman; Line between Barry & Prairieville Townships; Mrs. M. Johnson; Green St.; Vine St.; PO; Main St.; Mrs. Addison Spaulding; Chicago Kalamazoo & Saginaw R. R.; C.E. Storr; Mrs M Johnson; A Randall; Albert Hampton; Mortimer Hartwell; H Smith; Caleb Bowker; Candace Bowker; WA Woodworth; Esther A Lewis; Mortimer Hartwell; R McElwain; T. Morthland Note:

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Standard atlas of Barry County, Michigan : including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the directory, reference business directory and departments devoted to general information / compiled and published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co.
Geo. A. Ogle & Co.
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Chicago :: Geo. A. Ogle,
Subject terms
Real property -- Maps. -- Michigan
Landowners -- Maps. -- Michigan
Barry County (Mich.) -- Maps.
Barry County (Mich.) -- Directories.

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"Standard atlas of Barry County, Michigan : including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the directory, reference business directory and departments devoted to general information / compiled and published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co." In the digital collection Michigan County Histories and Atlases. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed February 12, 2025.
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