Michigan County Histories and Atlases


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The Michigan County Histories and Atlases Digitization Project is comprised of 428 digitized titles (many composed of multiple volumes) published before 1923. The collection offers all members of the community free keyword searching and page-by-page access to digitized reproductions of Michigan county histories and atlases as a resource for historical and genealogical research. The collection is made possible, in part, through a generous Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant. Additional funding was provided by Michigan Council of Library Directors institutions and a Michigan Digitization and Preservation for Access grant. Titles were selected from Frances Loomis's Michigan Biography Index (Detroit: Detroit Public Library, 1946), William Miles' Michigan Atlases and Plat Books (Lansing: State Library Services, 1975), Bentley Historical Library holdings, and the Research Publications microfilm publication County and Regional Histories of the Old Northwest.

Rights and Permissions

The University of Michigan Library provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes. These materials are believed to be in the public domain in the United States; however, if you decide to use any of these materials, you are responsible for making your own legal assessment and securing any necessary permission.

More Information

The Michigan County Histories collection is projected to provide access to 192 histories dating from 1866 to 1926. The collection provides all members of the community with keyword searching and page-by-page access to digitized reproductions of Michigan county atlases and histories as a resource for historical and genealogical research. Initial collection content comprises titles selected from Frances Loomis's Michigan Biography Index (Detroit: Detroit Public Library, 1946), Bentley Historical Library holdings, and the Research Publications microfilm publication County and Regional Histories of the Old Northwest. Additional content selected from titles listed in Michigan Atlases and Plat Books by William Miles (Lansing: State Library Services, 1975) may be added as funds permit.

The collection is a collaborative effort of Michigan's Council of Library Directors, composed of the directors of the following institutions, all of whom have contributed time and funds:

  • University of Michigan
  • Michigan State University
  • Wayne State University
  • Central Michigan University
  • Grand Valley State
  • Eastern Michigan University
  • Western Michigan University
  • Michigan Tech
  • Ferris State
  • University of Michigan-Dearborn
  • Oakland University
  • Northern Michigan University
  • University of Michigan-Flint
  • Lake Superior State University
  • Saginaw Valley State University
  • The Library of Michigan.
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