Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 7 [Nov. 5, 1863-Sept. 12, 1864].

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Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 7 [Nov. 5, 1863-Sept. 12, 1864].
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press

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"Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 7 [Nov. 5, 1863-Sept. 12, 1864]." In the digital collection Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


Page 63

Order Concerning Samuel L. Casey1Jump to section

Executive Mansion, Washington, December 14, 1863.

All Military and Naval commanders will please give to the Hon. Samuel L. Casey, of Kentucky (with any number of inferior Sternwheel-Steam-Boats not exceeding three taking in tow any number of barges, scows, flats, and the like, not having Steam-power, which they may be able to so take, without money, and without cargoes outgoing, and only with crews to navigate the whole, and necessary provisions for himself and said crews) protection and safe-conduct from Cairo to Red River, and up said river, and it's tributaries, till he shall pass beyond our Military lines, and also give him such protection and safe conduct, on his return to our lines, back to Cairo with any cargoes he may bring; and on his safe return from beyond our lines, with said boats and tows, allow him to repeat once or twice if he shall desire. A. LINCOLN


[1]   ADfS, DLC-RTL. A copy of this order preserved in the Nathaniel P. Banks Papers (Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts) preserves endorsements by Rear Admiral David D. Porter and Major General Banks ordering all officers to respect the president's wishes. Casey and others owned a large amount of cotton which they wished to bring North. See further Lincoln's order of February 29, 1864, infra.

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