Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 7 [Nov. 5, 1863-Sept. 12, 1864].

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Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 7 [Nov. 5, 1863-Sept. 12, 1864].
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press

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"Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 7 [Nov. 5, 1863-Sept. 12, 1864]." In the digital collection Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


To Edwin M. Stanton2Open page

March 7, 1864

Sec. of War, please have a full report of this case sent me. Hon. Mr. Bailey says this man went home last fall on the loyal side, and actually fought for the previlege. A. LINCOLN

March 7. 1864.

Page 231


[1]   AES, DLC-RTL. Lincoln's endorsement is written on the back of a printed copy of AGO Special Orders No. 107. See Lincoln's memorandum concerning Charles Garretson, March 1, supra. Representative Joseph Bailey may have obtained modification of Garretson's dismissal, for later references give Garretson as ``mustered out'' rather than ``dismissed'' on March 5, 1864.

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