Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 5 [Oct. 24, 1861-Dec. 12, 1862].
- Title
- Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 5 [Oct. 24, 1861-Dec. 12, 1862].
- Author
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
- Publication
- New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press
- 1953.
- Rights/Permissions
The University of Michigan Library provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes, with permission from their copyright holder. If you decide to use any of these materials, you are responsible for making your own legal assessment and securing any necessary permission.
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"Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 5 [Oct. 24, 1861-Dec. 12, 1862]." In the digital collection Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 15, 2024.
To David Hunter -
To Caleb B. Smith -
To Simon Cameron -
Memorandum: Letter of Samuel T. Glover -
Recommendation for a Pass -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To George B. McClellan -
To William H. Seward -
Authorization for the Pembroke -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To Samuel R. Curtis -
Resolutions of United Presbyterian Synod -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To William H. Seward -
To William H. Seward -
To F. M. Magrath -
Memorandum: Answer to Ebenezer White -
To George D. Ramsay -
Appointment of Daniel P. Abercrombie -
To George B. McClellan -
Order Retiring Winfield Scott from Command -
Remarks to Winfield Scott -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
Memorandum -
To William H. Seward -
To Joseph G. Totten -
To Gideon Welles -
To William K. Strong -
To Simon Cameron -
To Oliver P. Morton -
To Samuel R. Curtis -
To James Guthrie, George D. Prentice, and James Speed -
Memorandum: Appointment of Charles Devens -
Endorsement: Petition for Formation of a District of Columbia Regiment -
Order Approving the Plan of Governor Gamble of Missouri -
To Simon Cameron -
To William H. Seward -
To Simon Cameron -
Reply to Edward Count Piper -
To James W. Ripley -
Appointment of Richard C. Vaughan -
To Jose Joaquin Perez -
To Simon Cameron -
To George B. McClellan -
To John A. McClernand -
To Simon Cameron -
To John A. Dahlgren -
Appointment of Delano T. Smith -
To Joseph Holt -
Appointment of George Harrington -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To Gideon Welles -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
Reply to Delegation of Baltimore Citizens -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To Lorenzo Thomas -
To George Bancroft -
To Edward Everett -
To William H. Seward -
To Hiram Walbridge -
To George B. McClellan -
To Caleb B. Smith -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To Thomas A. Scott -
Drafts of a Bill for Compensated Emancipation in Delaware -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
Advice to Mrs. Stephen A. Douglas -
Order for Day of Thanksgiving -
To William H. Seward -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Simon Cameron -
Appointment of Isaac E. Pearson -
To Gideon Welles -
Memorandum to George B. McClellan on Potomac Campaign -
To Henry W. Halleck -
Annual Message to Congress -
Form Letter to Chaplains -
Endorsement on Bill Rendered by Daniel B. Pond -
To George B. McClellan -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To the House of Representatives -
To the House of Representatives -
To George B. McClellan -
Appointment of Henry D. Wallen -
To William H. Seward -
To Mrs. Susannah Weathers -
To Edward Bates -
To Simon Cameron -
To the Senate -
To Joseph G. Totten -
Appointment of George H. Palmer -
To Gideon Welles -
To Gideon Welles -
To Simon Cameron -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To Joseph G. Totten -
To Simon Cameron -
To the House of Representatives -
To George B. McClellan -
To William H. Seward -
To William H. Seward -
Draft of a Dispatch
in Reply to Lord John Russell -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To Samuel R. Curtis -
To William M. Dunn -
Memorandum: Appointment of August Willich and George W. Hazzard -
To William H. Seward -
To George H. Stuart -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
Memorandum: Appointment of George May -
Note on Photographs of Members of Lincoln's Cabinet -
To Caleb B. Smith -
To Whom it May Concern -
To Arnold Fischel -
To John F. Lee -
To John F. Lee -
To the Senate -
To Gideon Welles -
Memorandum: Appointment of Harrison G. Fitzhugh or Captain Johnson -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
Draft of Letter to the Senate Prepared for Ward H. Lamon -
To George B. McClellan -
To the Senate -
To William H. Seward -
To William H. Seward -
To the Senate -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Alexander II -
Appointment of George Harrington -
To Montgomery C. Meigs -
Appointment of Richard C. Churchill -
To James W. Ripley -
To William H. Seward -
To William H. Seward -
To Simon Cameron -
To George B. McClellan -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To John F. Lee -
To Caleb B. Smith -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To the House of Representatives -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
Endorsement -
Henry W. Halleck and James H. Lane -
To Simon Cameron -
To Henry Liebman -
Appointment of George R. Edwards -
To William H. Seward -
To Joseph G. Totten -
To Edward Bates -
Note -
To Andrew Porter -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To William H. Seward -
To Simon Cameron -
To Agenor-Etienne Gasparin -
To Henry W. Halleck and Don C. Buell -
To David Hunter -
To William H. Seward -
To Joseph G. Totten -
To George D. Ramsay -
Memorandum Concerning Sylvester R. Knight -
To Don C. Buell -
Draft of a Proclamation to People of Maryland -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To George B. McClellan -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
Appointment -
Appointment of Thomas Feran -
To Simon Cameron -
To the Senate -
To Don C. Buell -
To George B. McClellan -
To Montgomery C. Meigs -
To Don C.Buell -
To Don C.Buell -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Francis T. King and Others -
To Hiram Barney -
To Simon Cameron -
To Seth Williams -
To Simon Cameron -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To William Vandever -
To Simon Cameron -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To John A. Andrew -
To Simon Cameron -
To Simon Cameron -
To William H. Seward -
To Don C. Buell -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Thomas A. Scott -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Gustave P. Koerner -
To Gideon Welles -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To the Senate -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To William H. Seward -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To John F. Lee -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Joseph G. Totten -
Appointment of Charles E. Mix -
To Montgomery C. Meigs -
To Luiz I -
To Luiz I -
To George B. McClellan -
Memorandum -
Note to Admit German Committee -
To the Senate -
To William H. Seward -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Andrew H. Foote -
To Heads of Departments and Bureaus -
To the Senate -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Appointment of Harvey C. Johns -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
President's General War Order No. 1 -
To Henry A. Wise -
To John P. Hale -
To the Senate -
Endorsement: Letter of James Speed -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Endorsement -
To William H. Seward -
To John Z. Goodrich -
President's Special War Order No. 1 -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To John F. Lee -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Queen Victoria -
To William H. Herndon -
To George B. McClellan -
To Charles Rehm -
To the King of Siam -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Lazarus W. Powell -
To the Senate -
Stay of Execution for Nathaniel Gordon -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Gideon Welles -
To Edward Bates -
To the Senate -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To David Hunter and James H. Lane -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To George B. McClellan -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Isabel II -
To Isabel II -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To William A. Newell -
Proclamation for Celebration of Washington's Birthday -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To the Senate -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Order Relating to Commercial Intercourse -
Appointment of Samuel E. Gross -
To Park Benjamin -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To the House of Representatives -
To the Senate -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Green Adams -
Reply to Federico Barreda -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Whom It May Concern -
To the Senate -
To William H. Seward -
Message to Congress -
To Edward Bates -
To the Senate -
To William H. Seward -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Gideon Welles -
To James Cooper and Others -
Appointment of William H. Upham -
President's General War Order No. 2 -
President's General War Order No. 3 -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Joseph G. Totten -
To Henry J. Raymond -
To Don C. Buell -
To Salmon P. Chase -
Check to ``Tad'' Lincoln -
To Gideon Welles -
President's War Order No. 3 -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Gideon Welles -
To John A. Dahlgren -
To the Senate -
To Hiram Barney -
To Henry A. Brown -
To George B. McClellan -
To William H. Seward -
Speech to a Massachusetts Delegation -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Orville H. Browning -
To George B. McClellan -
To James A. McDougal -
To John G. Nicolay -
To the Senate -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Montgomery C. Meigs -
To William H. Seward -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edward Bates -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Samuel B. Tobey -
To Francis H. Peirpoint -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To William H. Seward -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Mrs. Irvin McDowell -
To John C. Fremont -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Horace Greeley -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edward Bates -
To John F. Lee -
To John F. Lee -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To George D. Ramsay -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Henry B. Whipple -
To George B. McClellan -
To William H. Seward -
To Joseph Smith, John Lenthall, Edward Hartt and Benjamin F. Isherwood -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Pass for James F. Harney -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edward L. Baker -
To George B. McClellan -
To the Senate -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Joseph G. Totten -
To Michael Crock -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Montgomery C. Meigs -
To William H. Seward -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Montgomery C. Meigs -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To the House of Representatives -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To William H. Seward -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To George B. McClellan -
Memorandum -
Proclamation of Thanksgiving for Victories -
To the Senate -
To Richard Yates and William Butler -
Appointment of John C. Robinson -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To William H. Seward -
To William H. Seward -
To Whom It May Concern -
To the House of Representatives -
Memorandum Concerning Stephen Baker -
To James W. Ripley -
To the Senate -
To the Senate -
To the Senate -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Message to Congress -
To James W. Ripley -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To John Eastham -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edward Bates -
Memorandum -
To Edward Bates -
To George B. McClellan -
To James G. Berret -
To John A. Dahlgren -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To James W. Ripley -
To Montogomery Blair -
To David P. Holloway -
Reply to Lorenzo Montufar -
To the Senate -
To Luiz I -
To the House of Representatives -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Andrew Johnson -
To Lulu Waldron -
To Henry W. Bellows -
To Hannibal Hamlin -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edward Bates -
To John A. Dahlgren -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To George B. McClellan -
To the Senate -
To the Senate -
To Edward Bates -
Appointment of George W. Garrett -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Louis M. Goldsborough -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To Louis M. Goldsborough -
To Henry W. Halleck -
Proclamation Raising the Blockade of Certain Ports -
To Lorenzo Thomas -
To Edward Bates -
To Charles L. Flint -
To Abraham Hart -
Response to Evangelical Lutherans -
Speech to the Twelfth Indiana Regiment -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To I. A. Gere, A. A. Reese, and George D. Chenoweth -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Henry Wilson -
To Valentine B. Horton -
To Irvin McDowell -
To the Senate -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Irvin McDowell -
To Mary Motley -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Appointment of George Harrington -
To John A. Dix -
Proclamation Revoking General Hunter's Order of Military Emancipation of May 9, 1862 -
Reply to Maryland Slaveholders -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Lady Villiers -
To James G. Bennett -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To The Senate -
To James F. Simmons -
To Charles Sumner -
To William A. Hammond -
To the House of Representatives -
Appointment of George Montagu Hicks -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To the House of Representatives -
To John C. Fremont -
To John C. Fremont -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To Irvin McDowell -
To Irvin McDowell -
To Dixon S. Miles -
To Rufus Saxton -
To the Senate -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To John W. Geary -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To Rufus Saxton -
To Rufus Saxton -
To Rufus Saxton -
To Edward Bates -
To Andrew G. Curtin -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To Irvin McDowell -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To John C. Fremont -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To Irvin McDowell -
To Irvin McDowell -
To Irvin McDowell -
To Irvin McDowell -
Recommendation for Ward H. Lamon -
To Nathaniel P. Banks -
To John C. Fremont -
To George B. McClellan -
To Irvin McDowell -
To Randolph B. Marcy -
To Randolph B. Marcy -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To an Unidentified Person -
To Nathaniel P. Banks -
To John C. Fremont -
To John C. Fremont -
To John C. Fremont -
To Irvin McDowell -
To Irvin McDowell -
To Irvin McDowell -
To Irvin McDowell -
To the Senate -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Elihu B. Washburne -
To George A. McCall -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edward Bates -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Montgomery C. Meigs -
Memorandum -
To James W. Ripley -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To George B. McClellan -
To Irvin McDowell -
To Edward Bates -
To Edward Bates -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To William A. Hammond -
To the House of Representatives -
To Andrew Johnson -
To the Senate -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Caleb B. Smith -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To George B. McClellan -
Recommendation for Edward Burke -
To John A. Dahlgren -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Nathaniel P. Banks -
To John C. Fremont -
To Andrew Johnson -
To Edward Bates -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Edward Bates -
To Edward Bates -
To Edward Bates -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edward Bates -
To John C. Fremont -
To the House of Representatives -
To Benjamin F. Larned -
To John C. Fremont -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Edward Bates -
To John C. Fremont -
To George B. McClellan -
To John C. Fremont -
To Carl Schurz -
To the House of Representatives -
To Edward Bates -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To George B. McClellan -
To Oliver P. Morton -
To Lorenzo Thomas -
To George B. McClellan -
To the Provost Marshal -
To George B. McClellan -
Remarks to a Delegation of Progressive Friends -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Nathaniel P. Banks -
To the Senate -
To the Senate -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Remarks at Jersey City, New Jersey -
To Edward Bates -
To John W. Crisfield -
To George B. McClellan -
Order Constituting the Army of Virginia -
To the Senate -
To Ambrose E. Burnside -
To Quintin Campbell -
To John A. Dix -
To Louis M. Goldsborough -
To George B. McClellan -
To Oliver P. Morton -
To William H. Seward -
To William H. Seward -
To William H. Seward -
Call for Troops -
To John A. Dix -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To William H. Seward -
To James S. Wadsworth -
Memorandum: Appointment of A. Keller, Jr. -
Call for 300,000 Volunteers -
To Benjamin F. Larned -
To George B. McClellan -
Proclamation Concerning Taxes In Rebellious States -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To an Unknown Person -
To Edward Bates -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edwin D. Morgan -
To the Senate -
To John A. Dix -
To Andrew Johnson -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Union Governors -
To John A. Dix -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To George B. McClellan -
Remarks to Delegation of Veterans of 1812 -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To the Senate -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To George B. McClellan -
To Hiram P. Bennet -
To John G. Nicolay -
Memorandum of Interviews Between Lincoln and Officers of the Army of the Potomac -
To the Senate -
Order Making Henry W. Halleck General-in-Chief -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Andrew Johnson -
Order Extending the Pacific Railroad -
To the Senate -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Caleb B. Smith -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Appeal to Border State Representatives to Favor Compensated Emancipation -
To the House of Representatives -
To Rufus King -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Lorenzo Thomas -
To Jeremiah T. Boyle -
To Jeremiah T. Boyle -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To George B. McClellan -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To George B. McClellan -
Note Concerning John R. Kenly -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To James W. White, Robert H. McCurdy, and Frederick S. Winston -
To Solomon Foot -
To Solomon Foot -
To Galusha A. Grow -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Memorandum: Appointment of John West -
Remarks to Committee of Reformed Presbyterian Synod -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To the Senate and House of Representatives -
To Salmon P. Chase -
Memorandum: Michigan Appointments -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edward Bates -
To William H. Fry -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To George B. McClellan -
Order Concerning Subjects of Foreign Powers -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Gideon Welles -
To Salmon P. Chase -
Emancipation Proclamation---First Draft -
Memorandum on Recruiting Negroes -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To William H. Seward -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To James Dixon -
To William A. Hammond -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Order for Observance of Death of Martin Van Buren -
Proclamation of the Act to Suppress Insurrection -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Lorenzo Thomas -
To Reverdy Johnson -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Cuthbert Bullitt -
Appointment of Charles E. Mix -
To Hamilton R. Gamble -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Union Governors -
To Edward Bates -
Appointment of Robert T. Knight -
Recommendation of Hawkins Taylor -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To John F. Lee -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To August Belmont -
Appointment of James Farrington -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Joseph A. Wright -
To Edward Bates -
To Mary L. Booth -
To Andrew H. Foote -
To Sydney H. Gay -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To John P. Usher -
To Gideon Welles -
To Agenor-Etienne de Gasparin -
Remarks to Deputation of Western Gentlemen -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Lorenzo Thomas -
To Whom It May Concern -
Address to Union Meeting at Washington -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Cary H. Fry -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Amos A. Lawrence -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To John F. Lee -
To John F. Lee -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Queen Victoria -
To John M. Clay -
To Sydney H. Gay -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edward Bates -
To Ambrose E. Burnside -
To William H. Seward -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To John A. Andrew -
To Cassius M. Clay -
To Andrew G. Curtin -
To Cary H. Fry -
To William Hoffman -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Address on Colonization to a Deputation of Negroes -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Henry M. Lazella -
To James Dixon -
To Montgomery C. Meigs -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Joseph H. Tucker -
To Hiram P. Barney -
To George P. Fisher -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Andrew G. Curtin -
To Cary H. Fry -
Invitation to Dinner -
To Seymour B. Moody -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Anna E. Carroll -
To William A. Hammond -
Appointment of William Masten -
Memorandum: New York Appointments -
To William H. Seward -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To John A. Andrew -
To Cary H. Fry -
To David P. Holloway -
To Ambrose E. Burnside or John G. Parke -
To James Dixon -
To Mrs. Margaret Preston -
Recommendation for Mason W. Newell -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Gillet F. Watson -
To Gideon Welles -
To Horace Greeley -
To Gideon Welles -
To Edward Bates -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Montgomery C. Meigs -
Appointment of Gabriel R. Paul -
To S. Irenaeus Prime -
To William H. Seward -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Richard Yates -
To Isabel II -
To Isabel II -
To Richard Yates -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Benjamin B. French -
To Jesse O. Norton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Gideon Welles -
To Ambrose E. Burnside -
To Herman Haupt -
To Herman Haupt -
To George B. McClellan -
Appointment of Marshall B. Blake -
Appointment of John B. Colton -
To Alexander Ramsey -
To Wait Talcott -
To Ambrose E. Burnside -
To Herman Haupt -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To James S. Wadsworth -
To Ambrose E. Burnside -
To Herman Haupt -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To Lorenzo Thomas -
To Nathaniel P. Banks -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Herman Haupt -
To Herman Haupt -
To Jeremiah T. Boyle -
To Herman Haupt -
To Salmon P. Chase -
on Criticism of Henry W. Halleck -
To William H. Seward -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Meditation on the Divine Will -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To James N. Brown -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Ginery Twichell -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To George B. McClellan -
Memorandum: Appointment of John Love -
To Edwin D. Morgan -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Jeremiah T. Boyle -
To Don. C. Buell -
To John E. Wool -
To Horatio G. Wright -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Thomas Webster -
To George B. McClellan -
To John A. McClernand -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Approval of Contract with Ambrose W. Thompson -
To Andrew G. Curtin -
To Andrew G. Curtin -
To George B. McClellan -
To Caleb B. Smith -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Jeremiah T. Boyle -
To Andrew G. Curtin -
To Alexander Henry -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To Caleb B. Smith -
To Horatio G. Wright -
Reply to Emancipation Memorial Presented by Chicago Christians of All Denominations -
To Cassius M. Clay -
To Horatio G. Wright -
To Jesse K. Dubois -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Authorization for William J. Allen -
To Andrew G. Curtin -
To Andrew G. Curtin -
To Oliver P. Morton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To William A. Hammond -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Caleb B. Smith -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To William S. Ketchum -
To William Sprague -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation -
Testimonial for Isachar Zacharie -
Proclamation Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Whom It May Concern -
Reply to Serenade in Honor of Emancipation Proclamation -
To John Ross -
To Alexander II -
Reply to Delegation of Loyal Governors -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Record of Dismissal of John J. Key -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Hannibal Hamlin -
To William A. Hammond -
To Edward Stanly -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To S. Yorke At Lee -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Gideon Welles -
To John E. Wool -
Memorandum on Troops at Antietam -
To William I -
Concerning Mrs. Disney -
To Henry W. Halleck -
Speech at Frederick, Maryland -
Second Speech at Frederick, Maryland -
To Salmon P. Chase -
Memorandum -
To William H. Seward -
To Joseph R. Smith -
To George B. McClellan -
To Thomas H. Clay -
To Ulysses S. Grant -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Morton McMichael -
To Montgomery C. Meigs -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Samuel R. Curtis -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Jeremiah T. Boyle -
To Henry W. Halleck -
Reappointment of George A. Rowley -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Jeremiah T. Boyle -
To Samuel R. Curtis -
To George B. McClellan -
To Benjamin F. Butler, George F. Shepley and Others -
To John A. Dahlgren -
Order to Remove Bakeries from the Capitol -
To Edward Bates -
Memorandum -
To Lorenzo Thomas -
Appointment of William H. Channing -
To Francis H. Peirpoint -
To Lorenzo Thomas -
To Edward Bates -
To John F. Callan -
To David Davis -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To William A. Hammond -
To William H. Seward -
Executive Order Establishing A Provisional Court in Louisiana -
To John A. McClernand -
Memorandum on Army of the Potomac -
Memorandum on Confederate Army -
Notice to Aliens -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Ulysses S. Grant, Andrew Johnson and Others -
To Charles D. Jameson -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To Ben Field -
To William A. Hammond -
To Francis H. Peirpoint -
Appointment of George T. Harris -
Memorandum: Appointment of J. H. Hawes -
Recommendation for William H. Johnson -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
Order Disapproving Death Sentence of Jose Maria Rivas -
Order Mitigating Death Sentence of Sely Lewis -
Order Mitigating Death Sentence of Conrad Zachringer -
To William H. Seward -
To John A. Dix -
To George B. McClellan -
Reply to Eliza P. Gurney -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To George B. McClellan -
To George B. McClellan -
To Edwin M. Stanton and Henry W. Halleck -
To Gideon Welles -
To Henry W. Halleck -
Allotment of Supreme Court Judges to Circuits -
To George B. McClellan -
To Andrew G. Curtin -
To Frederic, Grand Duke of Baden -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Andrew Johnson -
Memorandum on Furloughs -
To Whom It May Concern -
To William P. Dole -
To Henry W. Halleck -
To William R. Morrison -
To Moses F. Odell -
To Benjamin F. Butler -
To Henry W. Halleck -
Unaddressed Note -
To Edwin M. Stanton -
To Gideon Welles -
To Salmon P. Chase -
To William W. Lowe -
Order to Alfred W. Ellet -
To Salmon P. Chase -
Appointment of Eli D. Terwilliger -
Order Concerning James W. Walters -
Recommendation for Mr. Calvert -
To William H. Seward