Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 1 [1824-Aug. 28, 1848].

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Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 1 [1824-Aug. 28, 1848].
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press

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"Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 1 [1824-Aug. 28, 1848]." In the digital collection Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 10, 2024.


To Eli C. Blankenship1Jump to section

E. C. Blankenship: New Salem, Aug. 10, 1833.

Dear Sir: In regard to the time David Rankin served the enclosed discharge shows correctly---as well as I can recollect---having no writing to refer. The transfer of Rankin from my company occurred as follows---Rankin having lost his horse at Dixon's ferry and having acquaintance in one of the foot companies who were going down the river was desirous to go with them, and one Galishen2Jump to section being an acquaintance of mine and belonging to the company in which Rankin wished to go wished to leave it and join mine, this being the case it was agreed that they should exchange places and answer to each others names---as it was expected we all would be discharged in very few days. As to a blanket---I have no knowledge of Rankin ever getting any. The above embraces all the facts now in my recollection which are pertinent to the case.

I shall take pleasure in giving any further information in my power should you call on me. Your friend, A. LINCOLN.


[1]   Tarbell (Appendix), 265. Blankenship was a merchant in Springfield, Il-linois.

[2]   Probably a misreading for ``Guliher.'' The muster roll of Lincoln's company shows that David Rankin transferred to the foot company of Captain Seth Pratt on May 19, and on this same day Isaac Guliher transferred to Lincoln's company from Pratt's company. The name appears as ``Guliher'' on the muster roll, but appears in other sources as ``Gulihur,'' ``Golliher,'' or ``Gollihur.''

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