Journal of Muslim Mental Health


The Journal of Muslim Mental Health is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed academic journal and publishes articles exploring social, cultural, medical, theological, historical, and psychological factors affecting the mental health of Muslims in the United States and globally. The journal publishes research and clinical material, including research articles, reviews, and reflections on clinical practice.

The Journal of Muslim Mental Health is a much-needed resource for professionals seeking to identify and explore the mental health care needs of Muslims in all areas of the world. In order to conduct sound clinical assessments, form accurate diagnostic opinions, develop effective interventions, and formulate successful health policy for diverse communities, the special historical, societal, and cultural contexts of those communities must be well understood.

A void in the Muslim mental health literature has become increasingly glaring, and a number of important questions exist:

  • What is the impact of current geo-political conflicts on the mental health of Muslims worldwide?
  • What are the mental health belief systems and coping behaviors of ethnically and geographically diverse Muslim groups?
  • Do mental health professionals and institutions provide a culturally and religiously responsive approach to their Muslim clients?

Publishing two issues per year, Journal of Muslim Mental Health makes relevant research data, typically overlooked by more general mental health journals, readily available within and beyond the academic community. In addition to important theoretical contributions, the journal presents service-oriented work that will allow institutions and public service systems to deliver more effective mental health care to their Muslim communities.

The journal also provides a forum for the advancement of epidemiological studies of mental illness in Muslim countries, culturally valid psychometric scales, religiously sensitive psychotherapy techniques, innovative models for service delivery, and outcome research on mental health prevention and intervention programs.

Volumes 1 through 5 were published in print and online by Taylor & Francis. Volume 6 is published by Michigan Publishing and is freely available to read; subscription is not required.

Ethical Publishing Guidelines

As a double-blind peer-reviewed publication, The Journal of Muslim Mental Health (JMMH) is committed to ensuring ethical conduct in the publication of all its content. Our Ethical Guidelines are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics’s (COPE) guidelines, and set out expectations for authors, reviewers, and editors.

Authors agree:

  • To conduct research in an ethical and responsible manner and comply with all relevant laws.
  • To present their results clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation.
  • To describe their methods clearly and unambiguously so that their findings can be confirmed by others.
  • That submitted work is original, is not plagiarised, and has not been published or simultaneously submitted for consideration elsewhere.
  • To disclose relevant conflicts of interest.
  • That authorship accurately reflects individuals’ contributions to the work and its reporting.
  • To notify and cooperate with JMMH editors if a significant error or inaccuracy is discovered.
  • To consult with the editors if anything about their duties is unclear.

Reviewers agree:

  • To treat manuscripts for review as confidential documents.
  • To be objective, and formulate reviews clearly with supporting arguments.
  • To decline an assignment if they feel unqualified to review it or cannot meet the deadline.
  • To accept or decline assignments within one week and submit reviews within three weeks of accepting a manuscript assignment.
  • To disclose any potential conflicts of interest in performing the review.
  • To identify relevant published work that has not been cited, or instances where proper attribution was not provided.
  • To notify the editors promptly if at any point they realize the double-blind peer-review process has been compromised.
  • To consult with the editors if anything about their duties is unclear.

Editors agree:

  • To be accountable for everything we publish.
  • To make fair and unbiased decisions and ensure a fair and appropriate peer review process.
  • To adopt editorial policies that encourage maximum transparency and complete, honest reporting.
  • To guard the integrity of JMMH’s published record by investigating any suspected or alleged research and publication misconduct and issuing corrections and retractions as needed.
  • To investigate any reviewer and editorial misconduct and, as necessary, remediate it.
  • To critically assess the ethical conduct of research studies.
  • To communicate clearly what is expected of peer reviewers and authors.
  • To disclose any personal, professional, or commercial conflicts of interest with and, when they arise, to recuse oneself from decisions involving the related article under review for publication.

Copyright Information and Open Access Statement

The Journal of Muslim Mental Health is an open access publication. The intellectual copyright for papers published in The Journal of Muslim Mental Health are retained by the authors. Published articles are distributed open-access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license, which permits anyone to download, copy, distribute, or display the full text without asking for permission, provided that the creator(s) are given full credit, no derivative works are created, and the work is not used for commercial purposes.