Digits: Two Reports on New Units of Scholarly Publication
Skip other details (including permanent urls, DOI, citation information)Journal of Electronic Publishing
Volume 22, Issue 1, 2019
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ERROR: DIV1 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV1 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV1 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV1 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV2 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV2 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV2 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV2 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV2 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV1 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV2 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV2 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV2 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV2 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV1 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV1 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]
ERROR: DIV1 without a HEAD[@REND="TOC"]