
My contribution discusses diffractive reading and asks questions about the spatiotemporality of diffractive reading: where and when does diffraction happen in reading processes? Furthering Donna Haraway’s 1992/1997 formulations, Karen Barad practices the reading through one another of texts and/or oeuvres in her 2003 article “Posthumanist Performativity.” Furthermore, Barad is very clear about the distinction between classical and quantum ways of conceptualizing diffraction in Meeting the Universe Halfway (2007). In my contribution I unravel these two ways of reading diffractive reading by discussing my own diffractive readings, published from 2011 onwards. I attempt to come up with a very precise answer to the spatiotemporality of diffractive reading, which is explored at length in the work I have done on Susanne K. Langer’s 1953 Feeling and Form: A Theory of Art Developed from Philosophy in a New Key. I also discuss how this work is in and of itself diffractive.


Diffraction as a Methodology for Feminist Onto-Epistemology: On Encountering Chantal Chawaf and Posthuman Interpellation (2014)

"Without an Analytical Divorce from the Total Environment": Advancing a Philosophy of the Humanities by Reading Snow and Whitehead Diffractively (2014)

The Ontological Force of Technicity: Reading Cassirer and Simondon Diffractively (2013)

"A Different Starting Point, A Different Metaphysics": Reading Bergson and Barad Diffractively (2011)