Samuel W. Calhoun is Professor of Law at Washington and Lee University School of Law. He is the author of many law review articles and other works, including Lincoln As A Lawyer, a set of materials prepared for use during orientation for first-year law students.

Allen C. Guelzo is the Henry R. Luce Professor of Civil War Era Studies at Gettysburg College and two-time winner of the Lincoln Prize for Abraham Lincoln, Redeemer President (1999) and Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in America (2004).

James L. Huston is Regents Professor of History at Oklahoma State University. His books include Stephen A. Douglas and the Dilemma of Democratic Equality (2006) and Calculating the Value of the Union: Property Rights, Slavery, and the Economic Origins of the Civil War (2003).

Lucas E. Morel is the Lewis G. John Term Professor of Politics at Washington and Lee University. He is the author of Lincoln’s Sacred Effort: Defining Religion’s Role in American Self-Government (2000). His current project is a book, Abraham Lincoln, Race, and the Fragile American Republic.

Richard Slotkin is Olin Professor of American Studies Emeritus at Wesleyan University. He is the author of a prize-winning trilogy that explores how each generation of Americans has viewed America’s frontier myth. His historical novels include Abe: A Novel of the Young Lincoln (2000).