Contributors to this Issue

Bryon C. Andreasen earned a J.D. from Cornell University and formerly practiced law in New York. He recently completed a Ph.D. degree in history at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He taught at the University of Illinois and Illinois State University, and is the recipient of several awards for research and writing, including one of the first King V. Hostick Awards. He has published articles and reviews in Civil War History, Journal of Illinois History, and Western Historical Quarterly. An essay by Andreasen on Civil War church trials will be included in an anthology on the Northern Civil War home front to be published by Fordham University Press. Andreasen is a research historian with the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency.

Kim Matthew Bauer holds the MA in history from Eastern Illinois University. He is the historical research specialist for the Henry Horner Lincoln Collection at the Illinois State Historical Library. Mr. Bauer is author of over a half-dozen articles and book reviews concerning Abraham Lincoln.

Frederick J. Blue is professor of history at Youngstown State University. He is an expert on the antebellum/Civil War period and author of The Free Soilers: Third Party Politics, 1848–54 (1973), Salmon P. Chase: A Life of Politics (1987), and Charles Sumner and the Conscience of the North (1994), and co-author of Mahoning Memories: A History of Youngstown and Mahoning County (1996).

Richard S. Taylor is chief of historical research and interpretation, Historic Sites Division, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. He oversees the interpretative programs of over fifty historic sites throughout Illinois including Lincoln's New Salem, the Lincoln-Herndon Law Offices, and the Old State Capitol. He received the Ph.D. in history from Northern Illinois University where he wrote a dissertation on the life of Jonathan Blanchard, a nineteenth-century educator, religious leader, and abolitionist. Dr. Taylor is currently revising and expanding his earlier work on Blanchard into a full biography. He is author of numerous articles and book reviews on various aspects of Illinois history.

Wayne C. Temple is Chief Deputy Director of the Illinois State Archives. He received the Ph.D. in history from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign under the direction of James Garfield Randall and Richard Nelson Current. He taught briefly at the University of Illinois and later became a John Wingate Weeks Professor of History at Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, Tennessee. A prodigious writer, Dr. Temple edited the Lincoln Herald for fifteen years and authored numerous books, articles, and book reviews largely on Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. His most recent book is Abraham Lincoln: From Skeptic to Prophet (1995). Among the honors Dr. Temple has received are the Lincoln Diploma of Honor, a Life Fellowship in the Royal Society of Arts (London), and the Archbishop Richard Chenevix Trench Award for Outstanding Public Service (1999).

Kenneth J. Winkle is a professor of history at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. A specialist in United States political and social history, his research and teaching interests accent the political, social, and cultural developments of the nineteenth century with an emphasis on community history, quantitative methods, and family history. His book, The Politics of Community: Migration and Politics in Antebellum Ohio (1989), won the Sharlin Award, and most recently he wrote an introduction to the reprint of Ida Tarbell's Abraham Lincoln and His Ancestors (1997). Prof. Winkle is now completing a book that examines Abraham Lincoln's personal life and political career within the community context of New Salem and Springfield, Illinois.