With this volume, the Abraham Lincoln Association in cooperation with the University of Illinois Press begins publication of two issues a year. Our second issue should reach you during the summer of 1993.

This represents a return to the halcyon days of the association, when we undertook a magnificent program in publications that culminated with The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. That effort was done under the aegis of a full-time, paid executive secretary.

Our increased publications come almost entirely through the volunteer efforts of our Publications Committee and our editor, Thomas F. Schwartz. Mary Ellen McElligott, publications manager for the Department of Medical Humanities at Southern Illinois University, will serve as editor of the second issue.

Of course, it is not quantity that counts but quality, and the association continues to seek and invite manuscripts to be submitted for consideration for publication within the pages of the only journal devoted entirely to Abraham Lincoln.

In doing this, the association is fulfilling one of the salient recommendations that the Lincoln 2000 Committee made at its conference on August 24, 1990. It is our effort to increase the knowledge about Abraham Lincoln, encourage others to write about him, and provide additional member services by delivering more publications.

We could not do this without the support of the association's board of directors and your continued goodwill and membership.