ï~~I-MAESTRO: TECHNOLOGY-ENHANCED LEARNING FOR MUSIC Kia Ng,' Tillman Weyde, 2 and Paolo Nesi3 'ICSRiM - University of Leeds, School of Computing & School of Music, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK 2 City University London, School of Informatics, Department of Computing, Northampton Square, London N5 2TU, UK 3DISIT-DSI - University of Florence, Via S. Marta 3, 50139 Firenze, Italy info@ai-maestro.org www.i-maestro.or ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a project called i-Maestro (www.i-maestro.org) which develops interactive multimedia environments for technology enhanced music education. By exploiting new pedagogical paradigms with cooperative and interactive self-learning environments, gesture interfaces, and augmented instruments, this project builds on recent innovations resulting from the development of computer and information technologies and explores novel solutions for music training in both theory and performance. This paper discusses general context of the project along with the developments, together with an overview of the framework and highlights a number of different tools to support technology-enhanced music learning and teaching. 1. INTRODUCTION The i-Maestro project explores innovative solutions for technology-enhanced music education with a particular focus on bowed string instruments. Music performance is not simply to play the right note at the right time. Among the many challenging aspects of music education, we are particularly interested in linking music practice and theory training, looking at interactivity, expressivity and accessibility. Guided by an analysis of pedagogical needs, the project develops enabling technologies to support music performance and theory training, including tools based on augmented instruments, gesture analysis, audio analysis and processing, score following, symbolic music representation, cooperative support and exercise generation for tuition, self-learning, and collaborative work scenarios. i-Maestro offers a flexible, interactive multimedia framework and supporting tools which builds on recent innovations resulting from the development of computer and information technologies. 2. FRAMEWORK AND TOOLS With the continuous user requirements analysis, a set of use cases, test cases and pedagogical scenarios have been translated into specifications of the framework and tools. An overview of the framework is given in the diagram as presented in Figure 1. In this section, we highlight several i-Maestro tools that support different aspects of music learning and teaching. Figure 1. An overview of the i-Maestro framework. Sensors Posture and Visual Audio Accessible interface Gesture Rendering and Rendering and Interface interaction acquisition I-MAESTRO Music Training Exercise Processor Symbolic Practice Training Music Editing Assessment Training Processing Tools + Score- Models and Tools processing Tools Following I-MAESTRO Other players Cooperative Support Audio [DB access and tools for Music Training Processor: beat, pitch, etc. I-MAESTRO Client Tool i-Maestro I-MAESTRO School Production Tools To other MI-MAEST S ServerClient Cools t1 Teacher, Assessment Wxpertsok po Group of students I-MAESTRO P2P and Cooperative Work Support Educational individual Cot, students profiles, history Group of students 2.1. Symbolic Music Representation Music notation is fundamentals in music education. i-Maestro is promoting MPEG Symbolic Music Representation (SMR), an ISO standard for the representation of music notation with enhanced multimedia features [3, 4, 8, 9, 15]. Figure 2 shows an MPEG SMR player/decoder, which has been implemented within the IM1 MPEG-4 reference software. 0
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