Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~V1ENING POST r T. 1919. LAS' EDITION: PRICE FIVE CENTS Efort' to Defeat- Incr"ea~ By Adjournment Fails GOVERNOR'S VETOE$.. HELD t0 BE VALI T e S e k r R l s 1hReached House in Time' to Count '1,OOFLU FUND LEADESOUFBES AP R P ITDLegislature Authoiizes the FE IN -RO M B IExpenditure to Combat Epidemic L iebknecht Shot By Guards As He Made a Dash to CONDI TIONS WORSE'scp n THROUGHOUT STATEp yROSSA LUXEMBURG Situation Alarming and[ ETNIN H Much. Dstris I BYSTREET 'MOBS Reparted Columabita.Tan.I1is-Thte t;eerat As-jIBody of Wom'fanlThrown tetobly today 'took noteofta the report at? Slate ant i Federal health authoritlies Into v nlG ad that the ravegen of the "flu" are in-aa -{ ad creasIng -i n the' State to _an alarn ~ e~e extent, Andi adopted a concurret res-A~les olution athtorizing the goivernor, coopt trotter general and S tate treaaorcr to (by," the Assocoiated Press)._ hoirow,$10,00anti: turnt.satie tnover ' Berliln.Jan.17.--Dr. karl Liebknaacht, tothe 4abovie-nalned igenlet'ftr t'gtttandti to t'Ltasembtirg iratve beantattled. log the "disase and that thte Whtitt t became known yesterday taken core of tat the apapropriation,~ bittlttat ir: Liebknecht and Rota Luxemn'it It said that conditiono itntonte burgae1 tre at the Hotel Tden, in the sections of the State, are worsne. than weestern part 01f the city,. a,crowd 'ranp a.basie,_of-t g Bemoent. at 'o1 a200 35 tate atl reconstruction of the tvated to,niect aoon."witth M. Pad-.Iitpreoentattve- Ashley tea thttt?ad of the-'nets-mniis 1on-- the-hbill -.. The-- sentiment otat t thte comspronmise in- h iotse, as tooted by this resalti, at agreement' upon dole- favorable to tto bitt anttt: unlensthae. colsgeess." - Ioiets coanduct a prolonged allla resident of the Polislt It now acornms thtat the bilt will ar Polnsleader in thelthtrottght aitibsiiaIteiddtld bt - T he-Scoale-iseld a very-brief--ceo atb oico, it" tenttjouened -attMt h be t.if- t --day sege.loin is to get the' salari _0.througha 1RETURNED - Vetoes Hetd Validi Wheat the taouseecoittee a1ithiesoat fficees.Formerly Told tog hSpeafer (Cothrata rated ttat'tite has 00 asupply, B and C ihis pt - -U I ILL UIUUIL11'II IIUIU tijas COMtINGt-.-: 17-The transport - - at officers and 1300 will, arrive at Boston British Military Authorities ho transport Orizahanar 200_enis'du etiate thie Remaining a teleta And Orizabs the East and Mtiddlec Stren''etf of: Enemy solely" upon lul li1 111H ccolasr- I6UI 15,IIIUEILU 6 be filed syith____ rty.days be-1 French 'consider the1 Prohibitionists,Wjll Move- to tite rates. M k ew6dr Roam Make ev.,rder stesroct Railcood,.ad- - ffetie - -- in o Efcie. n afetoday -higher sigr a;collected in -- - engere action of teCiticago, Jan. 17.--The' twveiy-fivoesae nission n' do- prolalbtlon-and-antl-saloonleaicgue or- tmo ew. scthedule. taxatnations have,-ogreed oat.-a 'bone the railroad dry" federal act- to hoelaresentedl to con- -V Straits iary at wino as ceonOR HOLMEStaim of Plan. Acci 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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