Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~azasn In all part., o schoci.p in the yeastecn prn: o 64 closed today.;Fat e bbeduled for the-next t o' expected. to be postposted or for thin year. The state conSthe- tepubhean and dea. lea ae se' dyuled to taokd 5 b r:piilieans to meet anti" demogoratsin Wortity t lideru said today they quandary as to what should lid Asked grthat help be sent to Mas-. Acting Gov. Coolidge sent to President Wilson and the of Maine, Vermont and tnd and the mayor of Torona. Commissioner Kellyr sent health officials in WashingHampshire and Connecticut aslcgd for help because of the the epidemic to those states. arhill, the board of health toeffort to check further spread zA, ordered all theatres, movre houses, schools and publio ges cosoed for one week. were allowed to complete tosalon. Churches are not ink the order but the local fedat dhurches has voted to reI Protestant organizations to ir services Sunday. inti iyad srrunding tight be checked with the ar-.,a corps of medical men and. nt here from Washington by General Rupert Blue of the ealth service, was expressed by d@Vt5, the oomnuetste ent t I~e dhow were qnti e& a {f tt tsdtown risk,, dfthe RdS I tonss4at Wash-t Heed.ate he ith autbh ttles It would be impossible to s% detOtr e and nurses hera s mere were many galls from other statesand it wOg feared that spme might prove to be.more urgent- than the tassadhttstts call. Dr. Eugene R. Kelly. staet health eommissioner, immediately replied suggesting the tormatlpn of a eying squadron which he said might be sent here and still be ready at a moment's notice to proceed elsewhere should its services be required. " Beeause of the epidemic, the governing qoinmittee of the Boston stock exchange voted to omit the half session of the exchange tomorrow. HOT riMV(11 CHANGE IN GRIPPE EPIDEMIC:;, J', T,/ I (i 11II1 ITABLgAU,-."Mo IBvT $TRANG~lERS Now. The statue of Lowell's epidemic remained about the same today with the exception of a slight decrease in the number of new cases reported A total of 80 cases were reported at the office of the board of health up to noon in comparison with 101 reported at the same hour yesterday. This brought the total number of cases to date to 713. Four more deaths were reported today, making the total sinc the epidemic began 19. The matter of re-opening the schools and theatres Monday has not yet been decided one way or another. The board of health has not yet taken any action although it is expected that a meeting will be held within a short time to discuss the matter. The theatre managers have been left more or less in the air as to preparations for next weeks performances. It has been noted that the public schools in Lawrence have been ordered closed until Oct. 7. It you want to reach the people who spend theirmoney in Lowe ladvertise In The Sun Lowell's greatest newspaper. inary sirgepms,, He-tot hind legs were br iogi7 the animal 1A's#; to - the scene. Special..ji Gilmnore took chai~te of animal, whih. wain so1 that it was found nedessl trocuteit CONCORD CH 6HILEANS TAKE HUN SHIWSCA C L. SANTIAGO. Chile, Thursday, Sept. 26 CONCORD. N. H.. Sep S1 -TIe Chilean government tonight or-,d ao cord laters' assoti4 dered the naval authoritiss to occupy, with armed forces, all the interned to hold no church srVi German ships in Chilean harbors. day, in accordasie 1'WitA440 CAT DINETOGD'fUBD the public >aafty cotpni*t A large Maltese oat was struck by. of 294 isfisseftsa tlasOAe 9a an automobile about noon today at ported here, but olyRout the corner of Tyler and Central streets. developed Yesterday. The accident caused a considerable crowd to gather.. The animal was Before ta ioisrt 'ti picked up. by Dr. Sherman, the veter- stand sinsn s l e i,,,.. DANNY DISCOVERED BY HITTING THE KEYS IT MADE A NOISE Cola g4fr-444i - 1WA4 1 1I \0" E so60soewhe! By. e, 2.. t, Z"' -; - r w IUENDS 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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