Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~stel~e~tiwevr, hehome of Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Roush. i sed until it was really Cte street, S. W., Wednesday evenoa man, and it bras og. Ljetocafer UIRRDCOSME-e ular schedule, and the bers of the American Junior Red Crosi:stem was organized board and all committees wilt meet ins; to Mrs. T. Etew. today at 12:45 to-har'e luncheon anda Nelsev. Mrs. F. 1:. business meeting at the Peninsular F-. A. Baldwin, Mrs. club. Ilra.:r. C. Dennison, eli. firs. WilliamAl IS MISSING TOOLS-. 3. Smith Al M it. isell. Mrs. 419 Sinclair avenue, N. B., reports Mrs. Robert Shana- that numerous tools have been stolen lanche Clapp, from his store at 639 South Divisiot?ption of short inter- avenue. Detectives Young and have continued ston have been placed on the case. Uc-eivsery department. JOINS MERCHANT MARINE-Arsapplcnsented by the end J. Koetsler, 818 Dayton street.. ci Peek. Mrs. George 'V. has Passed the physical examina-.I..tDennis.'sMrs..' l a Boston and has been accepted.Iodfr ut'nPluten, by th United States shipping board "t tr erOa, for enrollment in its merchant marine MissMay Murray. rnn on and Mrs. Frank T. triig ships. POLICE SCATTER GANG-T~ p0 -is oa4'y the rea:ular ieswere called to quiet a a o ne11cc \(r r- every p-rees which wa-s concreÂ~'at~ig at DeI w i-lisho drives, or Li0artir's drug store Sunday afteroe cmtersgenes service. noon, but con seeing the police patrol cuiliaires have taken arrive, they deserted the dIrug store iccorkawbile all the and "besst it';.Cress the bridge. auxiliairy-committee regout or emergency POLICE HAD AUTO -Allen Prici ite auxiliaries. left his automobile standing in front sif ork ha ndled de- c lHey-nap's store Saturday night egri.test imount of without lights atti fotind it gone Sunc.-"trip ahich h:.s day moriiog. I-Io went to the police to o3" miles. and the rep~ort his loeg cod found his car in r 'i. person,.As tar front of the station. Thomas c:. ':0 -J i'cilndi the Seisutto of the pol ice force brought the '- to i -ii es eIn one cur in on a violaiiion of the light law. ";,wo,:7stopping BODY BROUGHT HOME-T,' boily of iliorge Lucas. formerly a~n employe s-crk withI this depart- if thie Lewis Electric company of this many to whom I am -,its- who ltied of Spanish influenza ten arseistanno. In the while vo rkiog in the shipyards in a1 w':+.# involved, two Philadelpliia, arrived in Grand Rapids t. Men. Prank Leo- Siunday afternoon and funeral service-i has ri'ver gone off will te held at 11 a. m. today from tbi sinec it was put on family residence. 2140 Horton avenue, Crone, sod N. A. Gil- S. K. 1-e is the son of Mr. and 'Mr~s Jahn Blodgett.Mr. J Richards of that address. rue of ill the delis - b'-rra c ecksnduringl c i- up last acotr 'k.1 cntire credit Isdue,~ to ~ lcs('my earand Liet.Donald C. McIntyre, stationed l~nollif ihr- Jeliv-rtes ib.- ri-colaridelivering at Camp Humphries. Va., is home on ai dav.- s ly. v-xcipt I pve of absence, visiting his parents, meai Ibis ronicoosilii-. M\r. and Mrs. George A. McIntyre, 32; ilenry aveoue. S. ItE.licut. SMclntyre ra-s brin In the adjutasnt's lace: of the ocele smile w'bmn they.Siftb engineers training regiment. but;iha $_7 outfit yank-- cipects a transfer soon and to en overeker c-ct of the water. seas withIn the next two months. D-- - --..._. '..."w~..'-"'"- Lr. saaaers tath was to omnen-li inj wILL E AC - pants spend the winter months In the course of it he took Ote-aict to LLVII LLU I smaller quarters, take a fail out of the fallacy thait a (_) It is estimated that at least 15 per young man must b)e aliowed In sotw his lCr -cent of fuel can he saved by keeping wild oats. "The idea that a ysoung Usi - the temperature in the house at 65 de- non's nature demands thattie must fl atges intaof7dersFarnethaehsfighsln ncp-sod SBOW'N ED NEF 1 aaisnwstandard practice in resl- cut,' he said. "Fifty yea-rsntco shin a rdences. This reduction In room tem- was ths generally accepted idiei.I t nr perature to many people seems a hard- today there is not a reputable p1 01imany medical authorities ascribe the man a-ho lives a clean orai lift? insI b SE I FI~ n colds" common in winter to lIving In setter off, both physicailly nd rmen-____ too warmc houses. Thus, Dr. Wiliam tally, than the young man who doesn't nBrady writes: Some may say that this Is a free coats C-ti Cu Itcr o fllbtetil funtsswill reAinednvrbhetdaoe6 tr aditithiow ue.ifderees F. for ceofort. Anything they choose to indulge thcmoclses. c~ese beuicflt from nt ocoloctItnt - above that point represents waste and This is not true. hiosevser. It wssssic be c~atest 'Tot-~ils. cc Iiiebswilt be prO'3eatravagattee. It -imply runs up a lig all right If he ahine a-cre to suffec the ltucec on Saltindity, Ot~c. 11. by Grand vl -cawl bill and opens various doors to consequences, bcut eveny- ine knows Itapils lodei No. 4Â~. Ii. P.O0. E., in the t he caming of the dtoctor. The onset of that in nearly all cacses others have to;'Ie - ll.a~twl ecniuu I cough in wsinter is aimost a sure sign psy the price of his folly."istn~e nl ct ecn~uu eof such extravagance." Before getting clown to Ihis nobhlect. filmh0505 sutl ininight. V'asideville Those interested, therefore, in casing Dr. Baiter took occasion t.. toike 'in stunts cvill I.e:iti attractive feature itecuty'4fe ilb ldt pelfrtesceso h iet n th.t~ ithct wl " evda -knots that hs' reducing their room. oon drive. "Dont he fooledo by Ibis lot- tns5:30 toIiie7 p. ii.lan~i concerts will -temiperature from;0 degre-es to 65 do- cet.peace talk." he said, -fir no true'e-oiven talc. ctseniit. Then' will be en;;rees F-. they will aleo be reducing swill us' matde until it is made ini Berlin t lci-iicic Is-ict l.c-lssee n tamp tCuster m tiss-ir real and doctor bills. by the allies." t oys. B i nlIeliexrciseso will,,o dein- tt c0t By installing stono swindlows and Today Di. Barker -aill give ftir talks. I cnsl r.slist at 4:, ti. Isilly Armc ea'her strips tre' lealkage from -ain- tie principal one beIng Ibis eveniing cit -cn.atM-ltie instructor at Comic nn ((cuss and cracks cart ho redsucedl. oeclo.k at the Union 1-f gb school. tuster. 1 e 141 B) using scocd. oii andt peat where a father's meeting wcill he tueId. ' scwhereneallabte, much ccÂ~l can be tie Nscict spelt en ' Father'a Re-stion- STREET CR TROUBRLED i tsav ed, especially in the early fall and sitility to His BO-CAR ti lis oprt en acotiuou calBY LEAVES FALLING ON clThe most itprtt.aving TTRACKDS;flCCANNOT STO i~mnning to;c) pen cc-nt on norse cans heS produced by opce-ating efficiontiy thBOYS ILL AT CIUSTER ri c iltccliTO h It.ob--cints,f -wchre tsefloewtIn,.ntSPiANIfs-H- ae hefolo- Ict-it ornc-n ne-I its the mitcllte of the Ins) Bsincre~asing lye htimicbty ^21 WITH SA IS Fu" ii it. cn>ryrspstiks':Ls wence-hets per ce:tt In the case of best asir fur- Ic~ticig cIt:ly-ret vcar. 1cilccc' this c-en he- acconmplished by Thtwiott they altlsat now" said t e-ither ini tutisne commercial humieliti- Several Grand Rapids and western thi- cunciiociccv.5 h,"turoci tlc a ren onr e t~yinlaScicng additional water pans Michigan boys at tamnihCuster have t"cI- eho wsca nlii lci tthe, near s-n thi- finn-t itself. In the- cane of heeii takes ill with Spasnish Influenza. piifinos. -wi'caiii'.. ry vanity stcp e Ict siwat'-rfurnaces acdtional water acecording to aored received in Grand hi- car at lilyeai et ic- i-s-on account tainer's can hIe placed bela-en the Rapids Stundacy. No nares of Grand +_+ fte Ic-csvts. \'- haveci:licard timie c" ttl anilthicofcCa -adiator. where fRapids yuuiths apa ttecsa hy ciiilicc icl:t',illlns. lticillcOtryieg to they swill ri-I be Icotleil. on simmer- list, on tisda cy. cctit'itciii'c-s-rner. cicil hcccciiifli-nn IcO be installed. Mrs. Clara Itatharnha. S4t Davis awe- { lb.- it-as-c-s Ciel~ic,on lb.- i-ar tracks h) The Clis-cloc-.., w-len nue N. N'.. re-c'ived word that tier I duke a slIcpc~ry nail cciid5'.hen Ilhe bccrnins; suc t eol. shrtct be cleaned b~' as.eo~s- tke'.in- as-t ll$, ieii!s oct slipping fre-ilucolly: rd the smnokm pipe ansibtherLeonard. was seriously it u hiron--.-l;:'' ic-p-hesilt^ see that t-ebase bcoitli and asked that shecc cit tis 0 lies I Ic' l.. - -, tie- thi Ithere r' e occat uniet-ti li-side. curs inlIes than.:t block, and to do Sir) it-min-Its inr rt "oat ehoustelhe Joe Galy. 210 Lafayette avenue, N. KF.,thiswea-v c s- i h"-Iirkc. s.tint Iti. fies i n ~ c ec.i ois also in tlebs bac coop ital at Caii c-cmrn-ire- IgiiOn-Ind ctcciticesse fie.-frt"-Lrf~~e te iv - tsserthe ne-an ~f'h-f i- t-eiat then lilateintCuster iiidis seriously ill, accor-ling hcve Icc nevsince the c.ontroller before fee S tefiI-har: e incISc' front cf the fur- to a telegratm received by his father t crc-on -i "".-hrncivbt~ca iln ' il. tiec.T:-voit ntlr on- rmISunday afternoon. ' Wlicn tbc-S onie csciritic slidingig it's the rishs,"al i- i-onitc-il ly tihe- red-hott Frank Gicscbw5k1 421 Second stne-ik uol igt letsIcft,t--p1 Iclicep iry of I:N. Â~".. hats also beets taken with Inls.tirelI-iL Tics ccay--" prt sf this vota- enza at Camp Custer. Wicnd of dhisitl- GO'VERNMENT MAN FROM tiletiumcitr- is Icirnnyt. prosjtcclng bulb ness was received by his mother Sunthttt an-I nesl-ilnl: th. aounl~ct of smoke day night. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR TO ant soit. 1) Whenever e-dit air is new taken BURTON SCHOOL FRESHMEN SPEAK IN G. R. TUESDAY froam te tb 51iilithire -bauliad be an in--____ side recdtin ir ipe installed. so that In ORGANIZE JR. HI-Y CLUB NItll icientt.npecnavait leacst cexcr-n--mis-litol ee-oather the N.1,,, nlrPirpeettv clfitele 11ii- 055 rci. - c-itl cd the}list- -of tis c isc'-A s'r i t it icshiicn at V'cihair furnace '.inul~ly f,-il ci ih air from A junior Iii-1 club, to he compost- i 1001--i. 1It.V.. e-ill arrive hin(i-acid the in-ide n-f t-c- hscsiof members of Ice freshman class. h:,',;I,,"-I'-, I ccSc...itoilinress lbs eel ieIts mci os cc iine a L-citeleir.tlatlcn ben organize-il at thel Burtont'silten -i--ilici~tl- 5.5 15c-cIlandil ctncc acliscens in the- biccise iSor- -awing os telocan0with 11 charter members.liei-icry i-nil ll, lltljil -f icc-cs I tie ilricc- eiont tee tire-oedei In thle -ass- if hut-air Yeths has been node temporary chaim- s-illnicll'.- Inv lc linskilledilaicoh at thse Cciroar-cs tht"c- osncc~c ncof the intl man, while the manual training teach.- t" n: ill ipse ci ithcllon it the govair duels Icadinm.-tol lb.- furnace shosuld st at the school a-ill act as lbh- faculty '-relcie-ni Iiociscisavor tis cocntrol the lhe at least s-hcslf t -ach treferably advisor. skill--,lcherub-nao iaoarn iccucie. three- fournths if the total cross-section The club a-ittlmeeI es-ens'Tusay * kil I-it ncainf tacu-v are tusked to st all the ticatici-.pties tl-ilng fronc the noon at the' school fer the dhseccseion I," ris-I c-cc isis -lase itthlb-Aasoslafrnace I-s theoats--snrras. of life problems and together weiithotls- bl i t -I enieiinic. as iita-ill help the Increase Circulation. er clubs being formed at South,. Union everymncc i ic"linesnient time to When the' clnculcticon is good there Is and Juniorn High, -aill meet once sems- iv t:t, cop.-ittion of the manufacsuicient cot-I cur iccncthrciugh thus month iII a-combined meeting at the- sun--n. T)io#iciutliftcternsof trrand circultstil'-S;Emar oflis-f I urntace to Y.;M. CP. A. lt "-"*clIcct. -5 licuwi. loria, Beidaitnurti Icc-a-ic-:ill tlb- i)t nunoduucs-il by The charte-n members of the org-aol- ir', ~e.t nc 15.1-,- tecliils aod nutnertic- fin-.. (in1 ts.-".11cc,-c tool, if the cir- natioin;arc: Burton Culver. Victorn s' -ih- e r-cliiicrly tsos have been inc"ulatiuin is icon te clsagnant cor in lbseStall, Raymond Levett, H arry Vuan nlss, c-:I t ie le5 e Inc-n icnciTuesday. Charles cir-ulaliic -harsh~--nan-I cl-ling- pipes Maynard Morse. HenryYeths. Nels-cn I. 1I t--icc-n. shainocascsecithIe district lte wcilN ti- hItel-, i ists cluei'-roe and Samoponi.Clarence 1-kkens, JohnW it- i-i-n --,el tin thsli troict, No. 7.,a-ill thlisthe1re a-ill the stea cct lerlduccd ma anid lRus-ll Kelly. -i.,ol i ttic- Smc-hng. which }I-msses up chi c himcsvv. __________-________ IVthell thi heailtimg i l"m leading from BOY SHOOTS RIFLE IN CITY; -- - - tiic.-fetirie to ltce scuiccies rooms are 4"40411 when sciuchec itoustce hantid it BULLET ENTERS HOUSE BAD__BREAIH shtis lb- cirnub ci ic s ";il- ic, h- ut________ if lie-y an-neeny lit it sic-ccs lb' cir- Crrlwa aretdb th -ulatiun is pou r ccii liull1-c;inc Lloyd srolaa arse yIl Thi--weatther nc-n doesn't seem tt core YNSS OK 0 lice amontg iatielils afflicted seills bowel anytinsgCur popuilarity. YAK IiFu,,000 and liver cuoplaint scith the attendant bait lcreath. YOU SEE ONLY THE DOCTOR. CIGARETS A MONTH Dc. Edwards' Olive Tableto- are pureWOMEN AND CHILDREN CONSULT WASHINGTON, Oct. 6-The Yanks olive oil; yout wll k-ne-c them by their DR. S. CLAY TODD, SPiCIALt8T, are smoking from 5.006.,00 to ltOORo I olis- color. Take one or two es-cr 316.Msvsr. Avenue. 5 a. m. to 8 p. mo. cigareis a month. the quartermaster-t4Sigtfrawe ndntIh fet - Adv, corps announced Saturday. ietIoas-etnd oethefc. an hias-marketed 80 t e:ir. wthlle last yeart1 Apple picking start. top Is expected. I tarre this year and 'rps in this locality women and school b nd Saturdays. Dark homses are not is they are painted. WAR AND M Nhat Many of the Sit Learning No Sto many doctors h he services, of compi vallabte at home. Gooid proprietary m 'idet9' used than cvi sore people are findi heir mserit is. At this time, sehen esd of economy t beod's Sarsaparilla, sirifler, teptiron. a ron tonic, and Hood et mild cathartic, at nd likesd by sit who These medicines ion dcent. wehether lake ur separ'ately.-Adv. Atteni Sure Protection CONS WILL THEREFORE WE The 37 I They ccitt be ann Safety Signals prey. drivers are demani Equip your car teds SE AUTO II 2' Report a FAILS T HA~;t C lo th e s V a lu e E a e o e a n n a honest short profit policy so as to double our volume of business. We bu' only the best and sell it foi as little as we can. -ce7E HE e.: er Suits anc Overcoats are consider' ~~ed America's best tailor-... ed clothes. ~0 $3 $4 M ANHATTAN Shirts have ar ind(ividuality that yoi. will appreciate. acme ofbo ehee 2.50 t48to0 $10 )ME OF GUARANTEED MERCHANDISE, r y Ir Only happe drive ing day set 0

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