Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~smilth, J, m iinsthe h1e. rajiW i'44 their waiting. tuainee. OoiIcrflbwith t Smith wry asocifated presented, in the funei rhe following officers occupied automobiles of the PRu IteE [olin R.. Barnes, George H. McIntyre, H. 'M. iM. S. Romney, Edgar. Tingey, kJ. H. Burrows, ThomasR.Cutler, W. W(: Ar txru,ze~x, wn?n, Tr' Badger; WMn.B. Wallace, James tie o Cu refo an p, Murdock, Thom"s Smart, undergone wilei euhgoi Beneficial Life:lnsurince Co.- nab ord 'ibout his gonbguea retktnR Lorenzto lto l, a M.BPeulrose, E. T, to W bin gto 'il' R * Ralph, Junius hRomney, prank' Mop kuin trtintwo ebi ti i Iv*te ler, Dr. Calder*-ood. tsig ndter -# 8pe M* n " ZIoKIS.;SaInge: Bank &.Trust -Co dand Secy. of the Trtwsr. 0. 0. +e-be, John U. ennett, A U. hen the noted oiQ n er, i'Iui4, 4 Woodruff1,L. MX Cannon, his plae in the cainet'w-fi4~y~J The dliectors and officers of the the appointment of l big nt, c be. tUtah-Idsbe Sugar company Were also Lansing, Mr. Moylo is firs a tut tu ca present, but were:distributed among to Secy. Me oo,.;j tevrious, therb. s~. with xrngmuch of..rhe tfeyte t isf. - - - --rr -.w. s -SA i _ -... fIEFOISES 10 fiIR dO CLO1IhS.1 F!1 01'DMT:efllher earing_ w.s. eon-. Loirng and.:it was%,an., thie,city' sommznission. will per, of 'the. police forcq,. d withb.ptet lng a man' linuor' ito thecity,. ret-;i ty 'in his owrn behalf,: hatt he. had.resigned as. a because be was con d Mado. a mistake. He he d id not know that )ntained:In the stilt, case eU, wife' of the -man- who under -the. protection of fight Into., the cltr, er of,Public $Sfety M. L.!d that-h had. received er's resignation. I e;;.ld Police Browntig "bad' *ug~ Wliher' be -,suspended, but asnot.taken until an in as made, which 'resulted~ es being brought agalnilt apt. Mohiman testified EKeilier say he had made 'ACED' CLOSE 3,1 of a man on horseback to a- fistic encounter In the inty buiid+ tgrounds last hich orienital 'rug dealers tur n ure "'u, L U I ~ b t U ~ i o e e a d DBN K D 8 M 4 D iT h r e e M burned 'to "a crisp. Mfis. P.L ter be.. ~8' 'yar. od, 1, Arsztab e'avante. lies at-= t o.pelht-.f dath in'-,r's. Loa~ pital 'aa _. 'eu1 teftheÂ~e sicolo oof -a t uanntmy Oofcail il w th which she wa ttmtng,to star t the ire:inthen range at h ler bome this morning. Mlrs. Petersen was alone in. the house with.her, five small chnildlren when the Ox piosion occurred, and thte o tos were bure from her faody bofre the flas cors uld be extinguished.,Tuhe cr es of Â~the cehildren aroused the netig;hbrse and;they called a.physician, buc his,machine broke down on the way:: to tebton. and he immediately notified1 tepolice. The womlan was taken to te emergency hospital In the police ambulance- by Patrolmen W. 10. Jukes -tn.:rank: Tripp. After first aid treal;Thent had been rendered there; she was removed to the Wd. Mark's hospital. Whlen the iolice arrived on. the scne, all the woman's clot'hes,-'even 'o her shoes tand stockings. had ''been'cauni.-su e=bthe flames.. Everyt h in ~in la nnablei t'the room,,:.tihepolice say, hadl caugtlht fire,' and had been. dragged to the yard' by the neighbors, in the nest rroom rs. Petersen's baby, who is, only at few mronths old, was lying on. the. bed. aide wa untxn~ure4 by the explosion. MJope of the children were burned, -teskOn many parts of'"the woman's bo,.iy the kinhad eenhorned sot badly that. It had fWallens' off. Tier hair was also burned' frog- her heand and it is feared that she will l 5e the sight of:her eyes if rho recovers. At the enlergenc. hospital the wome n was- swathed In b'erlsaes from heand to foot and tip'a the completion of her- treatmpnt there the onily part of her hohy visible was the tips of her nose. fMe.a Petersen d1 1 net loes.+ensoloesi ees tthe-ante-h the try. htri ttredes and told. the at tendants at tie homait-itht eMw, t esingcol oil to llght. the;fir. 'Th eniie+ say that!Aii ofther childrenn saidshe w. sz'. Mrs. Poteran'r ltttwlwrd is a naied hie e e n 'a1'w:prlife anteie-'dratio-y oh e,to h' -wretk when the e -rlt=: 0t.w olp 0 1"rte i'nea fit.' Marie hoe-pt: it ft rnomon+aild' the 'Womriln l'!4l $tiM';.. +- r 'L "ae ~~' Q LL tasr tedi.:t" La e. Mrs.?ove is "'survived by five a -4~O chldren. Mrs. 3.W. Cier, 'Joseh 'C., t ~i tl Iyrumn,-Georg4 13.. and James,andt lt reVe' five brothers, two sisters and 11iirUnge t gadhdrn eri".Funeral services will be held at the the lead grave; in the city cemetery at' the na.Tecree wl tr tte Y ' residence of Mrs. eiger at 11:30 a.m. P eiand its No Overcrowided Car. ~erfld the. latt In consequence' of 'the order from oman the state boatd, of.hea lth setin' ad nt + limit to the number of People al- tion. lowed for -theo present to: ride'-nste cars, Manager, Piske of theoTaton_ company' has given' orders for menterme not. to stop to pigk up pt -ILU +e atrthe sate number are in E - the ca. -e he polewihigto G R ride see thees l"go'by,without stopping, they' will ktnow theA reason. SR ISUS OI sAE ds7,~ 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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