Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~* ~~pt a flk K~tl lo' b*14.01i wiiovntft.dpw4 ols ' '. ~woh u; l h atdn t e ot) plll~tt {e sc ol ets tt, al. Questlion~ WOZ-X0* #4r'i tw' y p0uI14s X'm &l o be O n Ebu tiu* I..' ti Rn!_. t~ Sast +ta otwc aeverotl otherg will; on o1. unde welsh o k figures are car- a, o # * 6 5.* R R tCOI'itsiw' I n eea ot e In. his nost~Q rooson:eor the ptrmles, thenr.wil' I'" )~ Â~. 4 ~,: O@s a are &a ones ttacked. ''Ain- would WrauI be a 55.~ Ie or mOtflrtiO u to,er 'to prove the theory of rnlrobie sri- poor ealth~. It oream tnirritate then ckin, Yint. il es i ki IW 0..PVV 'YQ ZY,gn u,h - nrs i;o 1. tht atr 't te; u It gut along witlh tah vehs, onsU~b* oo~ ri Itb n *ei)h ant rather eoinmon trable. out them bykpg th complexion ex- u g a.t A ~ m~ie aQhQ 'bkt 1 Te.ele tric treatmets eot.ettectlvep Ia clean 4 in eae of rouaghtness b o ~~~~~~~~~~ ayitui tlg IB OY s e V this, high fre uency currents, or the. patting a little, milk Into the akin. Your s -rvtolet 'ray tr~atmneat, Using v> elne on jcolorst would.e gray, blue, rieSeI, c ora l Ps~f~110 o tle t in ally is ef fec~tiveo to-tarbr_ lbrwn leige, osopper and bhlck. R lack oeoyb hyl The Dt0Slit, of a;U% q toty ' ok 1 vaslinre twhich co$ltenN 0 little car. should chow up, the dark red hair beauti. ot sw ot h t I o a l en int t+t ~&o toward aill:: aii I therefor itleepti ) b~etg fully, o rg~e I{ xi y to it pd P sIbbe. ahair *.pevlallat shoult Mack-.- am wory I cannot give ye. tha foroehhl h j~ be~ons~ere a umnpt~ of ray-givethe tr atinent -one that really kniows 4 names of beauty- prlors or doctoso egta.e'b b, t onvi d r~zed a:~. p r Ir ~ rt eee for ti~ neglcted or tf a va " uch pepIse tot' I anaz noit permitted to. K Ili i and or nl; _rrn+fue & s a ir w hetOr eou'l rite me,ades tll failing h I sa~ rl t 't~ n nd.y~ st u s e A e cinr a n heobi n 1ea o~an iv ~ r f(id~~, ra an Ioa tb given extr L t d r, lo n. {iin * rte io pseay n h betO OIp I oe r n~itt~Iito f k e &e.';a~i dige ted., io-irl hln~ food and an I then rs.sde iw tricur cid ____ r-,s and 8ot th dle toe r~s u Steas R FU;YO RrroME Id re -hchtar nefma r doeter- te~h~0l tI gei and the.ed.plc' ani of an he, adde aid dfiove 1.e nfomt of ophnso asP to at th Eveetin saeieIntdl-tei their el,1' ii8~rdedu it bat a.tetan rn all wit patie, eeto of bte,lu od opeettefumyh~wehrt sagr htcutsIsdmn akn n heccl ftefuapcla odto oflu the aet dtiued through the flui as a- cod tebti oqatroal heal o tha mae an ordiint h- an atr s 1ta al sufien 1on as towattoothnyo e aiordi dieae flt atack any length ofni thes ispeiiae, tefu hr n ner an coditonsle ne Th rete the uatitya o a lu Keoeeoroinmutrfnl h~i wihther flranmk tgmnI ie pcaetemr olie rlmnjie lny f~himin ad usull hesto in pbtut the deasd condition, fres anir r nof air tall, toren sic tocr htddiJsoh b Intt cnec wth lif e nurance o tin iniment r e fbutbe;ter clot breat getu well he mxzhttsten preenc 1r -th- stainers coldth copresls or hot a uircndto f h t he I senc of altmis presentd at s aphaoa rea noheseia orwtflu1 aiY l- onetrbofe th oghsth o'altuad es oe-l r n se slu One sreet ar debsate etstra sental attrs o econideed. ouityte btlievr n histe on offedthe theor maha so muc edcouy1r7 l.tln susac Oert in Oheean rlad men, shlsootewrfonsIa or nar-tadn r~ suffcen durn wht lato epdwei ou have affecterdit th ise toer srousander.Th gr WNJe th saidy t l eoshaened a teasponu ofbe anet nd dr ondon in Inta kersen two orerit thre tmmre l ad sots te mak Ith dhefcad mak!en rigmen- 1t1'au.t _~Â~ae wodtan oiths an exelen effet Thslem-,f known mied alo sugg es that Ice~fey as o a r been used heren byierap tha e whtmiis of so ahe oe I ncin omhlfeisrac ie 'rsons, obter haveh goneat to wapellue. n h a bd~o of seJL fefe bybme all doctdasapiato res oeso eors-g tol Y s m- oe, o themos imprnandea- ne wit xree usto, hotdu the osyeeot ofr dter andstea senlmtest ecniee ensiybyae begliedo to ivew offered tIhe tolr t o bmath A- -., the.... f rst stagesy ooso flt on the onn lb r tdbOwr n O a a ri r a e ee e m fo t ad ice of-DOdw tr driefnro the colepdemaccomplareingffektefishe ortgounder urud - JhnNbl irl saiie of. thee s~e ai teroful ofrein quplaet and wrp- doni of keriday aferoo at thtrdsad Wiefehare imeerallay erally taetd allias od eat Lbrasml al fo theanua ae n axelen goodfort colds thre idew. 'Bte they syestwithagsh Yelecto ofo s are o thos ineten fus cr who eat s hes, ioes $1 asquart and lihfcr weold rath erem usindors, othecr. foos rofteirnatl high, ill~~~l ThwoaCnrgtoa isi ih omadtk ocacso ocn wae eto lfe O to bed ath feshir tha meigh eldn wih'egtto getotvnheteo _ Joa n asoati#11eet thdis afte flue germ from across the steeo starv tod det.J ifl noo at 4 'c.wilockeat th hospitl. Frehiror_______r___n quetan_____a e itFida T ferna he Re C ros drkoo atd hile fresh ai We heealaealicepe yalsago te ac M -o~s Lp8oa chrc,._L.._ ~ A-f~A TO BEIR O s kna d rn't rien"t "n. S Arm It abl fo git. holidays it is-- anounced by Mrs. ----- Iil{LULUt, I. T., Dme 4.- 41mtt I.A ikn, himno h United States District Judge Hor' V. pa.oi seice~ chmimteofth Order Expected to Be Received ace W. Vaughn in a decision rapen The. dervd today ruled that alien JUPt- 1 Tn.-,concert announced for To- From Washington Today, nese and ChieenwsrngI Sday evening by the Sunshine dlub -the United States army or navy red: at- the For D vMines 1,. M. C. A. an_.. actors enacted lastieshpune -of building has been' postponed until Nearly a dozen of the best nitled oes etnacted ulrAd of Friday evening of this week. known officers in charge of the May. He announced that oriental of - Grac Hufy wil ~ oE-artY hospital at Fort Des Moines comingunder the provisions of the 0,s Sixtht rimen are Pireparing to return to civi life act who apl ohimfoctiees to Company 0,Sxt:reie t te result of a Washingtn orer ship, will admitted.I of thseeiga4hrhml2 putting seey man over, 50 year of b Lynstreet~ Italian bags will be age on the inactivre list, virtually eevda h otwl tpoal la completedl and work done on the retirin, t horn f rm all siam uvI~.f0 -,- -__. _f._ _ ____ 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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