Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~~nMsra an TuI - heC~sU An. Armistice and, Pec Ciern Term LidDw by Presid'ent i L HER.OL OF ON.., HEC UR Post Roadprs Requested AtoCForward THE C UR C ES M~~j~~r~no,a Sit' Aal w r T uWqaiest. oyla}h7frn zayo i6,fHno r rts.and Mtractie. They tih,vt ' III, ~*cosntainr the list all, i alphabetical order, of all enlisted men - L c~~JJL.LLIe-1UJ mV.Ji Uncle Sim's war service, with gold stars designatsrtg casualties.' I They serve the double, purpose of a well-rnerited public recognition Geneal losng f te dsrchs i supenionof the services of the boys at the front, and also serve to stimulate Geerl loin o te huchs n mornraig--euntire sseso of all sqr-.l patriotism at home. They are not intended as a permanent memoreter Boston, in 4assachusetts and vices'in most cases-marked the height" rial, but simply for the war period. hrdpahtout all New England this.or the tighst to stop the spread of the BYJO Y_______________ infltuenza and pneumonia epidemic all PES EDI H TSAan e over New England.PLEAbehindIN theOSn ofTE 1VPbVMN Readers of the Boston Post are requ'Psted to send in to the Roll to(h Fgt IrP ofEN Honor Editor. Post, I oston, snapshots of the Roll of Honor The situation yesterday was little in- erected in their city or town, together with information about it. IReunfo1 Continued en Paga 4 State where 'the Roll of Honor' is erected, by whcm designed Painso tO jTf fl I/oE blhid Column and erected. approximate cost, number of names upon it, numnber $1,0,0 e When you think of flowers of volunteers, number of gold stars (designating casualties, if Depttl 4 { uteS -Think of Penn any), and any other information that may be interesting or imEU ~ I_______________ portant. These photographs will be published in the Post from caethre YV~ U~ U WACOtime to time, as suggestions to towns contemplating the e drfromnres SA IH NFU ZA of similar tributes. i gorn Endorsed by the medical profession SPNIHANFLEZ__________________________ for over half a century by itvoidig crowds and washing out IConiudo That mst effcientnose~nmat and throeat morning and Th otefcetngtIhNATURAL DIURETIC known ngi t tTID It is essential in all cases of rag- il. D~r~I Ing fevers or, a,.qounc of its purity.I.and wonderful- stimulating effect 'i~on the kidneys. JT T LADWATER *THE.BEST i'LlPI~~~~rg Is the purest water 'known. AN11SEPT S.--_FIGHT Can be druoLnk lyn quit i~ly with He~alth uthorities, hospitals. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS;erman defeinces with heavy blos Perfe~~~i/Jacs ' t~iseptic properties of BORINU A rmerican and French troops arcln h rn rmweto his t o Has been us in ecery part of and concede Its efficiency as a pre-h otenwllo hFeene o~aeZ~tt Cim teght the world' in ca es o+ifeer where venilre of Spanish influenza- crushing in thsuterw__ofth__ntnudn__ae_--_ithCoum nother waer was ac'cl~rsi.d SenQ" a Magnum bottle tFconomy ___________________________________ package) holding quart to your boy in' Battled -at the Sprinjgrunder the, Camp and buy a bottle today for your- I moot anitry colliiio r staelfand family. Your health is t Foe.salt In any quantit at o~W * gantpe POLANO WATER DEPTIfoalho aJR'k RICI&uI * Sorts Bso oe oLs 163 FRANKLIN ST., BOST( N Bso oelC.:ese h Telephe eFert DI 126 EX E TO A ROOM hVALUESfli OPn ING 00VUO STOQti $1.00 and $1.50. per day. 56 Outside Front Rooms OPENINGwith private bathroom, for men only. Especiallyv, POSTPONED 1 ono o desirable for students and, war workers. POSTOe D 4T eBo5t.nny $.0 n $.0prdy 0 usd omwt i" privatet bahrom peia ats ofaile ad r Rssourcs Over Fourteen MIUIon I {Op.leCterl Only FrtClass Patronage money deposited on or before lT,t' xwill draw interest fromn that date. SO I1 oDpstshure1y,04 Octoe 10,ir 198oOIIEDADACPE COMRCA tafb~isd Dollars__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PA The boat itereet dividend Rai at the Q~rats of 4 1-4% eom ~El.nd terest _'~~I O'~~~. Cheeks or -tdii rmaced to eihrfr nieA O D ODY t m BOTO BUY L1 RT BO D 'O We both inieand urepurrchase of Fourth Liberty Loan Bons feihe caraho n h ekyPamn ln 45%6 i A~a $1.00.weekly for 50 weeks secures $50 bond POSTPONE 11 2 9 2 0 06 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R N badI I' slid LratS wiaith as JI dfC 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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