Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~A H B A D'ate parir,aaq:1 l and PREYE1NTjGH JUNS rMAKING FIGHTCe FROMHFRG ON JNLEZ EST Quick Movemet Which Medical Aid and Nurses to Characterized F-aer Strat- Be Mobilized to Cornknd egy Now Hadl~cappe&. bat Disease. S!btom fromTh b slouisanStats Beers of Westin Washington, ct. L*-,dArIneaa froope furthering Its efforts tOovat epreat aro prventing the #a h= sittng o~f Influenza, now becotolng, pov ih~n bdyneededy in 5'y many sections of the state, aurdai awy re te r"avtsed al physican Lp l e tt. ~ O g~nn.te s elop ' t ter eoae of sahead of the Nublic Health Brio to dathe swirling west front. ward imobilination of ledlot al SI hoty The Hun has thyowaIn VW'ry heavy combat the disease In oOmmuaiiici moet.. sononratons, it rinp tforuthe safety wmpsuch outside w oemay l~ urdayof te mat ranartm Ueda Gerany Burgeon General Blue'Su of's0wi math n wail41aet. er ininhermay ontemplates the eatir tlon, and hi f O withmthecwestrontpws hepr nueis acting through the rfspocutvs 5St ~ ofAmoicantroPs hae s ooeso, great health boarda. 9o Of that the Teuton cannot do other than The United statee lubtIe Health It te kep hemwhee thy ae, venthoghBervioe. In making po Is. its acioi C h ep themushe Athsy,e ev atenrthhtoward an organised fighit agejost In. thcorofwliedhre frhe otluensa, Saturday wire Dr. Dowline Healy makes the Roche leaders elamer for president of the L~ouisiana State Boar been reinforcements, Of Health, as follows: e11 of Those facts devloe "'ubltc health service will moblize. wo hie-o-StffHarh otoday io with aid-of volunteer m.dcaleervlo whsoClfoftf Hrl weely Sw'wpa 0op, a11 outside med d 5requi per conferenoe, wherein he revealed oombalng prssent In nuensa lot. t we. that more then 1t,860.00 ms have been d-- The Red Cros upon epecflebreivrsao hm ovrrqetfo hse~la emakefvr es onhm uvrrsing eefro nehIs t A noe 2000 were sent-ths past'moath, despite eery emergency hospital cuopplies whist graft the Influenza handicp. It Is eate to cannot be obtained otherwise, Infort: Iliho assume that Ameia's eseond milion all city and county health officers Io PieL. will hays heem ake li yeths our stats that all appaO for aid muni for month Sae's ch ~ b made to the statseb14 thepartment a. He Th wihtO which will make requestf the eurgeon I. ta- Amaerean Weeops re- general of the Publie wealth Sorvlci ithor. infoeemeots is now belng felt very whenever local peed, require. Whes. materially Narsb aeted last week that ovrFitsr~yte bile Health ners the aid America has gives' had Pie- oerawit stah o oftt officers to cc vented Germany from shifting her bat- tribute medical and goe apesnnde tared leglons to Bulgariaes aid. And, In addition to earrythg out tetEtdy eaddaohrseia hp tutoso the Inerlt tsr to what the vest Amertean force advising city andNW. health offi. over. Dt.Dowling weatl!etor and ad really means. vised every phyIcian I the stats. Hi "Betweea the Arenne forest and they also tent each of the $00 lumber plants -The Reuss river' hei said, NinoAmeghtc in Louisiana a copy of oh letter tel, willt army has not only heldt.*Unmy5 to phyilcaaesad advd nswspa )n o renfocenent to ootn bt hs pre In the stats. in o reefocemets o tat eetk, bt hs Ip general the sitnatop In New or ill be drives its way forward on. tie entice leans was Improved -atoirday though i front to the Eriembilde pgsiUiop, wher another death ocon at Chuailty H.e the enemy is standing. The Amrerican Vital and one Jpson Barracks. Tb ' otdvionathtpot etndteol tCh.$tlwathe on o obleme Box, a s55 years. seller oi *and main railroad line of semmunlsailopss one of the vesss which recetly cam fo ~mn otevs s; it otbats ales itm ines "T h eAmerleano have reached a potet chaci pte itook I doctor adu poc. eighteen miles In a direct lHa. from enen aturday. There are now seventy. s ein- that railroad, and as soon as the 411- five ases in this hospital. Three ar *half reetion of the dIrive 'became evident regarded as serious, Tent new cassl Da ermanythrew in its ptha eve:; ~loed a t ck on racks ator talrnes many lsope. withdrawing them he Naval Station, tent at Came Nicholls, nedr0 ed ether pont in the line ad they have and several at Went Hazd Naval Sta. Obeeon hld, there by the Ainericane when tion. There was nobse at Camp Martin fra they an baly -eeedgloh w i, An ordinance will be Introduceda "In the wors. he aed nd vt-(he meeting of the City Hoard of KcaiiJ "in the wors, he ptedandit-next Wednesday i to provide for reports r* eof Amerian military aid Is be. fromphysicians on all influenza case rfr amn so tremendeos that Germany soming under their treatment.. Km's oldgr"I betosa eev t coeti a nt enrqrd aof will to step up sine gap without sitr Dr. Itobin. president of the City Boar a the tax thereby at anothetr, of Health, advises the rpeopis theaw l 10our Marshes review of the.,eeb!e opera- sled oth crowrded p whtle tbl t a one showed graphleally that thle-whole at seI pv n.W.Rbn$dnbr tnshsen.joead...w - 3,000, the 'Testes grit. iesm rashed, 0 the General Gonraud's Tit forbest and rsaethe American Second.Atmy hav ogt t i wag to ibeeasmy defense,.'line inetof.C..lleraage. and bkllngtakes roes, hills doInt,h soh spi ~e uray eoui o fVoles ~n her Th eulat~h dirt"; f ormsbrealend,.. J Uks finthariaAra. Ithe lts t mel4, U scenat d.?kel ECONOMY STYLE QUALITYA I l0 In Pease Promie for A ea It London, 001,t.L--RepoVt. for Swims a and German inewspers indicats a oegreat political disturbance Is goIng en is Austria-Hunary. It ie stated that the position of Maron vein Huess4re,.the Austriaa premier, Is ehdfks and that be is likely to be sineoseded by s-Belnrleh Lemmaseb, who Is one Of Austn ria'e foremost pease advocates. S. Aeserdtsg to the Vesishe Zsitn'. I.Vienna errespondent, the German partiesse anthe Aetebstath areending their t leader. to the emperor to urge drastie ehonge" In the enstitution Is the dir-rectisa of federalieation, with self-do. rtsrcanattea for the Germaanrates in 1Â~ N Cargpsteamer Swabs, S Washington, Get By-The Navy Dotpariment was advised today ef the '- sinking of the Americas ears. steamer r-Lake city off Key West, Blot., Thure* day in coilee with ths American tsteamer James McGee. No menilom es was made of any lose of lfae The Moo; G' ee was sot seriously damaged and {pioeeded to pert.:hGO TO COLLEGE. TRAMI FOR s -i OFFICER - Put the Saving into Liberty Bonds fifty in dependa-ble leather at. $ T 09/21/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R 14 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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