Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~Lydia EL Pinlduam'* igebloompomd. Judg Sheridan Declares -He;. tlun.-"I sffre fr Died 'intestate, on'Petis and was so bad tlon ofWidow. I could not rest I ____ at night-would le ake and TO BENEFIT 'CHILDREN I ol aeto arudadi In Testament Sojigbt 'to Be. would be all Efrced, Most. of Them, about Lydia E. r otNm Ptka Vg- table CompoundI Through ant order of Counity Judge j3 and thought 1 3M. S. Sheridan on Tuesday. the pad"try iL. My nervonsenes $oon tin of Mirs. Ella Sehandein Frank, znmorning and able to do my: the -late Dr. Louis I. Frank. be not I gladly recommend Lydia 0. ditdtopoae wsgatd yamas Vegetable Cupoud toaditdtprbe.asgne. -weak nerves strong.-airs. Do. Frank was one of Mnlwaukee'a }r Srtzz, eo& Olmstead St., leading physaicians and was prominaent u, inn. Inmuic l crcles, having been the Soften do we hear the expres' trt of u usic. streelt tmong women; "t am so nervr In the will. whirh was Siled with the easual tainof sleep," or "it seems register of probate, be made his widow enli ough.1' should fly." Such -exe..'utrla and the sole heir except for Ha wn ac -should profit by Ms.- $55.0 hich went to his son, Edwin in o thi i'a experience and give this D Frank. The other children. Edwini four 1 root ~ ~ ~ ~ J anFbrbreed.. da Philadelphia; Elsa J. Frank, IHe h a rv an heb rmed, LdiaMilwaukee: Mrs. Louisa F. Ott, Mil- one " khiam's Vegetable. Compound. waukee. Fmoily J. Frank., Mwaukee. xpa L ~~and Armn C. Frank, with the army in -es forty years it has been 6vee' Prance. weore not named In the wllibybhi Wa-1 a-w. wn~ filied for rbate. mh w placements. inflammation, ulcer" Frauk asked that' this will be set'saside in, lrregnilaritleal, periodis pathis,- and that her husband he declarad inthacks, dizziness, and nervous testate. ateatlon of women, and is now The estate io valued al about $1,500 -alidered the alandar"medWy for 000. is aimentaALL WOMEN ARE URGED FREE TO '(0 JOiN RED CROSS STHM A SUFFERERS D.:.. __tnuIntuco rw Same Cure That Ansn.Coe Use vanced fiost aid. urges all women to ShaeO'Olae mfart ar Less at Tisie. take advantage of Red Crude classes.} khave a Ne Sigootha cure Asib- "No greater eagoarnoce to learn and tad we want roblt to eeii at our ex- de. useful work. has been shown than N o metier eersour oan is oi we see manifest among the ladles of iadiac or tecems feraommi 'cwhether the first aid and advanced first aid aoeast as occasional or choncuAth. classes for the last year." ha soys. -es shefid sand for a lice trial oforWe01s orssi is i r Dd. NO nttishis chat limate 00Y hnoheecore Infla ad r uer clot rooueau or o-Soatimn. if oumpleted. the individual can safely sa troubled oth sthsma. o,' neihod give float aid treatmnent in any ae of d seaesYou neemoth- Injury, drowning, gas poison, apply Iusoenslirvast to seed it to those any bandage and splints. care for fraumlev hoteless cases, choe ull Icens tore and 'hemorrhage canes, In fact thours. daoes. opium r5reeeiona. utenreIchgehy e.atentsmos."et- eto. hocf tailed. with a gradaenreichgete rant is show everonm at sur osnex.u would he valuable asistasts in any that this sew nathodida eipned to 'hospital. During the present shortage 11 difiloelt beasthing. all cemlor. nd of nurses, these first alders should be mse terrible a osm a one ad fool circnaon opportunity to help." raS hei o orutI c Afternoon classes in first aid begin tiedue tvitcto tu the bo= on Diii. 24. and will he held oil Tues. siod altoe. Seed so mn..Sue- days uaed Thursdayi. Evening classes all couon nu tsp. Ds it Todas. will be bold Mondaiys and Wednesday nights.. tegistrafiockf for these classes arc being taken at the lied Cross of. F ASTHMA ('OUPON! fee, on the eighth floor of the Gross i. ASTHMYA Co.. Room i- 8.'T building. 123 Grand avenue. cs ad Bodeoa Sts.. Stluic N. Y. A coil for 500 pneumonia jackets for ad fees trial of yoar method to: influenzas patients In bospitals was is. sused to the Red Crones surgical dress INFL jInfection. Now Sweeping thE United States. Resur-- rected in "Eurolpe. FELL HEAVILY 'ON SPAIA Present Ruler of -Spain Wa; Atacked With;Malady. When 3 Years. Old. WASIIGTOt-Spanish' influenea public health-service acientliss ehaeve, is very similar to the epidemic of grippe, which swept thea.cooantr) during the winter of 1181- and, 1890 Very probably, the Infed'tion. resurrected is Europe, and after sweepine the war tsrn countries,. now has appeared in the United.- States, hasL very ancient history, taking It bahn"..n1iln~.t nAT-it Nor-,. 1..,',i. ( [.. 1 t ".. "....... 'loig deportment on Tuesday. and all toree tnan tor nundred years 1euore workroma were ntiled to concent- C The best means o treatment of '''.'...".In-."" Iaeo h akn ftejces Irat oothemakng o th jaket. iuanes oases were 'hommunicateod to ""..""."________SUPErIOR APPRECiATES i;eo, General Blue through the Asociated Pressl.'wlow,.Gen. Blue has OFFE OFASSSTAN E isue a eaflet whiskh tells something OFFEaOFASSITAN E e strange malady.. Now Principle in The htliuvaukee association of Coin- It seems pbsobablg4 that. i lt9. as: Complexions Treatment jer eevdareuntlga rmwas in eastrolturope," It says..By the Superior Commercial cub i an- April. cases were occurring on the evver to the otfer sf help and oiacialj western front. In Spain. according to 0 non' ue ninvicbes~ rassistance to the forest Are sufferersreot.3prcntfthphuato atiltw. T e 'lur te o. en ocni- sta epot,3 ecn ftepplto 1517.Tes,to te rore nd ret-of the ntirthwestern part of the 'at.cere attacked ini May" The tile epifer n ra evenct c. r: ttes sinm The telegram from hSperior was demic. starting in northern Europe. tterm nih elltiniiito saion and Â~aigned by N'. d. Wingate. preident ot~hiso fell heavily on Spalhr, the presSthe shinuto sod 00510aasu Ther to - the Ctoumercial club and Mayor F. A. - sot ruler, thea 3 years old. being one licailns-mecoltsed w.-c-hiob set. Baoter. The text of the message Iso the first attacked in Madrid. The an ently difrnsit eotele Owhid.'nlfSaiese lo nhv en iff hrmessIthuthemwha prp"si folos:"Our thaaks extended for oiler offco- Iln fSani adas ohv en oremoving by absorption the et takdIn the present epidemic.. The asfdesd paneicee of o-sof-elim se cen i operation and sympothy. Situation 'epidemic of 19111 W05 at lts height In halthyonote in the porei. Thgistc-ol In hand. Suflltent fonda, cloth'- Germafly In Juneanod July. It has ocrr eem irnsiven ofet ~ach to the lIng end food provided by Commercial k'.eeareed in practically every section sxoe. difrlin i ise eat tro-tsclub with aid of Red Croonssn imeedtteipngei maltbc~en t lcota. Mt:maolipreset Ineedo. Wilt cell on you If 1orevailed in Stay.June ad Ju ic erosreble at uco dorb ten str needs demand it." ''Outbreaks hare been reported from is NMei~t)stioI'apliat i sh Ilke:!various sectIons of the United States, rea ad rteh~donInthe eorning. AL EROT F.GLASS - butkthe spread hasennby numatens rewact prnctslo Is the tretm~ent otf rLttii e rapid as In 1181, vwben the e 0024 t~-te1tratnothe 'anc hitit-ItateDIES O P E MONIA curred in A rerIca almost almtul.ishc fly oiii -9.Atr Ie 0 tis hgnoum. na ______teneeul 'with Ins appearasice in sn tv dl'eulcien a uro tot ocdeoeo westernEurope. VC n is haftcpitcitohhazoel -Ads:o- - frlouto Albert I'. Glaes. i3 Scare "'The symptoms In the pretonkt pan-, Â~Â~t ______________.. con of Sheldon J. Gloss. fil3 Shep- defnic have been ant ucute onset, often 004 savenuc. first vice prenident of the very suddten. with bodily veiloneos wt trmpseepilade. Slaryland. artth r- elsewhere te body. Vomiting ntay:it if Spanish Influenza and pneu- ha a symptom if qneut ant!dtaizlnes A,+ (',vmnia sit Tuesday. aocording tn word 0u frequent. Chilly sensations ore A NY AG received In llwaubee f Glass set- umuak. and the temperature is from '~ ~ c s a:,t..v-lo,. liouccthatlutI listed in the trtggnalcoops on Aug. 1, 1005 to 104 degrees, the pulse remnain. ''oadec eoat tnhp Yome ltits117.IHe woa agradiale 'if the North- comparatliely low. Sweating in not to goool oodl,c ~n.dsoud wi l dlyse, weero MItary academy. Higfhland infrequent. The appetite is lost. otid sicato SAt. taot-h the kineys. Park. Ill.,inil Lehighihovetrsity. La- protration is mocked., Constlotloit ridneoci rvthe mito 'l ',erork'd or Sugh. Pu. fluoil rorvices will be held Uc the role. Drowsiness sod photoan tbe hotn ea..'olh. tiey i ee lribat Rose Hill. Ill. photeon e onmmon. etuat the eti-sa luc. io out'-iThe facto usually lasts from thire e'sharliie cterand ellir-, I-hei H OnLIJAthilt FOR TRIAL, to five days; k-ut relapses are not toittlnacy l,:,ioi,-.. t-itn rticiovttic Murb Reudehunli. a callotr from the uncommon, Indl complications.,ipartic-,oi set tin irii.,ti~iie.hthmoo '-aunt Great Lobes Naval training station. olarly pulmonary, lire to Abe fdeird. tur. deeotou,sand at-u dit urn 'cas boiund over to Municipal court The deoth rate is usually'-given as Iodic Brit '.rse. when he was arrolgned in Distrint extremely Stew: hut in the. latter peedo the Soet wiiO, of tiosrish hid' ost Tuesday anornlng. rhargnd with'rinds of an oiutbrcak an incsreased doie I, 1-41"or.itnoo ~Intisnhe mlloxi rly stutlbor of deaths.,rsnabydet tek. blob colo.!'0.'rete setyine, loessprburglars'.ptite. Iad'cnatlee.,ro oticnstien comnplicat~ios, has been reported In not wart ito tile coov ITe' - **~a Spain and in the Lnited States,.-Beuse at monrn,, ducnirt on- u r" 1H it',mmat.Ioniof the middle stir and oarStltic twt, l,.l a too' liti.J oi l I a dscwoslioce may follow the diema kill Ct-ti-'c"--, "r+"t-i.u"c ion LF O F HN ibtore use 'totr it-i liute' r cZi ca elnoittIcnitic -mt lit.I 1flcDoes't hurt abit! Sore comne BRISBANE PURCHASES - dr nose-theyn'tiicii.liinot ro ncvi'isoee " )refunided. Bt h u rr11to get i.ililD lift rgtof-ihfnes LL None trtoisrmooito hi oclid- rgt f wthfnes THE DAILY NEWS Magic!. ___-_ - ~ -Announcement wee made n the 'I SEE mci ACE IFE CALLS HER M~tCO EFSESays He 'iWould Rat~er Freeze Than Buy' -iFuel. -The case. -61 Bertha -Boettslher, I years old, who 1'euing her husband August Bosettcher, 63l years old, ft divorce on. the, grounds of cruel 'asy inhuman treatment. was adjourned ft one west -by. Judge Jobs -"J. Gregort in circuit court on Tuesday.. Mrs.' Boettcber testilied that hi iueband was mistrly said aithoogl 1 rWrH __ "StLW A ' I -a' iThini 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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