Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~e spirits, and l_)own on Fourteenth street they, of South Grand Rapid. reeive, on the vace have revived "Ten Nights in a liar- promises before annexations and that. ris ready to room." and, it is going big.' Little,all we hove had for our increased tatxesg provided she,'Mary died and died and died..and olc.n is mnore promises with no improveissacre 4rivi- Joe Morsn. pickled to the gills, sob- ments. Where is' our fire protection? that F. Zies- bed over the table while his chee'ild We are promised a fine engine house the beauties ' delivered a farewell sermon on drink, and equipment to give us adequate There 'was not a dry eye in the house ire protection, but as. yet we have seen~ a noble bro- atI the opening performance. nothing. We were, promised better ow " it is be-j streets, water extensions, sewer execognized by This is the true story of a New York tensions and many other things if we, haltfear has, busncini life.' would cast our vote' for annexation. theory 'which A hman triangle-the financier, the We voted accordingly and we are now end Dr.,,-as- eat side barber a~nd the red-haired awaiting for those things promised, I me that he tolephone girl. which are now farther from us than orating table The financier, head ot a vast enter- before annexation. heir fea~r. prise, used to go over on the ast side The voters of the village of East h regret that to. be shaved by an Italian barber. Grand Rapids should profit by our ex.. aver and an. Finaly he gave the barber a place m3 perience and vote against annexation. France. and a saless.,-The telephone girl 'and C. ST QNE. - the evenin. the bar'ber f4ell in love. 208 Albert Street. S. W. lj g.Nvi and Mo roan A few years ago they were married. a, Ut~et. - three songs TIhe en-barber hase just been given Ofr Cf)Ol~ it Blnrhant next to the highest job within the gift Editor of The Grand Rapids Nea % so home to of the.big enterprise. His old eus- The Information given below wa' di. tourer, who gave him his start, has taken from the Pittsburgh Dispatch ofLI ular cartoon telephone girl have country homes, is worth. Coming from such a. reto the for- town houese and lHmottsines. and are liable source it should be 'given con-;t prominent, patrons of the opera.- They do not sidoration: " mated Bits-i speak to the financier. Why should' "An absolute cure for pneumonia the shekels,. they: has been sent out from the omce o'f I the surgeon general of the United ________-- States at Washington, D. C.. whlcr',,,,,.,....T- government authorities say has proved M 4ClldlIts efticlency. The government instrucon J~o~r a ~" 'Saturate a ball of cotton as large -r frozn their as a one-'inch marble with spirits of;ibc coast to jIN THIS PAPER 'TWE NT '-FIVEh alcohol. Add three! drops of chlorobarlcation. I YFATLS AGO TODAY form to each bail of cotton. Place it - ty. of coring bet'ween the patient's teeth. Let the wtseeapainInaetefmsfr1mi-nderful, new Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnhart will utes. then rest 16 minutes, or longer-, ion was the leave soon to spend the winter Ins if needed. Then inhale again 15 minwn by these Cubs. utes and repeat the operation a~s il' 'or. Every rested it times. The result will be a4h France The Law, Students society will be that, the. lungs will expand to theirl':u.1 fghtlng. permanently organized tonight normal condition. In 24 hours the pa;-, nd% cheerful.1-60. ti6nt will be out Of danger. Change heir d were cotton often.".;renet whom Aillargnde deation of oca rieze~l The treatment Is simple and if any I before de-wilatn thdeiaino 1ree of your friends are attacked we won l4"" Memorial Hall" at Ann Arbor. gettstyuivthnthre~ea were suedor etat u ive ise gient'~ eerlwred.rsethttisgvnbtiewill be hard The opera "'Iolantbe." which will be physilcian in charge. RLtADE It. ch spirit as produced soon at powers for charity Grand Rapids. promises to be the most brilliant ama- ______ on the trip teur performance ever staged here. Can't Explain 710 4 r y were lead- "I had terrible luck ins that puks" nariyr-;TlSPPE rE'," exclairned Piut,TI~jte. rngr of a T, T '. WNY"I understand.ou wogrs-'.'so oath to en- AGO TODAY von'. Lwyers with "What's, soney, when' your reputarteered. A The senior girls of Central high are tion's gone? I held four aces three 'our farms. retiga n"all-feminine" cas times in halt an hour. and there ant nd arratn4ed tice~set fo th frsttiei ath ss oy obeddy that kin ever explain nothirn f his familytce o h isttm neh oy of the school. like that to his feller citizens in C'rim. private-A o n Gulch." Asnociatlon Germany, while pr'otesting ~neutrality. L1gbIt"" continues to meddle in the 'irls peace Bacon-Do you know anything about, -comnmision's affairs. light? br-uetig " ~Bacon-What, for instance?. 'The first sugar bounty, claim against Egbert-I know it moves. 192,00x,.-,..chritened Michigan is $14,325.91. miles per second. ships, - -y Bacon-O7h. ynu've been studyingo Ci"'rDs' To "Jim Over There r _ 1 ' MArtaa " '}rf.r. 'f,tiewvj i J. r p't _., V..... NovY. L. ake: (Irea./y d. a...,. ebR r' q vge; f &.f~M..r,p. ' lo. okiae4" g at," -"~ip. 'Se 1 Jt..h _ "ea me. t~ebk eet. y~r /R' that the gof. r {ernmentJ doesn't need. ", i, aw b.... D. 1, Be, ts: (. "brwetee1lag am.ora lre ''-'e eeter "'- IiT. A " ~~at HA. 1 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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