Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ices fined to: lh#5chnme by' s&IPLt iiiness. a -P tte Ernest:. Cumlng wic has1 served i France With the, T~ddl. Viin epn4t i.bii -bscity. ]E unit.did not have a cha~nce tge.ttefront before 'the armistice At U.$4; b Block this -forenoons a tel-- ephone iLartn summoned a portion of the.Sr department to 10)0 Fulton at. ola light chimney fire. No damags' First Class Machinist Owen Co:..nephew of Owen Monahan. the city messEnger. Is spending a 10-day fur-4 lough in this vity. He has been at", tanhed to the Ul.S.S. Sterrett and has seen considerable overseas duty, Upon the expiration of his furlough he will report for duty at Charleston. S. C. At the meeting of the O.W.1, cadet officer. last evening all plans for the 14th annual military ball to be held in Associate hall tomorrow evening were completed. The affair will open at 8 o'clock, with a concert by the orchestra and at 8.11) the grand march GIRLS!MOSEA CLOTH AND DRAW It becomes beautifully soft, wavy, abundant and glossy at once. Save your hair! All dandruff goes and hair stops coming out. Surely try a "Dsnderlne Heir Cleanse" If you wish to immediatL48Y (ittlile tile beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with J)anciertne an draw it carefully isroughi yourar. tsaking oe small strand at a time; tis will cleanse the hair of di1L6L. dirt or aniy eaceasve oil-in a few minutes you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy. dully and abundant and possess an incomparable softness, lustre and inulrlance. Besides beautifying the. heir, one application of Danderino dlssoil'es avery particle of dandruff; invigorates the scalp,, stopping Itching and falling Dacierine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots. invigorates and strengthens them. It's exhllr'atIng, stirnulatin 'atid,. jlfe~producirig properties,.causqe hair to grow long.. strong and beautiful.'feu,'a. surely have nrettv. soft. T~, thea rdl*fdrest, haf meijurned to L4W*u for 'a&brief lease:bfore reporting at. Vamp evenls to Aiwait his discharge,, cult.(f rtOU, Was formerly a mambo.?r,~o G of tÂ~ odSxt e"o# 'a Inent In basketball ac lvitie5. He evetualirwon IN. isrwy U VWtothe rank of sergeant and went 4rseaI wth his unit In the summer 1511. He. was transferred to the 10 th reglclinet and later to the Sixth Inf' try of' the Fifth division. lHe went vg thetop nine times and saw a" great amount of strenuous fighting. Shortly after his arrival in France he attended an officers' trainig school and won his commission. MATHRIMONIAL Mr. Joseph Adien Malse and miss Leonie Desrosiers were married Sunday at St. Joseph's rectory! the ceremony being performed by Rev. L. N. Bachand, O.M.I. The witnesses were Messrs. Edmond Maille and U. Desrosters. DMcK siey--~Eas Mir. Edward.7. MeMinley and Miss Frances C. 'Noonan were married Dee. 28 by Rtev. Dr. 0i. E. W'isher. at hie home,2214 loster* street. 'The best man wes Mr. A. R. Oletmon., while the bridesmaid was Miss Mary 'OBrien of Lawrence. DMoy-5eymeu Mr. Dominick Molloy a~nd iss Elisabeth Seymour were married January I st the Sacred Heart rectory, the ceremony being prformed by R1ev. Wil1am Mahan., P..I The bride word white crepe dq chine and carried bridal roses. ehe *s attended by her sister. Miss Florence Seymour, who wore pink crepe de chine and carried pinkc roses. At the close of the ceremoniy a reception was held at the homte or the brides parents. 1120 Gorham street. After an extended honeymoon trip the couple will make their home at 87 Apple street." MORE INFLUISRN A REPORTED Thirteen new cases of Influenza 'had beeni reported at the office of the hoard of health up to noon today. This makes a total of $8 since the,beginning of the week. There have been seven deaths caused by influenza since, -Jnuary 1. A Cortland woman burning gold papers in the stove, was al out to toss in' an old diary when it occurred to her to look in the little cover pocket, and *he found there a $5 bill,been put away for safe keeping in i#78. Somebody figures that If thle oney had been put at interest Instead', the, $5 would have increased to $30O./ AMERICANS IN BERLIN ' 'o.-A$V0 PHOTOGRAPHS OF' HA 'Sr 0 e, g INGS IN 'VWC$1tIWY,Yd BERLIN,. Sunday t.. Associated Iftess)--' Liiit., ton and?5rlvates Hastop of the Unit. ay;t y y., corps, arrived, In iierrlll chld wen lare sn:eho, e~a )tfs limte't healt. t n ' psIu v ~ ~ ~yio loybteo-peatonofsv ery map a nd woan f te sate Itheretautowcld otalwfre W; as'th edeenbt; communitiesat nte tondiidta,..n assm plea w lado o ibpl w ~ recreaon, as poyofblif Rnepot as lad e asthe 6oe atQ% Terecomfenatios, ahdch hi plannedingsfr naet I o hei4 ideallrereatognzl syatte A iI worof the aedpeads oun te, ofthe chiwd;nt uta simlaon~e t. ', chlMelnfa mase of. he iie ho lme f ochiltnheldt fay o. tril;yofa~etirizes or +ltihe ofAPA stces, int euienot m" endltiyrt gavoboralllowing but coopertof ~ef chre mnne spman', o testr childreauo oschiwlf,, W&0, cildrn Ito fnde red4o&dvse sertesto aent~f M4~O Each Each Each.98.98 rly Each 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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