Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~7 7 Thomas N. UrndaR, Louis J. SoAle, Ltd!," i r + q a, L t 31ofrett, Touts Tay Xtaport, Wilitam e!. lonS 49 1CnlFht, Solomon V, Davis, Cornelius De' Army E E flEAS Y>3at1eS, t'! dnnge, Alfred P. 9hsHR Ralph E. Cho". E. Schleycr, Frederick T. Vaughn, IN!ph A, Stilwell. ErneÂ~pA I A, ypreen, t i t'Isrencc A. Scudder, tlaw R. Htnei Cam pTaylor ' Q a;t ttn, Robert M. Decker, Jo Disease Cases mater, Leonard nalkei, ck, t1 >.. Tved D. Groff, Jos, t Stantdn, Joseph J, hare, Albert J. Atlbridht, Robert C. Alm, MM Taylor, Loulaville, KY~ October Koster, Wstter, b as 111q "t! Rv;:,,' ' 1n' r John William Allen, Wilfrid I.. Ravrllrlfs, 4.-'21te following soldlere have been roe- Kulen, lrroderfeIC Lree"t 4 g" tn.; A Leona rd R. Alch"rdenn, Arthur J: Tfnlttht, gmmendeJ as eligible for aggoldtmen& std dianapolip, Ind, 3y; f;? Roy Iv. Parry, P'rederlck A. Schmelt, tkoond Lteutehanla, ]Held tAr lllery, Kilpatrick, William jeosp Ren use 3 iAdolph J, boldman, Paul T. Healey, John Unltnl States elml't dolph, ]owe, '" the Latest Report at I,. 7.empke, Fail P. 11er+vit", Elias Brach Kinkea d enJamin Ha[rlioh;>Q urc1t P-. Acker, EMeat NetUrt, ')Itlrietto,,, t" ' ' t man, Tlarry Plumb.,Adelgert i. Reilly. Hill, Tenn. + J r a r,. Chillicothe tamp, 'oea>v Wa puk, Herbert R pyttall, Gloryia is Ilaldas, John 1t.0Unrotl, William F. Ads Charier It ii n1 K,ttl+rtd, Iud, Krebs. Aujuat Chitrtas, rlertd 'reL yt s, -Albrecht, William, J New York, ala''ene Cali in I. N. J. I.tchleotte, Dugene Sto t lireryy. ilkln. t 1 Hower, Ray A' ]lousy georye, South Orar4e, Milli 16,C. twka Howard MCCune Sims. Cttea S. Duncan, Al opp, John C. Iantlone, Aaron J. fchantatMr,' New Jersey. Lahr, Herbert G. (F, [, "BI are IY e F John W Schott, lldward S, INnsterweld,,Anderson, Rufus >Stbert, 01annvillo, 0a. " Lawrence,.Warren lda vlnjCalh n, ",, 0 Cincinnati Boys 'Newell B. HarroD. James V, Hamblen,; Barter, Landward Dalton, DotMn. Ala, Oduth Carolina. 4W +;T, " 1 T1 1,awrenCA )T. Alt"tander, Samuel A. arlow, John LouisW10th", Tetae. Leavitt; peorge L*dArr"d ^ ewburY, ^ r I a { tr, rl Amonb the "Viet' Katr, F'rancid T,. Winel, Clyde C, llhh'a- Barnett, Noy a'lly, IDl Camp*. Tel" port, Ddabr. }, 'r, >S,; kJ ill!l Qec d ley, A Dert F. cmlth, Arthur I.. Pasco Barton, Say Aibtrtr IilrrMlr, Tonal l.eentrd, II6tbert Tbemwxy luik!inf Herbert 1V, Gibbs, Frank J. O'Neil.; gentle, L!o.AleSlUs, 0%k last, 111. Mleelsaigpl. r - 1, t,. nn llenrv L, Irruchtemyer, Berg, Joseph COtiists ntirte, Jtenyon, Liob/shuts, Jacob, C }tlllvhe,<ICy. ^ Y r ' John Hipkins,' Berg, rl; I Deione. Frank 11, Melcy, Lovely, John Edvcar, Cb;. Ctt'Iek, T r> s." Mlnnesotl, A T'rank J. Weber, Aubrey X. Norris, Leo' Berry, James Tedford, Hteaaant Hill, "*Is"'-;"'New. Brobktyn, ' ' s, ", e1V Rules, Announced MacDonald, Bunn Ja V. Sayre, Herbert J. IJlppel, Louis '-'T. Iiltnols. Nevv',,York, r. y ll,:, " s., L ate, Thomas J. Brocar, Henry R. rul D were, Edward 04orge; Reading, Major, Ralph Ilow'ard,'OHM', AII a n For Food supplies. der, Alnyelus W. dehuh, Teensy E. Law- Pennsylvania. McAUeter, John Themek; Jabttean,;aflN ton. Frederick P. Wessel, Hiram 1t', I1racliount, Perry, Decatur, Ill. McCann; Ernest Crawrford, "ArdrroClarence iJlyeres, Ft, Smith, Oklahoma. Kendall, Charles R. Brown, John E. Brower, chollabergir, Robert Derritt. )Isrtin I,Arkansas. ", I MoC*rthy, Patric}t. Henry,, elkhltlr elections Have Been Made Bauer, Norman D. Ervin, Jacot 1V.,.Brown, Eclwnrd Terry, dolt Lake CUY, ton, D. C. iecklenberr, Jesse F. Berger, John D. t;te i McClure, Craig, it.,.BloomAold,,,N 11c0cary, Claronco ValebUne, Nt' PaA, i ' " Per,. 1 Oren, Jahn J. Butler, John C. Lewis, Itrowvn, Robert Toombs, Decatur, Ga. " For Yraiious Branches of Herbert I Vaughn; Adolph A. Fitto, IVinneeota, Drie I3n1'ohan, o n 11'allaoe, Harlon, Io McXeogh, tAUkIn Rlcha[AV'"yQ.- a, 'f:p 1 it AIberg Carl Senhauser, James Aurgove, Charles Ward, Omaha, N**Train. 3faveachueette." roll, Central officers' F {! roll, Harry A. Buchanan, Harry G, Eck, 19urk, William I3oMrt, Lockhart, Texas, ll cLouth, CheritÂ~a, Palmyra, &,,. s ",! f ilia tJChOOI. Tawrenc" J. Battoclettl, Harold Peter Burrell, Jitmelt - Natibury, JamdJca, Meyer, Clifford John, South -Soydept s +dk f ',t i)atn frank K. Tlamllton, Robert r.1 N". y ork Miller, Harold E., f N ),eltitplllek, ", " Charles l a Lake C1tY, Miller, Frank C. Dat AID tt Calhoun, Ray Burtt", Salt Ohio. _ -- -- {;" r Fears, Row"rd T. Ditmttnsen. I'rank J. i"ttl,, Moore, PrnCeaa Clknton, 9a allrl+a, Â~, - ' ' sects r Ar, n rn rn: t.Crree Dunn. Carr, Y N, Te&eh ye ' C,.goats, John Frcdetieki, IWII dttp4ta,,r, dr Cllinicntho-, Ch;o, Octal*, lust Artillery Men Are Chosen, Carr, Lewr!s Francis, Dayton, MID. Penns>'lvanla Vey Â~ Ralph' Weston, South i1n Moseley, laaao Newton, Vinton,. y one week ass this afternoon that the t',rnt Y Crleoltri IkMoseley ti411ISarit"Alienrvood: iatdwic ' Y m, '.e mo Ardilery School--James S. P. Robin- ntwpolle, Minn, o1#aths from nia occurred at Camp acs, Royal E. i antReil. Wood Bbwen, Cd urray, - Vermont. and etnce that time nW sole:'hrlstlt t Henry Monroe, rlebad, Nest, Arthur Lermtr, $B[[alof:Gap t ti. yAhernan, Ray Wand Levering, Harry D Drain,, NM ustloa ed. four of them com _01ess Bertram.i. Loa, Clarence F.. Dutton,+ have d 0140Y, John Iiughes, North Blrming Neff. Clarence, Earl, B th*np ( i r riono4 otliccrs and two base hoepttst Paul J. Henry, Willard J. Chambettain,' ham. Ala. Deleon, Lecoci Here, NWW..A1Z1;iqA. Zdr nl W111fam W. Harper, Uvingeton Ross, Coors,' Leland Stanford, Ban Marconi. Neuffer, Belford, Ft. Vyayne jnd' oT Karnes. ^ +: and Sur- A ewtnn. L'hartea Harry. Yidleth an al. Between Paturd"Y afternoon r. Urshk, John lM t:raQ, TJ iay Dt L ber Cool ey, Horace Clement.. Nashville, Texas, it~ta" "++ Â~! r' ' lewrenee L. Whaley, )earl J, Barnaby,: forth Carolina. Nortpn, Paul Brown, booth Bepe~Ind. o y4 k> ottetl b? the vase hospital. From Fr! Rudolph 0. Herbig, Richard F, StevenL Corbin, Earle Arson, Evt-l.eth, Minn, Oates, Cyril, Jack,- Itaatl d, Tax,;R Fr ay morning: Saturday afternoon there Lathan C. Shannon, Russell F Ham1l Olesen, Charles WUriatn, Salem; f(at t;, l!. I Crit'er, R&M N. r},.) FioreneQ, S. C Olson, Haile Dale, Ft. Colline,,Cole<; ' e!re 14t deaths so there has been a de- tort Ray M. Trout, Albert L. F'e"a1er, Cron Walter 13ruce, Shepherdsvlile, Yaull Pate, Elms Barton, Rutherford, Tenn,,, },, u, atdcd decrease sn the num acr Fa}' U. Sims, Raymond 1. Lorton, i Kentucky pbtenl Fforace Halter Letayette, Ind vll m nta and Ind'j enxn situation' Crowley, Thomas Raymond; 1Varhtng" Clarence, Collins -?.' Thepnc'" rets ago von Chaney 11. Ross, Leonard W, Zedaker, Petty, William repÂ~ - --- - - Louie-t7: Reinhold. Edward W. Miller. ton. DC,- A1a5ama. ~J 1e brighter. tut i ntedlcat otn Earl T Ablcht; Charles 1T-Scoter, Em" Davenport, Tirneet Rlnadel., N. t. FfeltYer, Conrade 1.oul", Chicago..a", gown froi;tcse 1) rte croon N. 1 rich, Albert Emil Eckhardt. Davenport,, IIL '1' horn Lelnr B.. F F.. I)uckw uckn'all, camp Davis. Richard Edward, Rutherford,?htIligs, Jackson Marlon, Llma, 7eices, tifachine Gun school-Elmer H. Rood, Tennessee. Radford, Emmett Gordon, Alexander A3 din A. Remy, Sanford George Price,! late Sunday afternoon, after hs Dickinson, Lloyd William, Steen Lake, City, Ala. +!!Â~ -ports from medical of I;dtvarI C. Skelton, Arthur M. Howson, Wisconsin. Aagiand, John Broad, Parts, Texas. Ali? "t, "'had recelvc0 a amaour, James Lo>', Snyder, Texas. Don. Robert, Jr.. San Frah laco, I. Tt Moen thror, t the camn" Ilany }Ceti, Ray E. Brady Riley, James LoYCII, -_Walla_ Walla; Infantry School (Colored)-Leonldu Dourlaes. Ast' anaa Sanders, Ft. ' Y Surgeon I9 Optimistic. Delaina Richard It, Lee, Howard Craig, R'ash' U Worth. Texas, Schwarz, Philip. Jr., New York, N, Y, We are very aptirr!ptlc," pad major I;mntett B. Maunders, Julius A. 'R hit Earle, William rkin"ard, 'Newton,;daze. Shahan, oseph Raymond, Lebanon, Ind, t.buckaall. ''I,t peosed to report this tinRton, Harry Owens, Fred E. Revele, Eden, I.twta.Ruthertord, Senota, Ga. Shelton, Will Cortland, McCurtain, F afternoon that the number of DneumOniA tt'llliam Humphrey, Arthur D. Bow'ene. Fltaret id, John Patrick, 6attrsenento, Okla. 'Calsa haÂ~ clecrcnaeI wonderfully anti ----a i California. ' {I Shipp, I.orn Matthew, Lanevitte, Texas, dl' ',.,,hero are practically no new cases of in- CIACIJ &TI soul B Foley, William Ydword, Fuqua. Texas Sinclalre, Douglas Cumming, Trenton, five n:a. Fourt, David I.estic" Ilouston, Mo. ' N. J, ", _....._.,...._,_ S. i toment t1;ip afternoon agreed 'o'clock this morning., M R. With the encr;;rsging news every morn Attlong Thirty IAt2uenZa Victims To Friend, Owen, P'riondsville, Md. Stnftb, Harold Leland, Des:(olnes, Catnp sierpan Oates, Lloyd Hunter, Como, Minis. Iowa. N., J has goo' to nark Smith, Preston Robert, BaYonn... f, man Die at Cam Taylor. Gartman, Louie Aloysius, Savannah, 'Nt, r1Ut more ticterrllaatlnn. Every Camp smith. Pam, Dallas, Texas,;rwlth a cold s teng isolatsd and g1verl tr:i.!"n!Irt'rCII r) rv[sroerasa, Georgia, smash, Wardney Courtland ' Warblfig" y, Kre t Sp t:tr % goes have been l'alnp Zachary Taylor, Ky., October Gebhetd, Ralph Monroe, St. Paul, ton, D. C. Y ", t hundred and nlnltY"sevrnilllinnesota. Snead,--lsaac-Judson, Centervttle;Aga,,lsecurered t fron 0 ttm F at, bi lleted acid __r parr ha ramp streets are Ce1nC att'!nkird Con additional cases of innuenaa were ad- Gibbs, William Newton, Fairfax, Okla, Sprung, William Handy, Whitney, C;ibt111ua11y, the base hospital from a sugar, Paul Addison. Arlington, N, Idaho. ti. Colonel fl;vcrs, In e ofll-tat t111 I o'clock toe Graf, Glen Vivian, Graf, Neb. stamp, Donald Hugo. Primp 1w, Iowa. Gregory, James Edward. Chase City, Stanseti, Harry Maxwell, Dayton, Ohio.?l] Iaur Duce;wall, camp surgeon, in his night, as c with I 546 taken to Virginia, Ste(nhardt. Lawrence Julius, Newark, +Statement thnt the situation is begin- th," inatitutlon from this cause SaturTtamtoch, Fred, Brooklyn, N. T. Newipndltle ' i' Ialag to brighten "Tell;a to the peo",day. Hammond, Harold Everett, Fartbault, Sumner, Bradfor4 Merrill. ^ Isle." paid Colonel Rivers;,everything thirty deaths have occurred within Mans. 3kg b ea" Iowaand Reuben Ruth fuss. California. w," Underwood. Claude Ray Uat.' (sleek, t;J, P~,. 9. 4 4" a~..l.4* M.-..} r. - 4.,l '.yy..v oj1~. '' ". i: " t' t " /i. + " (1 Yr " d y... '1 '.' ".'." -9. 4 /0 1 F.' "7 "a.. 'V N 4.:' - tt' ''. 0

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