Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ed ad44: he yn: an fly' ed: he; ofC RANrK tJ1NY. Three 'Now_ raven sOl-4i er ' boys are'} reporteil today on Pershing's over"eas casualty list as,bh.vftg beQn *ounde4' In action: the P4 'rents of on~e dew Haven, boy ha-veretiel-ed notifica.: tiom, rom the war.,depa-rtmnent At. Waas htn ton, th at their -son Is d~a-df #omeiwhere in Fr,ncq of.broncbo praeu-?ionta. r eUl~tn, from1Int1Uenze.a nd a, tO iMr h local s14.1or j~oy., w t o was re. p~orted Uin.?.4 ' i4 WMDp re, se ofthe tacker lBet,.se %Kd by '14a59r General. ~4warda.1. rar ito'no. 2r rak~~, r t, r.. board'd WILLIAM *LHRic DS Wiilhi rn C, Rclarde, eon of Mr. a-nd stre~et, is relported. piightly wounded in action. lia i arente have rc&oived *10 -ticee of the injury and.It h;1s been already rnado,1nQWv~ in The degleter. Private:1I iclar'lu' to a mnember o t Co. D. of the +3~n Infantry, and.e l ttd April 27, 1017;, 1-1 is twienty-fol. yea-rs 'of ale 'And. was emnployed at 1Winchester'. Pr,k Tiernay, who is reported ~'~w~,.01P degree undet',n ineI,. icepreseutatives or u nuted. uttes Employment, Agency Touri.. CitynR Up of 'iiose:at NonEssentia..61uPas Starting tod ay, bootbl cks,. boll. bo y and other. af6de-bbdiad men' #n: &initaar Ilines. Qt non-caeential occupationi, are being canvassed.'ere n. tives of the United Sateenpqrpztsrc. rin ordered to report at the local United Sttes em xo n nt agenc reaacy:,to go' to work ijt, som. occpain 'ore essenttial 'to the wi ng o_ the W r. c. beit tMN Ol t Norw i h, travel - liar, eximner of 'the.Unittid Sttett*'ea Fplo a nt,A ', a.und cGorge Mozr eqal Of 4ti eC~nise'clicast abor board: for this Idi trict. are, tochytouring' the cty' 'I / i,, " s:,,:x,,, i. I '. x, ': (.: to Thide local, aren4, for the battle of the of';clots on No Vemtber 'S seems to be he radualiy clear -n, of, the smoke today, asnd 'because of th* flu, and 'the lack of speakers, and the resort bf both'.parties to adyortlaing_ of their candidates, y. the-"campaign in' 'tch rteT"dnnir aitW~ 'W quietly. 0 'Out of the shulfie thismorl liag it apy pears, that Secretary of the Navy Daniels who tail 'ed in Bridge or tr the do'mocrats'l1ast night Came b ask t tbisA Ercity with cankli'dato for Governor BpeL... lacy and,held a talk-lest with the, fai tfpL at 'the, 'state "'ceihraldon tunlttqe " headquarters at thfe Hotel. Garde. TB e seor'etary, waitod here" Until the arrival of 'the 'train trota New Britain which "'brohght;Democratic National Commsitteemana. Boner'S. Cummings, where he S Id.'del vered'-his last:political speech I for this campaign The ' eer etary and 1Cummixngs 'left ':for Washington. on, the. Federal 'express. Oh "the, republican side of the House ICongressman Tilson wrill speak 'both at' Branfor'd and Milford tonight, and' -there will -be-'a meeting oft'the'republilcan town 'comnaltee al. 'the Globe Ill' build~ing headquarters at which time 'it es- 's- apected that 'Col,.II. M. Ul1:man will' 8, talk and also others of the city's alleaders, 1g The 6. 0, P. loealy- Is falling back hisawiiy for 'Sunday, upon the. fact that..-Congressmaan 'Piorelto.'L uaia " maj1or In the United States'army, Is to appea., tomorow.; evening at the Hy-. perien-thea'tre. With the demnoeraties the feature of Sd the ' end of the' camnpaftn, wilt. be the spech e f' Secretary of "Labor Wilson ' eeon ';unday, the talk of John F. a"'Crosby, 'United States district attor-ny and Chaintan;Williamn S. P'oirer'. LIB. In Mddleowntonight, acid the' list of Oates of ' the, democratic. speakers who;.' will talk ' about- the-' state, as already' Lt. 'told in the Register, 11Caendidate. for; ed: Congress, O'Keefe and Mayor Fitso" Gerald,to lked'a Marlins this 'non. _0 '. _ 3~ _Spectators in. Waterside park, Water OD'iN O ARE1'R T OF INFLUENA Oizly 42Wo &eS eported to POarct of Healty Tech,, aid 'ea_ a&e Qrows Smaller as Olea~ ri Days Set In. 'o 'cteax coil wonther of the past two dlaye i.4. vidlenfliy laccomlishing.' that. Which nil of thq doctors,: the. health deportment ' and the parecaut ions.tken by individilt'ais throughout the city couid not, anid that is to bireatk t-h e -.bhck,Bone of the infi tsersa opidemic. There were '4 now cases roportel to 'the board of 'health during the halfday session today and the ' total for yesterday' fell to 63. The number of' death certificates filed In. the office of the.registrar, of vital statist-ics could' not be learned' as the-influenza 'sta-tietician of that department was not in his office today. At the New Haven hoeptaithe total numnber--of, cases has been. reduced. to 158.E 'evan new 'ones were reported Isine, "yeaterday noon -and thre of'. the Inmates had. died of the disentse. Grad0 Ihospital has;but. 26 oases In ill,with-. Ionly one new one and only one 'death[in the past 24' hours. 'There, are:11. cases at the Hospital of St. Raph-selL, Ibut- only four new cases 'had been admitted up to noon today 'and but "one, 'death ' h'ad occurred from the Influerza;at this i-nsti.tution. EX-UJAILER BON aBOOSTSREIL,Ina statement, given out today, cxjailer,'?enry Brown comes out strongly 'in favor of former Cengressni Thomas-'L..R ilty for county' sheriff. Mr. Brown's statement ftollows: "From my several years experience, as;jailer under Sheriff Hugo,* who 'by his humane,, kindly and generous treatmenat of the inmates of the county ja-il has endeared himself to bpth the. inmates 'and the generalI pub lic, I be-' liove.that I am capable of iJudging the kind of a m tan t~os county needs to continue the ofllci enit and humane iey.. inaugurated at the 'county,Jail try S:heriff:Hugo -l -vi f.airly convinced Ithat - on. Thomas L. Reilly, the 'nominee of the drocraLtic party for 'county V1 4n to put f11' ab"Qd. d s lei rits in war s 'rvht or iasaen4l tions into work, that w ill 'grebatly facilitatet,the winning 'of the war., It in. estimated 'there --Are'* 'several hundred no-essenally employed, men in '"this city w~hose transfer into necessary work. would aid the community at.largec Hems1 rof (Oornm i F r~ Teiet Hit in Knee by Shell September26. That Alfred:R.! Phihlips, eon' of Johna H. Philips of the Min er ' Read and 'Tulhick Co., is in a bas5e hospital, " SomeWhere in France", suffering from ra slight shell wound in the lkose; which he recelived In ' action on Sedptember 26, was learned in 'a message received In,; this city today. Philips nas has not ye't appeared on any of the official casualty lisrts and the news came as a: b-urprise- to all of, hIs' many frien&B in this city.1 Philips was well known In hith ', scholo ' cireles in' New Haven, hnvic'. been' atr member o f'th.'class of 1917, N. H.', H. S.,r an dth'e ' f' r; of:the' i'917(J Class Book. He enlisted in' eo. F,of 'the 102-d regiment "at -Yale, Field InJuly,1 1917 ' nd was made' a.. corporalr when- he was appointed company cleric 'soon after-.his. arrivral overseas. Phi-I-= ips 'hag been in eyery action in wh-ich. Co. Ill has taken part thus far and this.:is the first news of 'his being injured. -It' is repoited'.'-thsat his w'ound -Is n~t of 'a berioae nature and he hopes to be 1 baek with his con:any -in the near future. HOPE;SUICID-E "I shot myself because of no hope and no friends." 'gyp That was the mnessage'wrlttexl' en a half sheet of note= paper and signed 'Frank D. "Harros. who'. committed suicide, 'ac'cording td.Medical Exhmivaer.Scarbrough. - at the ' Hotel Strand. Vale Me a thb' 'e encleilne the _areea tenaciou powered I ' hup Tourna l3ritisah co of Yalenci which' defy retire or 's. ption,.fbe In 'Delgli Amearican t Scheldt on I Ghent anid.a the -river at soluthwest @1 ation arou n4 ardous, as t: ed on the -! evacuation st of. ti are in a see 'seuccessful.A of Friday lOcket In -ti the.Argon n tho, allied- tr pet:the Ger and. nrobahb General "o d oen lve Sat through the Boulth fares leansi, have pris.oaners. Alled -am'r 5pOR~e I white T Itoday./ I 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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